by on September 30, 2021
Home Remedies for Babies that Actually Work Or Grandma’s Emergency Checklist Keeping a pharmacopeia of common items or over-the-counter items that can bring relief for ordinary day-to-day ills is just plain common sense. With that said, this list is not intended to replace advice from a doctor, nor is the writer in any way qualified as a medical person. This is for-your-information, one parent to another. Diaper Rash Prevention is your number one arsenal for this one. It begins with changing the diaper as soon as it is wet or dirty. Don’t count on that “wicking moisture away from baby’s skin” bit that some disposable diaper companies use as a selling point. Use cloth diapers and place the baby on a rubberized mat instead of using leak-proof covers. The covers trap moisture, which is part of the cause for diaper rash. Use detergents that are scent and additive free to wash cloth diapers, and the rest of baby’s clothes. Rinse with vinegar, not bleach. Relief after established – A & D Ointment for most babies. – Aloe for babies with extra sensitive skin. – For babies with super sensitive skin, clean with warm water and place child on a rubberized mat covered with a receiving blanket and leave unclothed. Change blanket and mat as needed. Fussy Baby Countdown Check the diaper. Offer food – formula or breast milk for infants. Baby food, drinks or finger food for older babies. Cuddle and sing or talk to the baby. Sometimes it really is a desire for attention. Watch body language. Does the baby flail arms or draw knees up to stomach? These are signs of distress, and possibly pain. Check clothing for anything that could be irritating or painful Offer food again, if accepted, burp by placing infant over shoulder and rubbing or gently patting back. If refused, check for fever. For babies younger than 2 months, call your physician right away if fever is over 100. Three months and older, call the physician if the fever is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, persists more than three days or is exceptionally high Fever helps: children’s liquid Tylenol if approved by your pediatrician Tepid sponge bath Sips of distilled water Check gums. Hard, swollen areas might indicate new teeth erupting. Teething helps include: Rubbing the gums gently with a clean finger Giving baby something cool to chew on Baby Tylenol in doctor approved dosage Nubbly teething toy – it massages and sooths the gums while encouraging the teeth to break through If you haven’t found the problem, start again at the top to see if you’ve missed anything. Things not to do with a fussy baby: Shake the baby or respond in any aggressive physical way toward your infant. If you are out of control, gently place your baby in a secure area, such as a crib, and walk away.Get a drink of water, take three slow deep breaths and let them out slowly. When you are under control check your baby. Leave the baby to “cry it out.” Crying is a distress signal and can indicate something is wrong. Dose with adult medicines or herbal preparations of any kind Administer an alcoholic beverage Minor cuts and scrapes Wash the area with warm, soapy water, then rinse well. Stop the bleeding by placing a clean cloth or even clean toilet paper over the cut Apply a soothing protective ointment such as petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel If the cut or scrape is large, cover with a protective bandage. If it is small, leave it open air Burns Place under cold running water Apply ice Sooth the area with aloe vera gel – from the fresh plant, if you have it, from a bottle without additives such as alcohol if you don’t Open air if possible Upset Stomach A tummy that doesn’t feel well can come to anyone at any age. Since it can have multiple causes, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Gassy tummy Walking or movement. If the baby has the gassy tummy, walk around with the baby over your shoulder, gently patting or rubbing the back Ask mommy, if the baby is breastfed, what she ate last. Chocolate is a big culprit for a baby upset tummy. Pepperoni pizza can also create problems for some people. For older babies, sips of a clear, carbonated soft drink. The bubbles help with burping Constipation Doesn’t usually happen with breast fed babies For bottle babies older than 1 month, try a little apple juice If the problem persists, talk to your pediatrician about a formula change Ease up on feeding solids until the problem resolves Bee stings and insect bites For minor stings and bites, make a paste of baking soda and apply it to the area Avoid bathing in baking soda as it can sometimes irritate Use an over-the-counter ointment that contains Benedryl Apply ice to bring down swelling and stop spread of poison.   Be alert for signs of an allergic reaction: Difficulty breathing Severe swelling or painful itching When in doubt, go to the emergency room. Better to feel silly and have an unnecessary bill than to make a mistake in the other direction. For some types of bites, such as spider bites, use a drawing ointment Don’t hesitate to get medical help if you suspect a spider bite Prid is an otc drawing ointment that works very well Cover to keep Baby from eating the ointment Use bread and milk mixed into a paste if nibbling the poultice is a problem. Plant Allergies Begin with prevention. Do not encourage your child to run through tall grass or to come in contact with a lawn. Many children will develop something commonly called “grass itch” which is a moderate rash that often goes away in a few minutes. A bigger problem in our modern world might be the insecticide or herbicide sprayed on the lawn. If a rash develops, try washing the area with a  solution of baking soda or tea. Caladryl is a good over the counter remedy. It is a combination of calamine and Benadryl lotion. Animal Bites As with many things, begin with prevention. Never leave your infant alone with the family pet and avoid introducing your baby to other people’s large dog or cat. If you have a large snake or exoticas pet, keep a closed, locked door between that animal and your baby. Teach older children how to behave respectfully around animals. Always supervise child/animal interactions, especially initial ones. If your child is bitten by a cat, dog or other creature here are the immediate steps: Remove child to safe place Check extent and nature of injury Minor injury, clean with soap and water Call pediatrician Moderate injury, clean with soap and water Call pediatrician Might need emergency room visit Severe injury, call 911 – don’t hesitate Catch and confine the animal Consider the circumstances Call vet to examine animal if it has been acting strangely Pediatrician might want to administer a tetanus shot and prescribe antibiotics A grandmother who has seven grandchildren and numerous pets remarked, “Children have incomplete thinking, and animals behave according to their natures. While many dogs and cats are nurturing toward human babies, they are still animals and might respond to the child in the same way they respond to their own young. When it comes to kids, it is a good idea to err on the side of caution. That goes for puppies, kittens, and other young, as well.” Injuries When babies become toddlers, accidents happen, especially if your little one is a climber. For some kids it seems as if “up” is far better than down, but down can happen quickly with painful results. Prevention is always best, but if “oweys” happen, there are steps to take after. Prevention Retire the crib and provide your toddler with a  Big Kid bed that is low to the ground. Avoid placing tall dressers in baby’s room. Wait until school age for those fancy playroom bunkbeds. Supervise! Supervise! Supervise! Ignore comments about helicopter parent. Those only apply to older children. Intervention – the worst has happened. Your ambitious 18-month-old climbed out of his high chair (don’t ask—you don’t want to know) and followed the cat to the top of the refrigerator. Once there, the cat made a leap, and the baby tried to follow. OUCH! Check your child. Look for: Blood Bones at odd angles Broken skin Large immediate swelling – especially on the head If your child is unresponsive and there are no screams and crying, call 911. Calm your child. (And yourself. Goodness! How did the baby get on the refrigerator?) When the initial sobbing and wails of terror are over: Try to use a small penlight to check pupils. They should dilate and contract at a similar rate. If they don’t, call your pediatrician. Mop up any blood. Clean scrapes, cuts, etc. with soapy water and assess the damage. If there is a cut that won’t stop bleeding, call 911. If a bump in forming on the head, check the scalp for softness. Place ice on bumps or bruises. If you don’t have ice, a frozen bag of peas works really well. Don’t hesitate to get your pediatrician in on the action. Falls from a height can have unforeseen consequences. Better to be seen as a bad parent than to have something happen to your baby. Respiratory From a snuffly, runny nose to feverish difficulty breathing, respiratory illnesses range from aggravating to scary for just about anyone. When you are a tiny person who must depend on others for just about everything, not being able to breathe properly is really upsetting. There are so many causes for the respiratory problems that it can be really difficult to make blanket statements for all of them. But here are some tips for snuffly nose days: – Use an ear/nose syringe to remove mucous from baby’s nose. Wash the syringe with soapy water and dry well between uses. – Have a box of the really soft facial/nose tissues on hand. – A tiny bit of cooking oil can be used to treat chapped nostrils. Dampen your finger with it, and gently wipe over the affected area. – Moisten the air with a cool-air humidifier – use with caution if your child has asthma – Give sips of distilled water to moisten mouth between feedings – Keep comfortably warm, but not overly hot – Babies over age six months can have a little juice to help break up phlegm – Check temperature periodically; consult your pediatrician if it begins to climb Remember, the common cold will generally last two weeks if you medicate it, and fourteen days if you don’t. (Yes, that does work out to the same amount of time.) That can seem like a very long time with a fussy, grumpy baby that is having trouble breathing, but as long as it doesn’t progress much beyond a runny nose, waiting and relieving symptoms is often the best medicine. Herbs and Babies Babies are delicate. It might seem tempting to dose your infant with peppermint or chamomile, but these herbs can cause young babies some real problems. Keep in mind that even the mildest of herbs is real medicine and should be treated with the same respect as an over the counter drug. Honey Honey is a natural, unpasteurized product. It has the potential to cause infant botulism, which is potentially fatal. Although it works well as a cough syrup for older children, it isn’t a good idea for infants. Pedialyte Ice Pops Pour Pedialyte into a popsicle mold and freeze. Good for sore throats, hydration, and teething. Bored Baby in a High Chair Sometimes it seems as if your not-quite-mobile infant demands a lot of attention. To gain a few minutes to wash the dishes try placing a few dots of pureed baby food on a clean high chair tray. Encourage Baby to explore the texture and the way it smears around – think of it as early finger painting.    
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by on July 2, 2022
Families with infants and toddlers have complex needs. Some have unmet physical or mental health needs, while others struggle to provide the basics. Children have certain basic needs in common that must be provided for to ensure their optimal development and well being. Your baby needs good health and energy to learn and grow, and you can help by taking care of their basic needs. Kids must feel safe and sound, with their basic survival needs met: shelter, food, clothing, medical care and protection from harm. Early in life, babies depend on others to meet their needs for safety and security. Provide ways for your child to see, hear, feel, move freely and touch you. Slowly move colourful things for your child to see and reach for. Essential newborn care includes: Immediate care at birth (delayed cord clamping, thorough drying, assessment of breathing, skin-to-skin contact, early initiation of breastfeeding) Thermal care. Resuscitation when needed. Basic Needs of Infants and Toddlers includes adequate Sleep, nutritious food, security and protection, sensory stimulation and strong bonds. Some essentials are onesies, pajamas, pants, and swaddle blankets. For baby's bathing: An infant tub, baby washcloths, baby towels, and wash/lotion for sensitive skin. Diapering: If you're going with disposable diapers, one large box of size 1 diapers can get you started. For cloth diapers, experts recommend having 24.  Between 13 and 20 weeks of your pregnancy should be a good place to begin your serious baby shopping. If you have a baby registry, take care to check and to see what baby stuff has been bought before you go out for them yourself. In any case, have your baby necessities ready to go between 32 and 36 weeks. Many expecting parents prefer to wait to buy baby stuff until they find out the gender of their baby. This generally happens between 18 and 21 weeks, but some people find out as early as 12 weeks.   Things You Need To Have for Your Newborn Baby: Clothing and Layette. Diapers. Bath Items. Grooming/First Aid Tools. Bedding and Sleep Needs. Feeding Supplies. Gear and Furniture.   Essentials That You Need When You're Out WIth Your Baby: Car seat Stroller. Baby carrier or wrap Diaper bag.  Sun shade for car windows. Portable crib. Portable changing pad.   Despite all of the baby products on the market, your little one won't actually require a lot of gear. Your care and support will give your child a secure base from which to explore the world. Love, attention, and affection in the first years of life have a real impact on a child's physical, mental and emotional growth. So cuddle, touch, smile, encourage, listen to and play with your little one whenever you can .
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by on September 19, 2023
Bringing a newborn into your home is an exhilarating and life-changing experience. To ensure a smooth transition into parenthood, it's essential to have the right newborn essentials on hand. From clothing to feeding and safety, here are some must-have items to prepare for your baby's arrival.   Clothing Newborns grow rapidly, so it's crucial to have a variety of clothing options in different sizes. Start with onesies, sleepers, and bodysuits for everyday wear. Don't forget soft, breathable fabrics like cotton, as your baby's delicate skin requires extra care. You'll also need hats, socks, and mittens to keep your little one warm. For sleep time, consider sleep sacks or swaddle blankets to promote safe and comfortable sleep. Buy here: Newborn Clothes & Accessories Set   Diapers and Changing Supplies Diapers are an obvious necessity, but deciding between disposable and cloth is a personal choice. You'll also require wipes, a changing mat, and diaper rash cream to keep your baby clean and comfortable. A diaper bag is a handy addition for on-the-go changes. Buy here: Babycozy Boucy Soft Newborn Diapers   Feeding Essentials Whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle-feed, feeding essentials are essential. For breastfeeding, invest in a comfortable nursing bra, breast pump, and storage containers for breast milk. Bottle-feeding parents should have bottles, formula, and sterilization equipment. Burp cloths and bibs will come in handy for both feeding methods. Buy here: 77 Pieces Lansinoh Breastfeeding Essentials for Nursing Moms   Safety and Sleep Safety is paramount when caring for a newborn. A crib or bassinet with a firm mattress and fitted sheets is a must for safe sleep. You'll also need a baby monitor to keep a watchful eye on your little one. Ensure the nursery is baby-proofed by securing furniture and outlets, and consider investing in a baby first-aid kit for added peace of mind. Buy here: Baby Swivel Bassinet for Newborns   Transportation and Comfort To take your baby on outings, you'll need a car seat that meets safety standards. A stroller or baby carrier is also a great investment for walks and errands. Swings, bouncers, and pacifiers can provide comfort and soothing for your baby, especially during those fussy moments. Buy here: Safety 1st Turn and Go 360 DLX Rotating All-in-One Car Seat   In conclusion, preparing for your newborn's arrival involves acquiring a range of essentials to ensure their safety, comfort, and well-being. From clothing and diapering to feeding and safety, these items will help you navigate the exciting journey of parenthood with confidence. Remember that every baby is unique, so adapt your newborn essentials list to your specific needs and preferences. Above all, cherish the moments with your little one, as they grow faster than you can imagine.   Read also: The Top 5 Playpens for Both Indoor and Outdoor Play Traveling with Baby: 5 Essential Products for a Stress-Free Journey Top 5 Baby Car Seats for Safe and Comfortable Travel Top Baby Strollers: Choosing Comfort and Convenience for Your Little One 10 Summer Essential Must-Haves For Babies
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by on October 4, 2023
The first birthday of a baby is a momentous occasion that calls for a joyous celebration. It's a milestone that marks the end of a remarkable year filled with precious memories and growth. Planning a memorable first birthday party requires careful consideration, from selecting the perfect theme to choosing the right products that will enhance the festivities. In this blog, we will explore five essential products that can help you create a delightful and unforgettable celebration for your little one.   The Perfect Theme Choosing an engaging theme sets the stage for a memorable first birthday party. Consider selecting a theme that resonates with your child's interests or incorporates their favorite characters or activities. Whether it's a whimsical garden party or a vibrant carnival theme, the possibilities are endless. Decorative items such as themed banners, tablecloths, and balloons add an enchanting touch to the celebration, creating a visually appealing backdrop for capturing precious photographs. Baby Girl 1st Birthday Decorations Supplies   Adorable Outfit Dressing up your baby in an adorable outfit is a delightful way to make their first birthday even more special. Opt for a charming dress or a dapper suit, depending on your baby's gender. Choose an outfit that is comfortable and allows them to move freely. To add an extra touch of cuteness, consider accessorizing with a matching headband, bowtie, or a party hat. These little details will make your baby the star of the party and create lasting memories. Baby Girl Birthday Outfit   Fun-filled Activities Engaging activities tailored to the age group of the attendees are essential to keep the celebration entertaining. For a first birthday party, consider setting up a soft play area with colorful play mats, soft blocks, and plush toys. This safe and stimulating environment will allow the babies to explore and interact with their surroundings. Additionally, you can organize simple games like pass-the-parcel or a mini treasure hunt to engage older siblings and guests. Non-Slip Cushioned Baby Play Mat   Smash Cake The highlight of a first birthday party is undoubtedly the smash cake moment. A smash cake is a small cake exclusively for the birthday baby, designed to be messily enjoyed and demolished. Ensure the cake is decorated in a fun and appealing way, with vibrant colors and a baby-friendly design. To enhance the experience, consider using a high chair adorned with a birthday banner and a protective floor mat to catch the cake crumbs, making cleanup a breeze. 1st Birthday Baby Photo Banner for Newborn to 12 Months   Personalized Keepsakes To commemorate this special milestone, consider gifting personalized keepsakes to your guests as a token of appreciation. Customized photo frames, keychains, or mini photo albums featuring a picture of the birthday baby will allow your guests to cherish the memories of the celebration. Personalized thank-you cards are also a thoughtful way to express your gratitude for their presence and support during this joyous occasion. 30 Pack My 1st Birthday Party Favor Supplies Present for Guest   Celebrating your baby's first birthday is a cherished moment that deserves a memorable celebration. By carefully selecting a theme, choosing an adorable outfit, incorporating fun-filled activities, creating a personalized smash cake experience, and offering customized keepsakes, you can create a magical and unforgettable party. These essential products and elements will ensure that your little one's first birthday celebration is filled with joy, love, and cherished memories for years to come.   Related Baby Articles: Welcoming Your Newborn Home: Essential Products for a Smooth Transition Introducing Solids to Your Baby: Must-Have Products in Their First Bites Essential Baby Gear for New Parents: Must-Have Products for the First Year Must-Have Newborn Essentials: Preparing for Your Baby's Arrival
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by on October 18, 2023
Bringing a new life into the world is a miraculous experience, but it also comes with a set of challenges, especially when it comes to a mother's physical well-being. After giving birth, many moms find themselves eager to regain their pre-pregnancy shape and fitness levels. This blog will explore the journey of moms getting back in shape after giving birth, highlighting some effective products that can aid in their postpartum fitness journey.   Embracing the Postpartum Body Before diving into postpartum fitness products, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of embracing and accepting one's postpartum body. Each woman's journey is unique, and it is essential to approach fitness with a healthy mindset. Celebrating the incredible feat of giving birth and accepting the changes in one's body is the first step towards a successful fitness journey.   Supportive Postpartum Clothing Investing in supportive postpartum clothing can make a significant difference in a mom's fitness journey. Products like postpartum compression leggings or belly bands provide gentle support to the abdominal muscles while aiding in the recovery of weakened core muscles. These garments offer comfort, help improve posture, and provide stability during exercise routines. Activewear Thick High Waist Tummy Compression Slimming Body Leggings   TiRain 3 in 1 Postpartum Belly Support Recovery Belly/Waist/Pelvis Belt C Section Postpartum Belly Wrap   Fitness Apps and Online Programs In today's digital age, fitness apps and online programs have become invaluable resources for moms looking to get back in shape postpartum. These platforms offer tailored workouts, nutritional guidance, and community support, all from the comfort of home. Fitness apps like the "MommyFit" or "Postpartum Fitness Studio" provide workouts designed specifically for postpartum recovery, focusing on rebuilding core strength, toning muscles, and increasing overall fitness levels. And don't forget to wear your workout outfit to stay motivated! Women Workout Clothes Set 5 PCS Exercise Athletic Outfits Set   Versatile Exercise Equipment Having versatile exercise equipment at home can be a game-changer for moms seeking to incorporate fitness into their daily routine. Products such as resistance bands, stability balls, and adjustable dumbbells offer a wide range of exercises that target different muscle groups. These compact and affordable tools allow moms to create personalized workouts based on their fitness level and time availability. Exercise and Workout Bands for Working Out   CAP Barbell Stability Ball   Baby-Friendly Fitness Gear For moms who prefer to exercise while bonding with their little ones, baby-friendly fitness gear can be a fantastic addition to their routine. Items like jogging strollers, baby carriers, or exercise mats with attached toys provide opportunities for moms to engage in physical activities while keeping their babies close. These products promote both the mother's fitness and the baby's sensory development, making workouts a fun and interactive experience for both.   Baby Trend Range Jogger Stroller     LÍLLÉbaby Complete All Seasons Ergonomic 6-in-1 Baby Carrier Newborn to Toddler   The journey of getting back in shape after giving birth is a unique and empowering experience for moms. By embracing their postpartum bodies, utilizing supportive clothing, exploring fitness apps and online programs, incorporating versatile exercise equipment, and embracing baby-friendly fitness gear, moms can embark on a fulfilling fitness journey. However, it is essential to remember that each mom's postpartum recovery is different, and consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended before starting any fitness regimen. With the right mindset, support, and products, moms can regain their strength, confidence, and overall well-being while embracing the joys of motherhood.   Read also: Embracing Parenthood: Essential Products for Modern Parents Navigating the Postpartum Period: Essential Products for New Moms How Do Moms Keep In Shape After Giving Birth The 10 Tips You Need To Be A Stylish Mom
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