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What is a baby's sleeping schedule?

Generally, newborns sleep a total of about 8 to 9 hours in the daytime and a total of about 8 hours at night. But because they have a small stomach, they must wake every few hours to eat. Most babies don't start sleeping through the night (6 to 8 hours) until at least 3 months of age.

How can I make my baby sleep longer at night?

Here's how to get baby to sleep through the night:

  1. Establish a bedtime routine.
  2. Teach your baby to self-soothe, which means trying your best to soothe them less.
  3. Start weaning the night feedings.
  4. Follow a schedule.
  5. Keep a calming ambiance.
  6. Stick to an appropriate bedtime.
  7. Be patient. 
Posted June 19, 2022 by at United States
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