by on August 12, 2022
By the World Health Organization's definition, self-care means taking all the steps you can to take care of your physical health and well-being, including hygiene, nutrition, managing stressors, and seeking medical care if needed. Being active during pregnancy will improve your energy levels, alleviate pain and discomfort, and lower your risk of pregnancy complications. And if that's not motivation enough, staying fit during pregnancy also prepares your body for giving birth. Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy, and more. Self-care is the practice of caring for one's own health, well-being, and happiness. It is an essential component of stress relief and wellness. Making time for yourself may feel indulgent or selfish, but that is far from the truth.   Practice Self-Care During Pregnancy Nourish Your Body. Food is medicine, and the right choices can bolster your mood, deliver key nutrients and help your baby grow.  Get Moving.  Permission to Pause.  Spend Time Outdoors.  Clean Up Your Beauty Routine.  Unplug One Full Day a Week.   Staying active is a key part of pregnancy self-care. It should be a part of your self-care routine whether or not you're pregnant. Eating healthily during pregnancy will help your baby develop and grow, and it'll help keep you fit and well too. Reduce stress. A pregnant mom's stress can be harmful to the baby's brain development and sometimes lead to premature birth. Exercise during your pregnancy. Exercise is always important, especially during pregnancy. Regular, daily walks are an easy way to keep moving. Regular exercise in pregnancy can reduce the risk of developing complications such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.   Pregnant mothers need: Prenatal Vitamins. Morning Sickness Remedies. A Good Moisturizer. Belly Support Band. Body Pillow. Supportive Bra. Maternity Clothing. Pregnancy Books.   Both emotionally and physically, a pregnant mom needs someone to look up to. To ask for advice, to make important decisions, and to share her future plans, she needs someone to count on. Having a child changes her life forever. Right from the first day of her pregnancy, her life is preoccupied with her child. Read blogs about Expecting A Baby To Turn Head Down During Pregnancy and Using A Disposable Nursing Pad During Breastfeed
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by on November 5, 2022
Our children are much more inclined to listen to a voice that sounds warm and encouraging than one that sounds harsh and judgmental. The tone of your voice is just as important as the volume. The tone of voice we use communicates how much we wish for an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and respect when it is caring and inviting. A baby may hear quick breathings, clipped words and extended pauses, these might indicate anxiety or upset. A slow, monotonous voice or a quieter tone than normal could imply exhaustion or illness. You might hear faster, slightly louder speech if you're excited. What is the reason for changing our voice when we are talking to kids? There is an emphasis on the rising pitch, greater pitch variation, and a more musical rhythm and tone. Research suggests this exaggerated emphasis may help infants learn speech patterns or increase attention when parents warn them of danger. Whenever caregivers yell, toddlers tend to focus on the emotion rather than the message. It is important to keep in mind that harsh or aggressive language can have a negative impact on a child's self-esteem, behavior, and communication skills. When disciplining a child, it is more effective to use positive, gentle, and calm tones as opposed to harsh ones. As a parent, one of the most important parts of communicating with your child is not only listening to them but actively listening too. That is because active listening shows your child that you care and are interested in what they are saying. Active listening can also help you learn and understand more about what is going on in your child's life. How do angry parents affect a child? A parent who is angry or stressed can make his or her children behave in a bad way or become physically ill. Children react to anxious, stressed parents by losing their concentration, having difficulty playing with other children, becoming silent and afraid, being rude and aggressive, or becoming sleep-deprived. In addition to causing anxiety, low self-esteem, and increased aggression in children, it can also make them more vulnerable to bullying due to their distorted understanding of healthy boundaries and the importance of self-respect.   What is the best way to communicate with kids without yelling at them?   Take the opposite tone. Ask questions. Make it fun.  Take a break. Be positive — and clear. Control the conversation.   What's the best way to communicate with kids?   Talk to kids clearly, respectfully, and considerately. Be realistic about what you can do at home. Deal with concerns in a problem-solving way. Work together with a positive attitude. As soon as concerns arise, talk about them.   You will be able to build your relationship with your child if you say "thanks" and "please" every time you speak to him. Spreading good manners and showing respect will bring you closer together; mean words and a harsh voice will alienate him. When parents use positive words with their children, their cognitive functioning will be improved. When parents use negative words, a child's brain functioning can be interrupted.   Read also: Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One Traditional Parenting VS Modern Parenting: Which is better? Tantrums In Toddlers: How To Stop And Handle Them  
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by on July 18, 2022
At Ebaby, we know that life totally changes once your baby arrives. And while it’s all good things, breastfeeding is not easy - in fact, for many women, it can be painful and uncomfortable. However, there are plenty of things you can do to care for yourself during this time. To help, we put together a few self-care tips that you can implement while breastfeeding to make your experience more enjoyable for both you and your baby. Choose a Comfortable Nursing Bra When you’re breastfeeding, comfort is of the utmost importance. That’s why you’ll want to choose a durable nursing bra that gives you the support you need. For extra ease, choose a style that’s comfortable enough to wear while you sleep! Look for bras made from breathable fabric with robust support and convenient nursing access. Bonus points for finding one that offers double-duty as a hands-free pumping bra. You can start your search by shopping online, and as you check out online marketplaces like Amazon, you can purchase bras while picking out other items you need, like toilet paper, baby wipes, diapers, cleaning products and more.  Balance Time With Your Other Children Breastfeeding takes up a lot of your time and energy, and if you have other children, you might be worried about whether or not they’re getting enough attention from you - especially if you’re heading back to work soon. It can be hard to balance time with all of your kids when you’re breastfeeding a new baby. Talk to your partner about designating time with your kids so that you can work out a fair, informal “schedule.” For example, you might want to put your kids to bed at night, ask them to join you while you’re cooking dinner, or plan some nearby weekend outings without your newborn. Think of it this way, your partner can get some quality time with the baby while you get quality time with your other children Create a Cozy Environment Lots of mothers start “nesting” in the final weeks of pregnancy - it’s only natural that you want to create a cozy environment where you can care for your baby! But you can keep brightening up your home after your baby arrives, too. You might want to pick out cute new throw pillows or blankets, hang photos of your baby on the walls, or order fresh flowers online! Depending on your tastes, you can click here to put together your own unique bouquet or choose a curated combination. Having fresh flowers is a simple way to add a sense of relaxation and beauty to your home.  Enjoy Hands-Free Activities Breastfeeding can take up a lot of time. When your baby needs you for so many hours of the day, it’s easy to feel like you have little to no time for yourself. However, breastfeeding does present you with the opportunity to enjoy some hands-free activities! Very Well Family recommends doing a little reading, which can be convenient with audiobooks, catching up on a TV series you enjoy, or calling your friends. Eat a Healthy Diet Eating a healthy diet can make breastfeeding easier. Certain foods will help boost your milk production in the long run. There’s no single “diet” that you have to stick to while breastfeeding, but you can definitely benefit from incorporating certain foods into your diet. Mustela recommends eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, a few servings of lean protein per day, whole grains, healthy fats, and foods that contain lots of calcium, such as milk, yogurt, and broccoli. It’s important to get plenty of calories into your diet while you’re breastfeeding - remember, you’re technically still eating for two! Breastfeeding can pose lots of challenges, but it can also be a time to truly bond with your baby. If you’ve been having trouble caring for yourself while caring for your baby, it’s only natural that it will take a bit of time to find the right balance. With a comfortable nursing bra, a plan to spend time with your other kiddos and healthy eating, you’ll be able to focus on self-care while breastfeeding. Are you in need of baby products? Check out the wide selection on Ebaby! Browse our online marketplace today to start shopping. Photo via Pexels      
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by on June 28, 2022
Emotional development involves learning what feelings and emotions are, understanding how and why they occur, recognising your own feelings and those of others, and developing effective ways for managing those feelings. As well as physical needs, infants (0- 3 years olds) have basic emotional needs. These emotional needs lay the foundation for their adult lives; their future relationships, autonomy, resilience, self-confidence and emotional stability. Infants begin showing a spontaneous "social smile" around age 2 to 3 months, and begin to laugh spontaneously around age 4 months. In addition, between ages 2 and 6 months, infants express other feelings such as anger, sadness, surprise, and fear. Between ages 5 and 6 months, babies begin to exhibit stranger anxiety. Infants' social-emotional development includes an emerging awareness of self and others. Infants demonstrate this foundation in a number of ways. For example, they can respond to their names, point to their body parts when asked, or name members of their families. Between the ages of 3-6 months, your baby will cry when upset and seek comfort. Show excitement by waving arms and legs. Notice a difference between two people based on the way they look, sound, or feel. Smile at herself in the mirror. The first five years are especially crucial for physical, intellectual, and social-emotional development. Responding to your baby's smiling and crying validates their communicative intent and encourages them to communicate more. Some babies cry to release tension or burn off excess energy and some just need to cry themselves to sleep. Even easy-going babies may get frustrated and angry when they start to explore their surroundings but aren't quite capable of doing what they want. Through early relationships with nurturing and responsive adults, infants and toddlers learn how to be in relationships, how to get their needs and wants met, and how to identify and regulate emotions. Since these skills develop together, this area of development is referred to as social-emotional development. Parents can meet baby's emotional need by making sure they feel heard and noticed. Listen to them and make eye contact. Ask questions and let them know you're paying attention. Engage in conversation with them and you can also get involved in their playing! Play is the natural way that toddlers learn and develop. It's important for all areas of development, including emotional development. Toddlers are little people with big emotions that they don't always have the words for. Play gives them a chance to explore and express their emotions and also practise managing them Emotional well-being during the early years has a powerful impact on social relationships. Children who are emotionally healthy are better able to establish and maintain positive relationships with adults as well as with peers. Social-emotional development is essential to a young child's sense of well-being. Social and emotional development in the early years, also referred to as early childhood mental health, refers to children's emerging capacity to: Experience, regulate and express a range of emotions. Develop close, satisfying relationships with other children and adults.  Research has shown that, during pregnancy, your baby feels what you feel and with the same intensity. That means if you're crying, your baby feels the same emotion, as if it's their own. Babies can and do feel pain. It can affect them immediately and have long lasting effects. Babies can even become bored. They can be affected by a lack of stimulation and interaction with caregivers. Unconditional love and a strong bond with parents are absolutely vital for a good foundation in life. Feeling loved is the most important emotional need of a child. Babies need lots of hugs and kisses and they also need to be told that they are loved.
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by on September 14, 2022
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is an illness caused by a virus. It causes a rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Small blisters also occur in the mouth, often at the back of the throat. The rash may also occur in the diaper area, and on the legs and arms. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is usually a minor illness. These sores usually start as small red spots, often on the tongue and insides of the mouth, that blister and can become painful. Signs that swallowing might be painful for your child like not eating or drinking. Studies conducted in China and Korea have identified risk factors for HFMD, including low socioeconomic status, the existence of open-air defecation, poor sewage treatment, poor hand-washing and other poor personal hygienic habits (such as biting fingers). You should help children clean their bodies daily, bathe them cleanly to remove the adhesion of bacteria and viruses and help prevent superinfection. However, when bathing children with hand, foot and mouth disease, it should be handled gently to avoid breaking the blisters on the child's skin. Hand foot and mouth disease is extremely contagious – you can catch and spread it easily. It often spreads through groups of children in nurseries and schools. The viruses that cause the disease are usually spread in droplets of mucus or saliva in the air from coughs or sneezes. The coxsackie virus that causes hand, foot, and mouth disease is mainly spread through saliva and stool. This is why it often affects toddlers. Kids in this age group often touch other children or share toys and then put their hands in their mouths. There's no treatment for hand, foot and mouth disease. But most children get better quickly by themselves without any problems. Paracetamol or ibuprofen can help ease discomfort and pain. It's important for your child to drink fluids to avoid dehydration. You can give or do this to relieve discomfort: Ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve discomfort. Topical ointments, such as zinc oxide or petroleum jelly, to protect and heal blisters. Cold drinks, ice or frozen fruit popsicles to soothe mouth and throat.  Plenty of fluids to keep your child from getting dehydrated.   There's no specific treatment for hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Symptoms of hand-foot-and-mouth disease usually clear up in 7 to 10 days. A topical oral anesthetic may help relieve the pain of mouth sores. You should help children clean their bodies daily, bathe them cleanly to remove the adhesion of bacteria and viruses, and help prevent superinfection. However, when bathing children with hand, foot and mouth disease, it should be handled gently to avoid breaking the blisters on the child's skin. The blisters caused by HFM are red with a small bubble of fluid on top. They often peel, leaving an ulcer, which is a sore with a reddish base. The soles of the feet and the palms of the hands may have a rash that can look like flat red spots or red blisters.It typically only causes fever and mild symptoms for a few days. Call your health care provider if your child is younger than six months, has a weakened immune system, or has mouth sores or a sore throat that makes it painful to drink fluids.  Read also these related article: Why You Should Not Let Other People Kiss Your Baby and Crusty, Flaky Patches On Your Baby's Skin: Eczema - How To Get Rid Of It Does your baby experienced HMFD? How did you deal with it? Let us know in the comment section below!
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by on November 25, 2022
The baby is placed in your arms as soon as possible after birth. Often, the baby is placed skin-to-skin on your chest while you are lying down. Some babies will be able to breastfeed right away. In the first hour or two following birth, most babies are alert and wide awake. A baby's reaction to skin-to-skin contact becomes an early language that contributes to his/her development and well-being, so it's beneficial both for you and your baby. When you keep eye contact with your baby, it facilitates meaningful communication at close range. Babies can follow moving objects with their eyes. If you feel you haven't yet bonded with your child, it's normal to take a few days, a few weeks, or even several months for you to feel that special connection. There may never be a 'wham bam' moment, but instead a slow but steady growth of love. It's important not to feel under pressure to bond or to feel a failure as a parent if you haven't bonded. Here are some ways on how to bond with your newborn:     Touch and cuddle your newborn regularly There are several ways in which bonding can help improve your baby's mental and physical development. For instance, repeated human contact, such as holding, cuddling, talking, singing and gazing into each other's eyes, stimulates the growth of your baby's brain as a result of these hormones. Respond to the crying of your child The first thing you should do in response to your child's cries is to meet her most pressing needs first. For example, if she is hungry and cold and her diaper is wet, then you should change her diaper and then you can feed her. Consider if a piece of clothing or something else is making her uncomfortable if there is a shrieking or panicked quality to her cry. Ensure that your newborn feels safe Ensure your newborn feels physically safe by providing good head and neck support while you are holding them. You can also wrap your baby in a soft cloth to replicate the feeling of being in the womb. Make sure to talk to your newborn as often as you can in a soothing, reassuring tone. Sing songs Getting to sing to your baby reinforces their bond with you and your voice. Singing makes you the first and most important voice in your baby's life, and also teaches him that you love him!  Look into your newborn's eyes when you talk to them According to research, eye contact is a very important step toward newborn brain development because it syncs your brain waves with your child's, therefore improving communication later in the child's life as an adult. Eye contact actually syncs your brain waves with your baby's.   Having the ability to soothe an infant or provide physical comfort when needed is another way to establish trust between you and your baby. Babies recognize their caregivers through sight, smell, and sound, and when any of these can provide a level of comfort to them, it is significant evidence of the establishment of a bond between you both.   Read also: 10 Newborn Tips and Tricks For New Moms How To Handle Visitors After Having A Baby How to Deal With Sleep Deprivation As A New Mom 5 Tips To Childproof Your Home To Keep The Baby Safe How To Be A Great Dad To Your Son
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by on November 14, 2022
Parents should try to limit the number of visitors their baby comes in close contact with on a regular basis. You may want to consider waiting two to three months before you invite family and friends to visit until your baby's immune system is stronger. Taking care of yourself and taking care of your child is the most important thing that you can do as a parent. Even if that means saying no to visitors after birth for a period of time, that is absolutely fine as you are the one in charge.   10 Ways to Say “No Visitors” After Baby:   You may want to wait a few days. If you can, have a family member stand guard for you. It is a good idea to schedule a “Meet the Baby” event. Post a Facebook post. Be sure to set clear limits for visitors. Think of ways that visitors might be able to help. Resist the urge to entertain your guests. There is nothing wrong with feeling 'off'. You don't have to tell anyone about it! Be firm!   Why should you not let other people kiss your newborn? Aside from the fact that kissing babies is potentially harmful, all individuals who have contact with babies, including parents, must avoid kissing them in order to prevent serious health problems. Considering the rise in cases of RSV and other illnesses, it is vital that everyone be aware that kissing babies can increase the risk of diseases and illnesses. In addition to this, the lungs of these babies are much smaller than those of adults, so any inflammation of the lungs is exponentially worse when the baby is smaller. RSV is spread through direct contact with respiratory droplets, so kissing, sharing drinks, or transferring things from mouth to mouth can spread it. Who should not hold a newborn? If someone is sick, they should not hold your baby. This should go without saying, but it is a fact that the presence of a sick person in the presence of your child can be fatal to them. It is forbidden for someone to cough or sneeze near your baby, much less the person who is holding them. How to tell people not to hold your baby? When you have a large group of people, make a general announcement, such as, "We can only touch the baby's feet" or "The baby needs to eat, so we'll give him some space." Parents should maintain firmness about who can or cannot hold the baby. It's common for women to feel guilty, but taking risks with a newborn is not worth it.     If you're ready to welcome visitors, it's perfectly okay to let friends and family hold your newborn infant for a short period of time. Just remember to ask them to wash their hands before they hold your baby. This is to prevent any germs from spreading to your newborn.   Read also: Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One Traditional Parenting VS Modern Parenting: Which is better? What Is Co-parenting And What Are Your Responsibilities As A Co-parent?
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by on October 2, 2022
A sibling bond is one of the strongest bonds one can form in life, one that starts early in life and is deeply embedded in our development, making it one of the strongest bonds we can ever form. In addition, siblings help us to learn the crucial skills of navigating relationships, finding a sense of identity, and understanding how to create attachments to others. The same definition of bonding applies to sibling relationships as it does to parent/child connections. The term bonding refers to the bond between two or more children that is a very strong reciprocal attachment between them, which both parties wish to continue, and which can be terminated or interrupted at considerable long-term peril to the parties involved. The closest friends one can have are siblings. This is because after all, they are the ones who have been on your side from the beginning. Children who are kind, supportive, and understanding influence their sisters and brothers to act and behave in similar ways as well, as shown in an article in the journal Child Development. Having close, well-matched siblings has proven to be a blessing for many people since they were young. Thus, brothers and sisters are considered to be the best friends you could ever have. The older siblings begin to take a more active role in the lives of their younger siblings between their third and fourth year, and then they become more effective both as companions and antagonists. What is the best way to create a bond between siblings? Focus on strengthening family bonds. Avoid comparing your kids. Make sure they know how to respectfully disagree. Find out what's causing sibling conflict. Emphasize the importance of respect. Siblings should learn to appreciate each other's differences. Make them work together on chores. Make sure they know how to listen.   Siblings are continuously making a positive impact on each other's mental health and well-being. Warm sibling relationships -- those characterized by more affection and intimacy than conflict -- are a valuable resource for providing material and emotional support to one another and can help prevent loneliness and depression in one's life. In this case, the child lives with his own family members and he does not feel the absence of his parents much. He feels safe in his siblings' company. He imitates the moral values imbibed by his siblings and learns them as a result. Healthy sibling relationships have been shown to increase empathy, prosocial behavior, and academic achievement. Research has shown that healthy sibling relationships are excellent sources of support and valuable resources for children. Siblings form bonds mainly because they support each other and have shared many experiences together. Siblings often live and grow up together as a family, which means they never really feel alone in their age group, even if they never make any friends outside of their family. Whenever you interact with your children, you should encourage and be encouraged by requiring them to give each other compliments and support. This will help your children to learn about love and being loved, and how to encourage each other. Having the expression of love and affection be a natural (and mandatory) part of family interactions.
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by on August 5, 2022
Cleaning your house before you give birth is kind of like the ultimate spring cleaning. You want to go from room to room, and top to bottom. Decide where your baby will sleep in the nursery. Place the crib away from items that might pose a safety hazard, such as cords for blinds. In essence, the first night at home with your newborn may be more stressful than you hope due to the fact that both you and your little one have a lot of adjustments to make together. It's perfectly normal and expected for newborns to be fussy and cry more when we try to put them down. How to clean the house before the baby comes: Declutter Dusting Vacuum Clean the Carpets Mop Hard floors Wax Furniture Wash the Windows Deep Cleaning the Bathroom   How To Prepare Your Home For A New Baby Plan a move well in advance. Batch cook before the birth.  Put together a downstairs basket.  Clear away the clutter.  Invest in smart storage.  Rethink your spaces.   Prep, cook, and freeze extra meals. Stock up on household essentials, like laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, and other cleaning tools. You should definitely wash baby's clothes, blankets and other washable items that will come in contact with their skin. It's not necessary to do it before they're born, but it's a good idea to do it before they wear them.   What Should be Pre-Washed Before Your Baby Arrives Baby clothes. Any baby accessories made of fabric. Blankets and swaddle blankets. Stuffed animals and other cloth toys. Do this around 4-6 weeks before the baby is due. This is close enough to the date so that the clothes aren't sitting for months on end collecting dust. But it isn't too close to your due date when you should be focusing on rest and preparing for birth.   What do you need in your baby's room: Cradle, crib, bassinet, or Pack 'n Play. Dresser or clothing bins. Rocking chair or glider. Toy bins. Lighting. Diaper changing table. Laundry hamper.   Most people find the first six to eight weeks to be the hardest with a new baby, and whilst people may not openly discuss many of the challenges in these early weeks of parenthood (if at all), there are a number of common hurdles you may face at this time. Slowing down and truly giving your body the chance to heal is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. So, to recap, if at all possible, avoid using the vacuum cleaner for the first 6 weeks postpartum. If you need to sweep or mop, really take it easy. How did you prepare your house before the baby arrives? Let us know in the comment section below and don't forget to drop by our Marketplace to see all the list of baby proucts you need!
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by on August 18, 2022
Newborns don't have a strong immune system yet, so they're at risk for infection. Make sure that everyone who handles your baby has clean hands. Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer before handling your baby. Always support your newborn's head and neck. To pick up baby, slide one hand under baby's head and neck and the other hand under their bottom. Bend your knees to protect your back. Once you've got a good hold, scoop up your baby and bring baby close to your chest as you straighten your legs again.   Five Things That You Need To Do To A Newborn Baby:    Wash your hands before touching a baby - Until your baby is at least two months old, it's an excellent idea to ask visitors to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before holding your baby. Set yourself and immediate family members the same rule. Washing with soap and water is best, but most alcohol-based sanitizers are fine to use on young children as long as you handle them with care: Use just a pea-size amount and rub your child's hands until they're completely dry so he doesn't try to lick or swallow any gel, then store the bottle safely out of reach. Hold the baby like a football - Prone over arm can be a part of tummy time sessions. Place your baby over your forearm supporting their head in the natural bend of your elbow and resting your opposite arm between baby's legs supporting them with your hand at their tummy or shoulder. Keep your baby upright after feeding - Always burp your baby when feeding time is over. To help prevent the milk from coming back up, keep your baby upright after feeding for 10 to 15 minutes, or longer if your baby spits up or has GERD. Keep your baby upright after a feed. Once your baby has finished feeding, try not to lay him down for a nap or a nappy change straight away. But don't worry if your baby spits sometimes.  Immunization is important - Your child should receive their first doses of most vaccines during their first two years of life. They may need several doses of the vaccines to reach full protection. For example, the CDC recommends children receive their first dose of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine at 12 months of age or older. No matter the schedule you choose to follow, Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG), Hepatitis B (HB 1), and Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV 0) are the 3 main vaccines given to every newborn right after birth. Different doses and vaccines will then follow when your child is 6 weeks, 10 weeks, and 14 weeks old. Trimming your baby’s nails - You may not need to cut your baby's nails for the first few months. Newborns' nails are very soft and will probably be worn down by their clothing. However, babies can't control their arm or leg movements for the first 6 weeks. If their nails are sharp or jagged, they may scratch themselves. Massage the child's hands or rub them with a towel before cutting his/her nails to desensitize his/her skin. Play music while you cut the child's nails to play down the sound produced by the nail clipper.   Five Things That You Should Not Do To A Newborn Baby:    Don’t bounce a fussy newborn - Offer a swaddle. This snug wrap in a receiving blanket keeps your little bundle feeling secure. Don't get discouraged. It's long been thought that for most babies, crying peaks at six weeks and then gradually eases off. Your baby's cry is how they communicate with you. Babies cry so they can be fed, put to sleep, or have their diaper changed. All babies cry. Don’t extend your baby forward to someone else - Protecting the head and neck is the priority when passing your newborn to someone else. Introducing your baby to others at home can be challenging. If you have other kids, be sure to spend some quality time with each of them. Rather than holding the baby out in front of you, have the other person come close, facing you. Don't Put Your Newborn on Their Stomach at Bedtime - It isn't safe to put babies to sleep on their stomachs. That's because this position increases the risk of SIDS. The same goes for placing your baby to sleep on his side. From the side-sleeping position, your little one can easily roll onto his stomach and end up in this unsafe sleeping position. Don’t kiss a newborn baby - A newborn baby's immune system is underdeveloped, and whilst they're not fully immunised, it makes them highly vulnerable to severe infections. Many pediatricians warn against strangers kissing babies due to their vulnerable immune systems, as infants are at particular risk of RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), allergic reactions, fever blisters and foot and mouth disease. Don't hold a baby if you are tired - Remember that safe sleep is a must. “Too frequently, exhausted parents fall asleep holding their baby and wake up hours later to find the baby in a dangerous position,” says Dr. Ahmann. “If you're tired, put your baby back in the crib. Having a baby is hard work, and when you finally see your little one for the first time, you might be overcome with emotion after waiting such a long time to give birth. Read related articles: What New Parents Need To Know About Natural Childbirth Importance Of Self Care During Pregnancy and Welcome Baby Party: A Sip And See
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by on August 10, 2022
Spoiled child is characterized as excessive, self-centered, and immature behavior". It includes lack of consideration for other people, recurrent temper tantrums, an inability to handle the delay of gratification, demands for having one's own way, obstructiveness, and manipulation to get their way. Some kids also say hurtful things as a means of trying to get what they want. If they can hurt you, you might feel bad or doubt yourself and give in. So in some cases, it's a way to achieve a more tangible goal. When children don't listen, many parents are tempted to raise their voices. But yelling isn't likely to lead to positive results. According to this study shared by BetterHelp, the long-term psychological effects of yelling at a child includes Increased Anxiety. Short-term effects are that children feel bad, they eventually learn to tune us out and as they model our behaviour of yelling, they in turn yell too and can show increased aggression.  Too often, our tantrums are born out of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Therefore, it's important not to put yourself in a position of feeling chronically overwhelmed by getting upset over every little annoying thing your child does. One way to combat this is to think hard about what is most important. Children act mean because they're impulsive, they don't know better ways to solve problems, and their empathy isn't fully developed. “Induction” means guiding children to understand how their actions affect others.   When Your Kids Won't Listen, Do: Get on Their Level. Do find opportunities for praise.  Do set limits and keep them.  Be specific.  You're their parent, not their buddy. Be realistic with punishment. Reward the right behaviors.  Listen, listen, listen.   When Your Kids Won't Listen, Don't: Lecture your child about the broken rule and the lack of listening. Dwell on them “never” listening, bring up the incidents constantly. Punish them but instead give guidance and consequences. Belittle your child or try to make them feel bad. Don't back down from rules and limits. Don't view discipline as punishment. Discipline may feel as though you're punishing your kids.   The most powerful tool for effective discipline is attention to reinforce good behaviors and discourage others. Remember, all children want their parent's attention. Catch them being good. Children need to know when they do something bad and when they do something good.   Here are some good punishments for your child:  Time-Ins. Most parents would give their kids time-outs for bad behaviour, wherein the kids sit silently in a corner.  Exercise.  Make them do Chores.  Timer.  Practise. Punishment Jar.  Cool-Off Time.  Tidy Up the Clutter. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Positive discipline is a way of teaching and guiding children by letting them know what behavior is acceptable in a way that is firm, yet kind. Punishment describes methods of control, gained by requiring rules or orders be obeyed and punishing undesired behavior. Embrace natural consequences: When the punishment is specific to the offense and logical, kids have a better chance of modifying their behavior. Praise the right actions: Don't just punish the wrong behaviors. Make a habit of praising good decisions.  
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by on October 7, 2022
It is a common tradition for children to go trick-or-treating on the evening of October 31. Some homeowners signal their willingness to give out treats by installing Halloween decorations on their doors, whereas others leave treats out for them to take freely on their porches. The earlier trick-or-treating time is, the younger the trick-or-treaters are likely to be. In most communities, trick-or-treating begins around sunset time, whose time might vary according to your time zone (but usually on Halloween, it begins around 5:30 or 6 pm). Trick-or-treating is a traditional Halloween custom for children and adults in some countries. In the evening before All Saints' Day, children in costumes travel from house to house, asking for treats with the phrase "Trick or treat". Wikipedia It's fine to take your baby trick-or-treating at "any age," adding that costumed infants are adorable when carried by their parents. Make sure your children change out of wet clothes as soon as possible. To keep them warm and comfortable, add one more layer to their clothing than an adult would wear. You'll probably need to add a base layer to your kids' costumes along with their outerwear on Halloween.   How do you celebrate Halloween with a baby?   A zoo-time treat. It's time for some spooky stories. Put on your best Halloween clothes. Pick the perfect pumpkin. Pumpkin carving. Get your home spooky-decorated. Distribute candy/goodies to children. Take a walk/stroll around the neighborhood.   There is no age restriction on trick-or-treating, but in order to receive candy, you must wear a costume, no matter how ridiculous the outfit is. Even if it's one of those "funny" no-effort costumes where you just wear a fanny pack and call yourself a tourist or something. Children like to get out of the door early before older kids with spooky costumes start walking the streets in the evening. You can expect to see your first candy collectors anywhere between 5:30 and 6:00 pm. You may have your young kids start going door to door at the same time as well.    Safety checklist for Halloween:    Keep walkways clear. You should avoid using candles. Make sure railings are secure. Pets should be contained. Make sure there are a lot of lights. Make space in the garage. Don't leave candy unattended. Keep your head up, put down any electronic devices, and walk across the street instead of running. Make sure children make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them. Use crosswalks and traffic signals when crossing streets. Walking on sidewalks or paths is always a good idea.   Don't allow children to accept anything that isn't commercially wrapped – or to eat anything that isn't. Check commercially packaged treats carefully for signs of tampering, such as unusual appearances or discolorations, tiny pinholes in the wrapper, or tears in the wrapper, and throw anything that looks suspicious away. Halloween treat bags should also be carefully inspected by an adult before the kids are allowed to take them. It is recommended that those with younger children remove choking hazards, such as hard candies and gum, from their bags. Keeping kids out of their candy haul until an adult can thoroughly inspect it at home is the best way to stay safe.  A simple five-minute check could potentially prevent some bad situations from occurring. It's not just about keeping an eye out for possible drug-laced candy, but also to make sure they haven't been tampered with by someone else. "Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat. If you don't, I won't be sad. I'll just make you wish you had!"   Read these other related blogs for babies: How To Keep Baby Safe From Climbing Why Do Babies Need Toys To Play   Visit Ebaby's Marketplace for Halloween-related stuff!  
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