Alejandra Sierra
by on November 5, 2022

Our children are much more inclined to listen to a voice that sounds warm and encouraging than one that sounds harsh and judgmental. The tone of your voice is just as important as the volume. The tone of voice we use communicates how much we wish for an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and respect when it is caring and inviting. A baby may hear quick breathings, clipped words and extended pauses, these might indicate anxiety or upset. A slow, monotonous voice or a quieter tone than normal could imply exhaustion or illness. You might hear faster, slightly louder speech if you're excited.

What is the reason for changing our voice when we are talking to kids?

There is an emphasis on the rising pitch, greater pitch variation, and a more musical rhythm and tone. Research suggests this exaggerated emphasis may help infants learn speech patterns or increase attention when parents warn them of danger. Whenever caregivers yell, toddlers tend to focus on the emotion rather than the message. It is important to keep in mind that harsh or aggressive language can have a negative impact on a child's self-esteem, behavior, and communication skills.

When disciplining a child, it is more effective to use positive, gentle, and calm tones as opposed to harsh ones. As a parent, one of the most important parts of communicating with your child is not only listening to them but actively listening too. That is because active listening shows your child that you care and are interested in what they are saying. Active listening can also help you learn and understand more about what is going on in your child's life.

How do angry parents affect a child?

A parent who is angry or stressed can make his or her children behave in a bad way or become physically ill. Children react to anxious, stressed parents by losing their concentration, having difficulty playing with other children, becoming silent and afraid, being rude and aggressive, or becoming sleep-deprived.

In addition to causing anxiety, low self-esteem, and increased aggression in children, it can also make them more vulnerable to bullying due to their distorted understanding of healthy boundaries and the importance of self-respect.


What is the best way to communicate with kids without yelling at them?


Why Your Tone of Voice Is So Important to Your Children

  • Take the opposite tone.
  • Ask questions.
  • Make it fun. 
  • Take a break.
  • Be positive — and clear.
  • Control the conversation.


What's the best way to communicate with kids?


Conversation skills for children | Raising Children Network

  • Talk to kids clearly, respectfully, and considerately.
  • Be realistic about what you can do at home.
  • Deal with concerns in a problem-solving way.
  • Work together with a positive attitude.
  • As soon as concerns arise, talk about them.


You will be able to build your relationship with your child if you say "thanks" and "please" every time you speak to him. Spreading good manners and showing respect will bring you closer together; mean words and a harsh voice will alienate him.

When parents use positive words with their children, their cognitive functioning will be improved. When parents use negative words, a child's brain functioning can be interrupted.


Read also:

Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One

Traditional Parenting VS Modern Parenting: Which is better?

Tantrums In Toddlers: How To Stop And Handle Them


Posted in: Family & Home, How To
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Abhijit Chaudhary
it's not what you say, but how you say it
November 6, 2022
Dave Wong
changing your voice into a warm and encouraging tone shows a positive approach and shows a healthy parenting
December 10, 2022