by on January 12, 2023
Motherhood can be challenging for everyone, whether you’re a first-timer or an old pro. If so, you are not alone. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 71 percent of women face a lot of pressure to be physically attractive besides the other pressures and responsibilities that come with being a good parent and having a successful career. It is difficult for women to feel as confident and comfortable in their own skin as they once did as a result of the changes they go through when they become mothers, whether they are for the first time, the third time, or even the fifth. Besides that, there are always spit-up stains, chocolate smears, snot runs, and so on that come with being a mom. Though you might think that hiring a housekeeper, nanny, and every caretaker in the book is necessary for being a stylish mom, it is not. While you rock your motherhood responsibilities, you can start doing some things that will help you feel more stylish and confident. Here's our tips for you!     1. Use a dry shampoo Mothers find it difficult enough to get their kids bathed on a regular basis, let alone to wash their own hair every day, so dry shampoo is their best friend. By using dry shampoo, you will feel fresh and mask the fact that you haven't washed your hair in a while, allowing you to maintain your style and keep your hairdos looking stylish without having to get in the shower, wash your hair, and wait for it to dry. 2. Finding the right clothing for you The key is to find clothing styles that flatter your body type and accentuate your assets, since every body is different. Every body is different, and every body will be different from what it was after going through the changes associated with becoming a mom. For example, if your body type is more “pear shape”, then you will be more comfortable wearing styles such as V-necks, bell sleeves, A-lines, and bootcuts. 3. Whenever in doubt, wear jeans You'll be busy all day if you are a mother, which is a full-time job. You may be tempted to throw on some sweats or grab some basketball shorts and head out the door when you have a particularly busy schedule. You may need to do that every once in a while, but it's always best to wear jeans. Even if you're going to the grocery store, jeans will make your outfit look more intentional and make you feel more stylish. 4. Accessorize With the right necklace, earrings, and jacket, even a plain t-shirt and jeans can be dressed up to look like an Instagram-worthy outfit. It doesn't matter how plain a dress may seem, the key to dressing it up is having a few staple pieces, such as necklaces, earrings, bracelets, belts, jackets, and hair pieces. 5. Learn how to perfect the 5-Minute Hairstyle Having a child keeps you busy and takes a lot of time, so you have less time to do things like your hair. However, there are a number of other five-minute hairstyles you can learn, even if you're a busy mom, that will help you shake things up and maintain your style. Ponytails and braids are great hairstyles that you can use. 6. Simplify your makeup routine There's no time to spend hours in front of the mirror applying concealer and foundation, contouring and highlighting, and getting the perfect wingtip for your eyeliner. There's always the little ones to chase after. You can still look stylish without putting in all the effort if you simplify your makeup routine instead of dropping it completely. With just tinted moisturizer, colored lip balm, mascara, and neutral colored shadow, you'll look and feel great and can finish your makeup in no time. 7. Get a manicure or pedi Although winter is the worst time to have your toes painted, there's nothing like a fresh manicure and pedicure. Even though it sounds simple, fresh nails can make a huge difference to any outfit. Plus, you're a busy mom, so you deserve some time away to make your fingers and toes sparkle—even if you do them yourself. 8. Get the right haircut Whenever you think of "the mom cut," do you think of bobs or long pixies? There's not one cut that's better for moms than another. For some moms, a low-maintenance pixie cut is perfect, but for others, it's a layer cut that's easy to bun or ponytail. You need to pick a low-maintenance haircut that's right for you and your lifestyle. Getting the right cut will keep you looking cool all day long. 9. Be you! When it comes to style and fashion, there are tons of tips and tricks out there telling you what to do and what not to do. When it comes down to it, though, it's just about you. Forget about rules about how you should dress or what you should wear. It's about what makes you feel comfortable, confident, and stylish. 10. Give yourself a chance to feel good Although style is an external expression, it begins on the inside. It is difficult to find time for yourself when you are busy and have so much to do, but taking the time to feel good on the inside will help you feel more confident. Confidence isn't just an internal thing-it can be expressed and shown on the outside as well.   Keeping yourself clean and fresh is one of the secrets to looking chic.   Read also: The 5 Best Self-Care Tips For Pregnant Women The 10 Most Effective Ways For Moms To Practice Self-Care Health And Wellbeing Tips For New Parents    
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by on February 12, 2023
Taking care of your baby is one of the most important things you'll do in your life - and you may wonder how to keep them stimulated, happy, thriving, and healthy. While it's relatively straightforward, it isn't always easy: Take care of their basic needs, give them love and attention, talk to and read to them, stimulate their senses, and have fun together. To give your baby a great start in life, you don't have to be an expert in child development. Research confirms what we've known all along: Your baby deserves love, attention, and basic care. Adding a few habits to a daily routine can be a great way for parents to raise a happy baby. We've compiled a collection of easy ways mom and dad can create an emotional environment for their baby. Here are 5 daily habits to raise a happy baby that will help him or her have a positive outlook on life. It's amazing how easy it is to do this.     Give your baby lots of love and attention Love, attention, and affection in the first years of life are proven to have a direct and measurable impact on a child's mental, physical, and emotional development. You can also help your baby's brain develop with love and touch. How can you show your love? Hug, touch, smile, encourage, speak to, listen to, and play with your baby often. The feel of physical closeness soothes babies, and they enjoy being snuggled up with you in a sling, wrap, or carrier.   Don't ignore their cries Answering your baby's cries is also important, especially in the first six months or so. Be aware of your baby's physical needs, including being hungry, too warm, or uncomfortable from a wet diaper, and take care of them as soon as possible. You can lay a positive emotional foundation by responding to your baby's cry because "crying" is the primary communication method they use to communicate. It is not wise to ignore your baby's crying because it will cause them unnecessary anxiety. You can't spoil a newborn with attention, so hold your baby, swaddle them, and show them they can rely on you for comfort, and you will raise an emotionally healthy baby.   Spend time talking to your baby It may seem silly to talk to someone who doesn't reply, but your little one is quite an avid listener and that's an easy daily habit that can help you raise a cheerful child. Talking to your baby while you diaper, feed, and bathe him or her is an effective way to develop advanced language skills. Children who receive extensive verbal stimulation from their parents as babies develop more advanced language skills than children who don't receive much. Your baby will respond better if they know you're speaking to him, so look at him while you speak.   Play with them Play with your baby and connect with them. If you're having fun with them, they're having fun too. Play can bring joy to your child, but it is also an important part of the development of their life skills. Play allows children to discover their interests as they get older - building blocks villages, making "potions" from kitchen ingredients, painting elaborate watercolors - all of which may lead them to a lifetime of interests.   Don't forget to take care of yourself If you want to raise a happy baby, take care of yourself first. You can take several steps to become a happier mother. Taking care of yourself is so important for you as a mother because it will provide you with the energy you need to face motherhood. Making time for yourself, finding a support group, and having time with your spouse are all important to keep you healthy and happy. A happy mother raises a happier child.   As infants learn language through listening to their parents, they are hard wired to bond with them. By addressing their infant's physical and emotional needs, parents can put their baby on the path to a lifetime of peace and happiness.   Read also: How To Take Care Of A Newborn Baby 5 Characteristics Of A Gifted Child That You Might Notice Why Do Parents Change Their Tone Of Voice When Talking To Their Kids  
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by on February 26, 2023
  It is fathers' role to nurture and care their baby from the earliest days. This is the foundation that will last for the rest of their lives. Even before birth, babies are familiar with their father's voice for weeks. For the infant's development to be boosted and to reduce the risk of paternal postpartum depression, fathers need to interact and bond with their newborn. Almost from birth, moms are encouraged to spend as much time as possible with their babies. But what about the other parent? Do babies miss dad’s presence when he’s not around? The answer is, yes! Fathers should spend at least one hour every day with their children, not only talking, but simply being present. In most infants, between 3 and 7 months, they make up their minds about their primary attachment figure. During this time, the infant will focus on the person who gets things right the most and is there for them the most often when they need them. For newborns, it's normal for them to prefer their mom over their dad because apart from spending 9 months in their mother's tummy, newborns rely on their mothers for care and nutrition.     According to Dr. Laible, babies recognize their parents' voices and smells right from birth. What follows is them linking those sounds and smells with something they can see. That is why they study your face as if they were trying to remember it. As early as 4 days old, babies can recognize their parents' faces. By paying attention to your baby during feeding times, cuddle sessions, and throughout the day, you teach him or her to trust you. Research shows that a father's involvement in a child's life, especially an engaged father, has a direct impact on their growth and development. Having an uninvolved parent can lead to children with low self-esteem or emotional neediness in other relationships as a result of a lack of affection and attention. Parents are equally important, and both are vital to their children. The most important thing is that both parents show up and stay involved. Both parents are indispensable and incredibly important to their children throughout life. Relationships and people involved play a big part in determining its true extent. Fathers play a crucial role in the development of children, a role that is not redundant when compared with motherhood. Children whose fathers are involved in their health and development are less likely to experience depression, behavioral problems, and teenage pregnancy, according to experts. Several studies indicate that active father involvement makes babies feel secure, confident, and independent.     A baby's first attachment is usually formed with their mother, but the bonds formed with their fathers are just as important. Although babies form attachment relationships with adults who care for them, the bonds formed with their parents are the most significant.   Read also: The 5 Best Daily Habits For Raising A Happy Baby Why Good Manners Should Be Taught At An Early Age 5 Simple Ways To Bond With Your Newborn Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One How To Be A Great Dad To Your Son    
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by on October 13, 2022
Even though dogs can hear, smell, and see babies, they don't understand what they are, so it is surprising that dogs treat babies differently than they treat adults. While your dog may not care much for adults, you might notice that your dog seems particularly interested in babies. As your baby is still very young, you can usually keep them separated from your pets for the majority of the time. Keep your pets out of the room where your baby sleeps, and do not let them share the same bed as your baby. It is not uncommon for dogs to be jealous of babies and to behave differently after a newborn comes into your home. Dogs are highly social animals who thrive off routine and the undivided attention of their owners. A newborn can change that for them, resulting in signs of jealousy for some dogs. A new baby is one of the things that causes many dogs to behave badly when they are brought home by a new parent, and this is because they get stressed out as they undergo all the changes taking place in the house. A simple solution to this problem is to keep your dog on its regular schedule.   What to do to prepare your dog for the arrival of a new baby?   It is a good idea to place your pup's meals in a safe place. All furniture should be off-limits Invest in dog walkers and trainers. Make sure you understand your dog's body language. Slowly begin to introduce all of the new baby equipment, one piece at a time. You should train your dog not to go into the nursery (aka the room where your baby sleeps)   The dog may experience periods of depression if they go through major changes in their life. These include the move to a new home, the addition of a new baby, or the addition of another pet to the family. Even a change in the dog's schedule, for instance, when a stay-at-home owner takes on a new job, can make the dog feel depressed. When your dog growls at your baby, he is sending a clear warning that he is displeased with the baby's actions or proximity and is warning you that he is very uncomfortable. Be grateful that your dog chose to growl rather than bite at your child. As dogs do not have the ability to communicate with humans in the same way that they do with other dogs, they attempt to attract your attention by nudging or bumping into you. Generally, when a dog bumps or nudges you with his or her nose, it is because they want your attention or they want something from you.   Signs that your dog likes your baby:   Your dog searches for the baby's items. Babies receive gifts from your dog. While you're holding the baby, they want to be next to you. They are looking for your baby. Laying near your baby is their favorite pastime. The two of them play together.   What dog breed is best with babies? Golden Retriever Bulldog Poodle Labrador Retriever Bull Terrier Beagle Collie There is nothing like a dog and a child who are a match made in heaven, but it can take some time for that bond to form. Do not set expectations that magic will happen immediately. Teach or review basic commands before the baby arrives. Make sure that your dog is familiar with new gear, new routines, and new smells before the baby arrives.   Read also: 5 Tips To Childproof Your Home To Keep The Baby Safe How To Keep Baby Safe From Climbing What Makes Sibling Bonds So Special How To Deal With Your Toddler's Jealousy Towards The New Baby
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by on October 15, 2022
For newborns, a visitation schedule should be set up so that the noncustodial parent can visit frequently, often and for a short period of time. It is more beneficial to your child to make a few short visits per week than an eight-hour visit every week. You can extend the visits as the baby grows to provide him/her with a better chance of bonding with the other parent. You need to take good care of a new baby and get to know him if you are going to have him. It takes relatively little to take care of a baby, so you should be able to do it. You need to feed them, interact with them, comfort them when they're upset, keep them clean, and make sure that they sleep in a safe, comfortable place. The pick-up and visitation times you arrange should not conflict with naps or be in the middle of a wind-down routine, so that they do not conflict with naps. Over the first two years, experts recommend that a child should not be separated from either parent for very long periods; this will ensure the child's bond with both parents grows stronger.  As a result, for most new babies, the best arrangement is to live entirely with Parent A and have frequent daytime visits with Parent B throughout the first few months of life. Once your baby gets to the age when they are a little bit more adaptable, then you can begin overnight visitation. In any case, it is well known that by the time a child reaches the age of three or four, he or she is much more adept at communicating their needs and therefore, able to express themselves more clearly. Due to this, they ought to be more equipped to spend time away from their primary caregiver, and as such spend more time with the other parent overnight. A child's maturity, along with the relationship between them and their parents, are equally important as their age when it comes to determining a child's future success. It can be observed that 7 year old kids or even 11 year old kids will handle a week on / week off schedule better than certain 11 year old children. Due to this, one blanket approach is not going to work for everyone. There is a common misconception that mothers have greater rights when it comes to child custody than fathers. However, the truth is that there are no laws in the U.S. that guarantee mothers a preference or additional rights when it comes to child custody.  Sadly, it is very common for mothers to block the father from seeing his child simply by refusing to allow him to see him at all. However, fathers do not often recognize that they have the same rights as mothers do when it comes to child contact. They have the same right to access to the child as the mother, so they have as much access as the mother does when it comes to child contact. There is no doubt that co-parenting can provide additional comfort and stability for young children after a divorce, but experts suggest that spending too much time together after a divorce can also have some potentially negative effects on children and parents.   There is nothing more important than being nice to each other in front of the child. Children hear and see what is happening, and they learn how to treat others through the actions of their parents. If parents treat each other respectfully, that will teach the child to treat others respectfully as well.   Read also: Traditional Parenting VS Modern Parenting: Which is better? The 10 Most Effective Ways For Moms To Practice Self-Care
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by on January 20, 2023
Having a new baby is both magical and overwhelming, exhausting and scary at the same time. With time, parents learn to recognize and understand their baby's needs, desires, and schedules. Newborn babies need six basic things: security, clothes, sleep, food, sensory stimulation, love, and attention. Taking care of a newborn can be challenging, but it can become manageable, especially if you have the right advice. Here are the most basic newborn care that you can follow:     Feed your baby frequently, whether you're breastfeeding or using formula Within three days of birth, a mother's body usually starts producing breast milk if she is breastfeeding — the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends doing so for at least six months. In the beginning, nursing mothers may have to work hard to ensure their babies latch onto their breasts correctly, or fasten onto them, so they can eat. It's best to talk to a lactation consultant if you're having trouble latching your baby or getting him or her to eat; most hospitals and birthing centers have a certified lactation consultant. The United States Lactation Consultant Association also offers private lactation consultations. The newborn should be fed eight to 12 times in 24 hours, regardless of whether you're breastfeeding or formula feeding.   Do tummy time and bond with your baby when she is awake Whenever your baby is awake, one of the best ways to bond with her is to rest her bare-chested body on your bare chest. According to studies, infants who receive skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth are more likely to breastfeed, breastfeed longer, and have better heart and breathing responses.   Start a bedtime routine and sleep when your baby sleeps Newborns sleep a lot, but they wake up every hour or two to change. During the first few weeks, your baby probably just wakes up long enough to be fed and changed. Because your baby is going to be awake for short periods throughout the night, it will disrupt your sleep inevitably, so you should always sleep when your baby does. You should always put your baby to sleep on his back, never on his side or stomach, because that's the best way to minimize the risk of sudden infant death.   Safely bathe your baby, and don't overdo it A sponge bath is the best way to wash a baby before her umbilical cord stump falls off – usually 5 to 15 days after birth. Wrap your baby in a towel and lay her down on a soft flat surface to do that. You should wipe her face first with a clean, moist washcloth — do not use soap since it could get into her eyes or mouth — then apply some baby soap to the washcloth and gently wipe the rest of her body. After your baby's bath, wipe his body again with a clean damp washcloth. You can apply a baby moisturizer, such as petroleum jelly, to prevent dryness after the bath. Make sure you spot clean your baby every day around his mouth, neck, and groin — basically anywhere that gets dirty. Bathing once or twice a week is actually sufficient, and bathing too frequently can cause dry skin or eczema, which causes red, itchy skin.   Get some help Getting a new baby can be exciting, but it can also be exhausting and unsettling. If you're struggling, ask your partner, or other family members or friends for help. If you're tired, stressed out, ill-nourished, and emotionally impoverished, you can't care for your child well. If you have a baby, ask friends or family members to hold him, change him, take him for walks or bottle feed him.     Having quality child care helps kids develop social and learning skills at a young age. These skills help them build and maintain better relationships with their parents, adults, and other kids.   Read also: The 5 Best Self-Care Tips For Pregnant Women 10 Newborn Tips and Tricks For New Moms 5 Simple Ways To Bond With Your Newborn How To Handle Visitors After Having A Baby How to Deal With Sleep Deprivation As A New Mom  
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by on March 9, 2023
Parenting at forty isn't easy, especially for first-time parents. While certain risks may rise with age, men continue to produce sperm throughout their lives and can father healthy children until old age. From a biological standpoint, experts recommend a man is best suited to fatherhood when he is in his late 20s to early 30s. However, the quality and quantity of sperm declines with age. Despite this, men can still father children in their 50s and older. In spite of the fact that most men can have children well into their 50s and beyond, it tends to become more difficult after the age of 40. There are many reasons for this, including: Sperm quality decreases with age. There has been evidence that advanced paternal age may adversely affect a baby's risk of prematurity, low birth weight, low Apgar scores and seizures, as well as the mother's risk of gestational diabetes, according to a study of more than 40.5 million births in the United States. The world's oldest father reached 94 when he gave birth to his first child in 2010. The record was broken in 2012 when he gave birth to another son at 96.     With increasing age, a father's genome becomes progressively more mutated, increasing the risk of congenital malformations in his offspring. Genetic mutations, telomere length, and epigenetics may adversely affect the health of his offspring as they grow older. It is estimated that less than 1 percent of first-time fathers are over 50, but it is beneficial to do so. A men's health and fertility urologist, Dr Paul Turek, says that men who have children later in life tend to live longer. Their children also tend to live longer, he says. A number of studies have repeatedly found that parents' age predicts the sex of their children. Older parents have significantly higher chances of having daughters than younger parents. Children born to older fathers are more likely to have a higher I.Q. than children born to younger fathers, according to the study. As a result, kids who were raised by older parents were more focused on pursuing their interests and more self-confident. Those who gave birth after 40 had a four-fold higher chance of living to 100 years old, according to another study. It's important to note that there are plenty of other factors that contribute to living longer, regardless of when you decide to have a child.      Many people don't wring their hands over the woes of men who don't have children, whether real or imagined. However, new research suggests that men without children may feel more isolated, depressed, and angry than women without children, and that they are just as likely to regret not having children as women.   Read also: How Important Is Dad To A Newborn Baby? The 5 Best Daily Habits For Raising A Happy Baby How To Take Care Of A Newborn Baby Why Good Manners Should Be Taught At An Early Age
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by on October 14, 2022
The modern-day parenting style, with its unique techniques, is known to be an important part of the foundation of self-esteem and self-confidence among kids. This is because modern parents are more concerned about the psychological well-being of their children as opposed to nurturing their physical abilities. As of twenty years ago, staying-at-home dads were not common. Now, we often see dads picking up children from school or participating in school activities. Equal shared parenting is an extension of co-parenting, but it divides time and responsibilities equally between the parents. Traditional parenting is inflexible and rigid. It emphasizes raising responsible and functional adults who have good manners, a sound education, and a strong work ethic. Modern parenting is flexible. Among the factors that are emphasized are nurturing, involvement, and letting children express their individuality freely. A traditional form of parenting is one in which the parents expect their children to obey authority and respect their cultural beliefs and values. This style of parenting can help children achieve higher academic results and have lower behavioral and psychological problems. Although parents of today face many challenges, they still give themselves a good grades overall for the work they are doing raising their children. The majority of parents who have children under 18 say that they have done an excellent job, and an additional 45% say that they have done a very good job. It is true that modern parenting has become influenced by the unique passions, values, and beliefs of each family to guide parenting decisions to ensure that good kid are raised while at the same time building a close bond between parents and children.    Challenges of modern-day parenting:   Maintaining a balance between work and family life. Culture-blaming Providing children with a quality education. Being afraid of saying 'no' or refusing to say it. Overloaded information It wasn't a big deal if the parents were hated in the 80's as long as their child grew up into a responsible, young adult and didn't get into trouble that would ruin his or her life as a child. Because they want to have the approval of their own children, parents today pamper and cater to their children’s every whims in order to feel that they are liked by them. While the amount of time parents spend with their children has not changed much over the years, they are spending more time doing hands-on child care today than they did in the past. It seems as if the amount of time spent on activities such as reading to children, doing crafts, taking them to lessons, attending recitals and games, and helping with homework has increased dramatically over time.     Growing up in the 80's: In those days, young kids were encouraged to go outside to play in the streets after school, and they were expected to arrive home in time for dinner. There were no watches, so when the sun went down and the street lights went on, that was our signal that our outdoor play time had come to an end. A traditional family was considered a social unit, while a modern family has developed a more individualistic outlook. As a rule, all members of a family lived in the same place during ancient times and they were bonded by common social and residential conditions which allowed them to be a part of one family. There has been a gradual deterioration of authority due to the demands of juggling personal, professional, and family obligations as well as a changing world and an increase in social isolation. As a result of today's negative behavior of their children, many parents today feel as though they have no longer been able to act and respond effectively to it. A child must have a sense of social connection, emotional stability, physical health, a varied view of interests, and at the core, a sense of holistic well-being in order to achieve and sustain their happiness.   Read also: How To Prepare Your Dog For The Arrival Of Your Newborn Baby The 10 Most Effective Ways For Moms To Practice Self-Care How To Be A Great Dad To Your Son Health And Wellbeing Tips For New Parents  
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by on November 14, 2022
Parents should try to limit the number of visitors their baby comes in close contact with on a regular basis. You may want to consider waiting two to three months before you invite family and friends to visit until your baby's immune system is stronger. Taking care of yourself and taking care of your child is the most important thing that you can do as a parent. Even if that means saying no to visitors after birth for a period of time, that is absolutely fine as you are the one in charge.   10 Ways to Say “No Visitors” After Baby:   You may want to wait a few days. If you can, have a family member stand guard for you. It is a good idea to schedule a “Meet the Baby” event. Post a Facebook post. Be sure to set clear limits for visitors. Think of ways that visitors might be able to help. Resist the urge to entertain your guests. There is nothing wrong with feeling 'off'. You don't have to tell anyone about it! Be firm!   Why should you not let other people kiss your newborn? Aside from the fact that kissing babies is potentially harmful, all individuals who have contact with babies, including parents, must avoid kissing them in order to prevent serious health problems. Considering the rise in cases of RSV and other illnesses, it is vital that everyone be aware that kissing babies can increase the risk of diseases and illnesses. In addition to this, the lungs of these babies are much smaller than those of adults, so any inflammation of the lungs is exponentially worse when the baby is smaller. RSV is spread through direct contact with respiratory droplets, so kissing, sharing drinks, or transferring things from mouth to mouth can spread it. Who should not hold a newborn? If someone is sick, they should not hold your baby. This should go without saying, but it is a fact that the presence of a sick person in the presence of your child can be fatal to them. It is forbidden for someone to cough or sneeze near your baby, much less the person who is holding them. How to tell people not to hold your baby? When you have a large group of people, make a general announcement, such as, "We can only touch the baby's feet" or "The baby needs to eat, so we'll give him some space." Parents should maintain firmness about who can or cannot hold the baby. It's common for women to feel guilty, but taking risks with a newborn is not worth it.     If you're ready to welcome visitors, it's perfectly okay to let friends and family hold your newborn infant for a short period of time. Just remember to ask them to wash their hands before they hold your baby. This is to prevent any germs from spreading to your newborn.   Read also: Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One Traditional Parenting VS Modern Parenting: Which is better? What Is Co-parenting And What Are Your Responsibilities As A Co-parent?
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by on November 25, 2022
The baby is placed in your arms as soon as possible after birth. Often, the baby is placed skin-to-skin on your chest while you are lying down. Some babies will be able to breastfeed right away. In the first hour or two following birth, most babies are alert and wide awake. A baby's reaction to skin-to-skin contact becomes an early language that contributes to his/her development and well-being, so it's beneficial both for you and your baby. When you keep eye contact with your baby, it facilitates meaningful communication at close range. Babies can follow moving objects with their eyes. If you feel you haven't yet bonded with your child, it's normal to take a few days, a few weeks, or even several months for you to feel that special connection. There may never be a 'wham bam' moment, but instead a slow but steady growth of love. It's important not to feel under pressure to bond or to feel a failure as a parent if you haven't bonded. Here are some ways on how to bond with your newborn:     Touch and cuddle your newborn regularly There are several ways in which bonding can help improve your baby's mental and physical development. For instance, repeated human contact, such as holding, cuddling, talking, singing and gazing into each other's eyes, stimulates the growth of your baby's brain as a result of these hormones. Respond to the crying of your child The first thing you should do in response to your child's cries is to meet her most pressing needs first. For example, if she is hungry and cold and her diaper is wet, then you should change her diaper and then you can feed her. Consider if a piece of clothing or something else is making her uncomfortable if there is a shrieking or panicked quality to her cry. Ensure that your newborn feels safe Ensure your newborn feels physically safe by providing good head and neck support while you are holding them. You can also wrap your baby in a soft cloth to replicate the feeling of being in the womb. Make sure to talk to your newborn as often as you can in a soothing, reassuring tone. Sing songs Getting to sing to your baby reinforces their bond with you and your voice. Singing makes you the first and most important voice in your baby's life, and also teaches him that you love him!  Look into your newborn's eyes when you talk to them According to research, eye contact is a very important step toward newborn brain development because it syncs your brain waves with your child's, therefore improving communication later in the child's life as an adult. Eye contact actually syncs your brain waves with your baby's.   Having the ability to soothe an infant or provide physical comfort when needed is another way to establish trust between you and your baby. Babies recognize their caregivers through sight, smell, and sound, and when any of these can provide a level of comfort to them, it is significant evidence of the establishment of a bond between you both.   Read also: 10 Newborn Tips and Tricks For New Moms How To Handle Visitors After Having A Baby How to Deal With Sleep Deprivation As A New Mom 5 Tips To Childproof Your Home To Keep The Baby Safe How To Be A Great Dad To Your Son
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by on December 29, 2022
A child with special needs or a learning difficulty frequently has difficulties communicating. Some children require speech and language therapy for improvement, and others require greater intervention and perhaps a communication device. Physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional, and sensory impairment are the four main types of disabilities that affect children (and adults). Many types of disabilities exist, including those that occur when children are born, those that occur after birth, and those that result from injuries. It is important for children with disabilities to receive early intervention and support if they have special needs.  Autism, on the other hand, involves uneven cognitive abilities, whereas many disabilities are associated with low cognitive abilities. A study published in Pediatrics found that children with learning disabilities often experience behavior problems related to anxiety and stress as well as reduced self-confidence. Aside from aggressive behavior, social isolation and aggression were also common symptoms. A growing child facing physical disabilities faces a number of challenges. Having these disabilities can interfere with their ability to get an education, interact with peers, earn a living, and become independent of their parents, relatives, or group home arrangements.   The most common special needs in children are: ADHD Dyscalculia Hearing impairment. Anxiety Asperger's Syndrome. Oppositional defiant disorder Psychiatric Disabilities Learning Disabilities Visual Impairments Medical Disabilities   Having a disabled child may increase stress and strain parents' mental and physical health, making it difficult to find affordable, appropriate childcare, affecting their choices about work, education/training, having additional children, and receiving public assistance. What are the best ways to raise a child who has special needs? Become familiar with your child's condition. Through this, you will be able to identify possible medical complications, assist their development, and advocate on their behalf; create an independent environment; education should be encouraged; make friends with other people who are going through the same thing. Communication is one of the most common problems that children with special needs and learning disabilities have. Some require speech therapy to remedy this, and others may need more interventions and possibly some form of communication device. Special needs encompasses many different diagnoses, it is a term that is commonly used across a wide range of media. For some parents, the word disability feels like limitations have been imposed prematurely on their child because of a label. What do you call a child with special needs? Rather than 'special needs,' the National Center on Disability and Journalism recommends 'disabled' in most contexts. You should ask the person you're referring to what they prefer. Neither children nor adults with disabilities are ever referred to as children with special needs or adults with special needs. US law always refers to them as individuals with disabilities.     A special needs child can be a big challenge, but it can also be a lot of fun. If you're a parent, you should try to learn everything you can about your child's needs and challenges so they're healthy, happy, and developing. That means doing a lot of research.   Read also: 5 Characteristics Of A Gifted Child That You Might Notice Why Do Parents Change Their Tone Of Voice When Talking To Their Kids Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One Tantrums In Toddlers: How To Stop And Handle Them
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by on January 5, 2023
Good Manners are people who show respect towards the feelings and sentiments of others living in their surroundings. They never differentiate between people and treat them equally. Well-behaving individuals are characterized by modesty, humility, kindness, and courtesy. The importance of good manners is that they will teach children respect and help them to gain respect from others. Thank you shows appreciation, and please shows thoughtfulness. Manners also display gratitude instead of entitlement, which can speak volumes about a child's character. Today's fast-paced society is technologically driven, which makes it more crucial than ever to teach children manners. As parents, we have the responsibility of teaching our children social skills, how to interact politely with others, and how to treat others with respect as part of our responsibility. It is important to teach children to say "please," "thank you," "I'm sorry," and "you're welcome," welcome people with a hello, use polite table manners, ask before touching other people or things that aren't yours, keep their belongings neat, wait your turn, and admit your mistakes when you make them.     Here are some tips to teach your kids good manners every day: 1. Gratitude is important. Teach your child the importance of thanking people for gifts and other kindnesses. 2. Empathy must be visible. Understanding how others feel allows us to respond appropriately to situations. 3. Positive behavior should be praised. One of the easiest ways to reinforce your child's good behavior is to praise what they do or how they behave. 4. Let your disapproval be known and explain why.    It is important to teach children manners in order to help them learn appropriate, polite, and considerate behavior as they get older, and to become more socially appropriate in the future. Different kids mature in different ways, and at different times. As a general rule, between the ages of 3 and 5, more complex sentences, along with expected behaviour in relationships, can be taught as manners.   How do you teach kids manners? You should talk to your kids about the importance of good manners. Learn about manners in children's books. Teach your kids manners through games. Watch videos. The best way to have nice manners is to show them how.   Having good manners will teach children respect and will make them a better person. Saying thank you shows appreciation, while saying please shows thoughtfulness. Manners also convey gratitude instead of entitlement, revealing much about a child's character.  In addition to showing others that you care about them, good manners make everyone feel more comfortable in social situations. Pier Forni, a professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who has written books about manners, explains that manners are like traffic lights for life.   Read also: 5 Characteristics Of A Gifted Child That You Might Notice Why Do Parents Change Their Tone Of Voice When Talking To Their Kids Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One Traditional Parenting VS Modern Parenting: Which is better?  
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