Picture Contest

Babies with pets photo contest

September 4, 2022 by
Having a pet at home during pregnancy and with a newborn may lower the baby's risk of having allergies or asthma.


Congratulation for best entries in this contest!
1 votes
September 4, 2022
Contest Start
October 31, 2022
Contest Ends
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2 per user
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Contest Entries

1 {total} Votes, 1 Likes, 0 Comments

Contest Information

Having a pet at home during pregnancy and with a newborn may lower the baby's risk of having allergies or asthma. Once you and your baby are back home, you'll want to officially introduce your dog or cat to the newest member of their family but the ASPCA recommends you wait, at least a few minutes. When you first arrive home from the hospital, greet your cat or dog in the same manner you always do. 

Here in Ebaby, we want to see and show how much kids love their pets and how much pets adore your babies. If you happen to have a photo of your baby together with your pet, post it here and get a chance to win amazing prizes! Share it on your social media, and have your friends register in Ebaby to like the photo and win!


Emoney award price: $
baby toys, pet treats
Emoney award price: $


Contest photos

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