by on August 12, 2022
By the World Health Organization's definition, self-care means taking all the steps you can to take care of your physical health and well-being, including hygiene, nutrition, managing stressors, and seeking medical care if needed. Being active during pregnancy will improve your energy levels, alleviate pain and discomfort, and lower your risk of pregnancy complications. And if that's not motivation enough, staying fit during pregnancy also prepares your body for giving birth. Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy, and more. Self-care is the practice of caring for one's own health, well-being, and happiness. It is an essential component of stress relief and wellness. Making time for yourself may feel indulgent or selfish, but that is far from the truth.   Practice Self-Care During Pregnancy Nourish Your Body. Food is medicine, and the right choices can bolster your mood, deliver key nutrients and help your baby grow.  Get Moving.  Permission to Pause.  Spend Time Outdoors.  Clean Up Your Beauty Routine.  Unplug One Full Day a Week.   Staying active is a key part of pregnancy self-care. It should be a part of your self-care routine whether or not you're pregnant. Eating healthily during pregnancy will help your baby develop and grow, and it'll help keep you fit and well too. Reduce stress. A pregnant mom's stress can be harmful to the baby's brain development and sometimes lead to premature birth. Exercise during your pregnancy. Exercise is always important, especially during pregnancy. Regular, daily walks are an easy way to keep moving. Regular exercise in pregnancy can reduce the risk of developing complications such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.   Pregnant mothers need: Prenatal Vitamins. Morning Sickness Remedies. A Good Moisturizer. Belly Support Band. Body Pillow. Supportive Bra. Maternity Clothing. Pregnancy Books.   Both emotionally and physically, a pregnant mom needs someone to look up to. To ask for advice, to make important decisions, and to share her future plans, she needs someone to count on. Having a child changes her life forever. Right from the first day of her pregnancy, her life is preoccupied with her child. Read blogs about Expecting A Baby To Turn Head Down During Pregnancy and Using A Disposable Nursing Pad During Breastfeed
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by on June 26, 2022
Most babies are not ready for solid foods, including infant cereals, until they are about 6 months old, though some babies could be ready a month or two earlier. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advocates waiting until your baby is at least four months old to introduce solid food. Even better, says the organization, is to wait until your baby is six months old. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first six months after birth. But by ages 4 months to 6 months, most babies are ready to begin eating solid foods as a complement to breast-feeding or formula-feeding. At 4 months your baby's digestive system isn't mature yet, this is why early introduction to solids is often associated with issues such as, constipation, gas, upset tummy etc. Around 6 months, the gut begins to close (aka matures) and allows for more optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients. At 6 months, your baby will still be getting most of their nutrition from breast milk or formula. Start to introduce solid foods around 6 months of age (not before 4 months). Your baby will take only small amounts of solid foods at first. Start feeding your baby solids once a day, building to 2 or 3 times a day. That's why cereals fortified with iron are an ideal early food. Combine one teaspoon of single-grain cereal with four to five teaspoons of breast milk or formula. At first, most of the cereal will end up on your baby's chin. Aim to feed your little one about 1-2 tablespoons of food twice a day. Solid food shouldn't take the place of milk as the main source of nutrients. Indeed, babies should still drink about 4-6 ounces per feeding when they're 4 months old. If your baby is under 6 months old, they only need to drink breastmilk or infant formula. It's because babies' bodies aren't suited for water until several months after birth. Tiny tummies and developing kidneys put them at risk for both nutrient loss and water intoxication. From 6 months of age, you can give your baby small amounts of water, if needed, in addition to their breastmilk or formula feeds. Bananas may be introduced to your baby as early as 4 months old. Please remember that the recommended age to begin introducing solid foods is between 4-6 months old, with 6 months being the idea age. Most babies can start eating yogurt as soon as they start eating solids around 4 to 6 months. Yogurt is an excellent choice for one of your baby's first foods because it contains calcium, protein, and vitamins. 1 to 4 tablespoons of cereal once or twice a day. 1 to 4 tablespoons each of a fruit and vegetable once or twice a day. Can I give my baby solids at night? No. Your baby's ability to sleep through the night depends more on what age he is, and what sleep habits he's become used to, than what he eats during the day. Your baby doesn't need solids to help him sleep. It is generally acknowledged that formula-fed infants gain more weight than breastfed infants and breastfeeding is an important protector against overweight and obesity. As your baby starts eating solid foods, he or she will drink less. Slowly increase the amount of solid food you offer and decrease the amount of breast milk or formula. Your baby needs the extra nutrients he's getting from a variety of foods, so it's best not to let him fill up with milk first. For infants, not being breastfed is associated with an increased incidence of infectious morbidity, including otitis media, gastroenteritis, and pneumonia, as well as elevated risks of childhood obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, leukemia, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Physicians' groups settled on the 6-month cut-off after earlier research determined that children who get solid food at too early might be at a greater risk for developing chronic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, eczema and celiac disease. While it is certainly possible to overfeed a baby, most infant nutrition experts agree that it is fairly uncommon. As we noted earlier, babies are innately capable of self-regulating their intake; they eat when they're hungry and stop when they're full.
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by on September 30, 2021
Home Remedies for Babies that Actually Work Or Grandma’s Emergency Checklist Keeping a pharmacopeia of common items or over-the-counter items that can bring relief for ordinary day-to-day ills is just plain common sense. With that said, this list is not intended to replace advice from a doctor, nor is the writer in any way qualified as a medical person. This is for-your-information, one parent to another. Diaper Rash Prevention is your number one arsenal for this one. It begins with changing the diaper as soon as it is wet or dirty. Don’t count on that “wicking moisture away from baby’s skin” bit that some disposable diaper companies use as a selling point. Use cloth diapers and place the baby on a rubberized mat instead of using leak-proof covers. The covers trap moisture, which is part of the cause for diaper rash. Use detergents that are scent and additive free to wash cloth diapers, and the rest of baby’s clothes. Rinse with vinegar, not bleach. Relief after established – A & D Ointment for most babies. – Aloe for babies with extra sensitive skin. – For babies with super sensitive skin, clean with warm water and place child on a rubberized mat covered with a receiving blanket and leave unclothed. Change blanket and mat as needed. Fussy Baby Countdown Check the diaper. Offer food – formula or breast milk for infants. Baby food, drinks or finger food for older babies. Cuddle and sing or talk to the baby. Sometimes it really is a desire for attention. Watch body language. Does the baby flail arms or draw knees up to stomach? These are signs of distress, and possibly pain. Check clothing for anything that could be irritating or painful Offer food again, if accepted, burp by placing infant over shoulder and rubbing or gently patting back. If refused, check for fever. For babies younger than 2 months, call your physician right away if fever is over 100. Three months and older, call the physician if the fever is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, persists more than three days or is exceptionally high Fever helps: children’s liquid Tylenol if approved by your pediatrician Tepid sponge bath Sips of distilled water Check gums. Hard, swollen areas might indicate new teeth erupting. Teething helps include: Rubbing the gums gently with a clean finger Giving baby something cool to chew on Baby Tylenol in doctor approved dosage Nubbly teething toy – it massages and sooths the gums while encouraging the teeth to break through If you haven’t found the problem, start again at the top to see if you’ve missed anything. Things not to do with a fussy baby: Shake the baby or respond in any aggressive physical way toward your infant. If you are out of control, gently place your baby in a secure area, such as a crib, and walk away.Get a drink of water, take three slow deep breaths and let them out slowly. When you are under control check your baby. Leave the baby to “cry it out.” Crying is a distress signal and can indicate something is wrong. Dose with adult medicines or herbal preparations of any kind Administer an alcoholic beverage Minor cuts and scrapes Wash the area with warm, soapy water, then rinse well. Stop the bleeding by placing a clean cloth or even clean toilet paper over the cut Apply a soothing protective ointment such as petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel If the cut or scrape is large, cover with a protective bandage. If it is small, leave it open air Burns Place under cold running water Apply ice Sooth the area with aloe vera gel – from the fresh plant, if you have it, from a bottle without additives such as alcohol if you don’t Open air if possible Upset Stomach A tummy that doesn’t feel well can come to anyone at any age. Since it can have multiple causes, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Gassy tummy Walking or movement. If the baby has the gassy tummy, walk around with the baby over your shoulder, gently patting or rubbing the back Ask mommy, if the baby is breastfed, what she ate last. Chocolate is a big culprit for a baby upset tummy. Pepperoni pizza can also create problems for some people. For older babies, sips of a clear, carbonated soft drink. The bubbles help with burping Constipation Doesn’t usually happen with breast fed babies For bottle babies older than 1 month, try a little apple juice If the problem persists, talk to your pediatrician about a formula change Ease up on feeding solids until the problem resolves Bee stings and insect bites For minor stings and bites, make a paste of baking soda and apply it to the area Avoid bathing in baking soda as it can sometimes irritate Use an over-the-counter ointment that contains Benedryl Apply ice to bring down swelling and stop spread of poison.   Be alert for signs of an allergic reaction: Difficulty breathing Severe swelling or painful itching When in doubt, go to the emergency room. Better to feel silly and have an unnecessary bill than to make a mistake in the other direction. For some types of bites, such as spider bites, use a drawing ointment Don’t hesitate to get medical help if you suspect a spider bite Prid is an otc drawing ointment that works very well Cover to keep Baby from eating the ointment Use bread and milk mixed into a paste if nibbling the poultice is a problem. Plant Allergies Begin with prevention. Do not encourage your child to run through tall grass or to come in contact with a lawn. Many children will develop something commonly called “grass itch” which is a moderate rash that often goes away in a few minutes. A bigger problem in our modern world might be the insecticide or herbicide sprayed on the lawn. If a rash develops, try washing the area with a  solution of baking soda or tea. Caladryl is a good over the counter remedy. It is a combination of calamine and Benadryl lotion. Animal Bites As with many things, begin with prevention. Never leave your infant alone with the family pet and avoid introducing your baby to other people’s large dog or cat. If you have a large snake or exoticas pet, keep a closed, locked door between that animal and your baby. Teach older children how to behave respectfully around animals. Always supervise child/animal interactions, especially initial ones. If your child is bitten by a cat, dog or other creature here are the immediate steps: Remove child to safe place Check extent and nature of injury Minor injury, clean with soap and water Call pediatrician Moderate injury, clean with soap and water Call pediatrician Might need emergency room visit Severe injury, call 911 – don’t hesitate Catch and confine the animal Consider the circumstances Call vet to examine animal if it has been acting strangely Pediatrician might want to administer a tetanus shot and prescribe antibiotics A grandmother who has seven grandchildren and numerous pets remarked, “Children have incomplete thinking, and animals behave according to their natures. While many dogs and cats are nurturing toward human babies, they are still animals and might respond to the child in the same way they respond to their own young. When it comes to kids, it is a good idea to err on the side of caution. That goes for puppies, kittens, and other young, as well.” Injuries When babies become toddlers, accidents happen, especially if your little one is a climber. For some kids it seems as if “up” is far better than down, but down can happen quickly with painful results. Prevention is always best, but if “oweys” happen, there are steps to take after. Prevention Retire the crib and provide your toddler with a  Big Kid bed that is low to the ground. Avoid placing tall dressers in baby’s room. Wait until school age for those fancy playroom bunkbeds. Supervise! Supervise! Supervise! Ignore comments about helicopter parent. Those only apply to older children. Intervention – the worst has happened. Your ambitious 18-month-old climbed out of his high chair (don’t ask—you don’t want to know) and followed the cat to the top of the refrigerator. Once there, the cat made a leap, and the baby tried to follow. OUCH! Check your child. Look for: Blood Bones at odd angles Broken skin Large immediate swelling – especially on the head If your child is unresponsive and there are no screams and crying, call 911. Calm your child. (And yourself. Goodness! How did the baby get on the refrigerator?) When the initial sobbing and wails of terror are over: Try to use a small penlight to check pupils. They should dilate and contract at a similar rate. If they don’t, call your pediatrician. Mop up any blood. Clean scrapes, cuts, etc. with soapy water and assess the damage. If there is a cut that won’t stop bleeding, call 911. If a bump in forming on the head, check the scalp for softness. Place ice on bumps or bruises. If you don’t have ice, a frozen bag of peas works really well. Don’t hesitate to get your pediatrician in on the action. Falls from a height can have unforeseen consequences. Better to be seen as a bad parent than to have something happen to your baby. Respiratory From a snuffly, runny nose to feverish difficulty breathing, respiratory illnesses range from aggravating to scary for just about anyone. When you are a tiny person who must depend on others for just about everything, not being able to breathe properly is really upsetting. There are so many causes for the respiratory problems that it can be really difficult to make blanket statements for all of them. But here are some tips for snuffly nose days: – Use an ear/nose syringe to remove mucous from baby’s nose. Wash the syringe with soapy water and dry well between uses. – Have a box of the really soft facial/nose tissues on hand. – A tiny bit of cooking oil can be used to treat chapped nostrils. Dampen your finger with it, and gently wipe over the affected area. – Moisten the air with a cool-air humidifier – use with caution if your child has asthma – Give sips of distilled water to moisten mouth between feedings – Keep comfortably warm, but not overly hot – Babies over age six months can have a little juice to help break up phlegm – Check temperature periodically; consult your pediatrician if it begins to climb Remember, the common cold will generally last two weeks if you medicate it, and fourteen days if you don’t. (Yes, that does work out to the same amount of time.) That can seem like a very long time with a fussy, grumpy baby that is having trouble breathing, but as long as it doesn’t progress much beyond a runny nose, waiting and relieving symptoms is often the best medicine. Herbs and Babies Babies are delicate. It might seem tempting to dose your infant with peppermint or chamomile, but these herbs can cause young babies some real problems. Keep in mind that even the mildest of herbs is real medicine and should be treated with the same respect as an over the counter drug. Honey Honey is a natural, unpasteurized product. It has the potential to cause infant botulism, which is potentially fatal. Although it works well as a cough syrup for older children, it isn’t a good idea for infants. Pedialyte Ice Pops Pour Pedialyte into a popsicle mold and freeze. Good for sore throats, hydration, and teething. Bored Baby in a High Chair Sometimes it seems as if your not-quite-mobile infant demands a lot of attention. To gain a few minutes to wash the dishes try placing a few dots of pureed baby food on a clean high chair tray. Encourage Baby to explore the texture and the way it smears around – think of it as early finger painting.    
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by on September 18, 2022
In the first 1,000 days of a baby's life - from conception to age 2 - many things can happen that will affect their health and wellbeing throughout their lives. In the first 1,000 days of a child's life, their brain, body and immune system grow and develop significantly from the moment they are conceived until they are 2 years old (24 months). According to research, a pregnant mother's health, nutrition and stress levels can have a significant impact on her baby's future health and well-being. As the baby grows up, so can the child's physical environment, nutrition and relationships, all of which can affect the baby's health and wellbeing for the rest of their lives. As a baby grows, they need: Healthy environments - even in the womb Relationships full of love A safe and secure environment Nutritional food Playtime First 1,000 days of your baby's brain: During the first 1,000 days of a baby's life, its brain develops at a rapid rate unlike any other time in a baby's life. The way the baby's brain molds and adapts to the environment in which the baby lives, therefore, determines the sort of person the baby will be. A baby's learning capacity, physical skills, and emotional development will be facilitated when the right diet (nutrition) is consumed during pregnancy and in early childhood.  A child's development can be affected lifelong if he or she is starved or exposed to stress or abuse during this time. An unsafe or unhealthy environment in the first 1,000 days of life can affect a child's physical health later in life as well since the brain is closely linked to the rest of the body. A healthy diet during the first 1,000 days of life: A child's future health depends on receiving adequate nutrition in the womb and throughout their early years. The research shows that the diet, weight, and lifestyle of the mother can influence how the baby's metabolism, immune system, and organs develop when the mother eats well, weighs well, and has a healthy lifestyle. In the future, poor nutrition during pregnancy and early life could result in obesity, heart disease, and strokes. It is important to eat a healthy diet during your pregnancy so that you can give your baby the best possible start to life. You should also nurse your baby for at least six months if you can so that he or she can develop healthy eating habits for the rest of their lives.   Here are some tips to make your baby's life as healthy as possible: Make sure you eat a healthy diet during pregnancy. Maintain a healthy diet for your baby. Breastfeed for at least six months, if possible. Smoking, drinking, and using drugs should be avoided. Consider seeking help if you have experienced violence or trauma. Love and attention are essential to making your baby feel safe.   The first 1,000 days of safety and security: In order to be able to think, understand, communicate, show emotions and behave properly, a child needs loving, secure relationships. It's through these relationships that babies learn to think, understand, communicate, show emotions and behave properly. Relationships have a profound impact on how they see the world and how they fit into society. There are a number of things that you can do to help your baby to feel safe and loved, such as playing, singing, reading to them and talking to them. The effects of stress and trauma during the first 1,000 days of life: It has been shown in research that if a pregnant woman has a lot of stress, as well as a lot of stress during pregnancy, this can affect the baby's nervous system and growth, which has been shown to lead to health problems later on in life, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.  ​​​​​​​ Violence in the family can have a damaging effect on a baby's development. Parents who are experiencing family (domestic) violence may find it difficult to form a loving attachment with their baby. I think we all agree that sometimes stress and trauma are unavoidable, it is not your fault, and there is help available. If you are pregnant or if you have a young child and you are experiencing a very stressful situation, please talk with your doctor or child health nurse. Read this related article: 30 Fun Facts About Babies, Understanding Typical And Atypical Developments In Babies and Understanding Your Baby's Brain
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by on November 5, 2022
Our children are much more inclined to listen to a voice that sounds warm and encouraging than one that sounds harsh and judgmental. The tone of your voice is just as important as the volume. The tone of voice we use communicates how much we wish for an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and respect when it is caring and inviting. A baby may hear quick breathings, clipped words and extended pauses, these might indicate anxiety or upset. A slow, monotonous voice or a quieter tone than normal could imply exhaustion or illness. You might hear faster, slightly louder speech if you're excited. What is the reason for changing our voice when we are talking to kids? There is an emphasis on the rising pitch, greater pitch variation, and a more musical rhythm and tone. Research suggests this exaggerated emphasis may help infants learn speech patterns or increase attention when parents warn them of danger. Whenever caregivers yell, toddlers tend to focus on the emotion rather than the message. It is important to keep in mind that harsh or aggressive language can have a negative impact on a child's self-esteem, behavior, and communication skills. When disciplining a child, it is more effective to use positive, gentle, and calm tones as opposed to harsh ones. As a parent, one of the most important parts of communicating with your child is not only listening to them but actively listening too. That is because active listening shows your child that you care and are interested in what they are saying. Active listening can also help you learn and understand more about what is going on in your child's life. How do angry parents affect a child? A parent who is angry or stressed can make his or her children behave in a bad way or become physically ill. Children react to anxious, stressed parents by losing their concentration, having difficulty playing with other children, becoming silent and afraid, being rude and aggressive, or becoming sleep-deprived. In addition to causing anxiety, low self-esteem, and increased aggression in children, it can also make them more vulnerable to bullying due to their distorted understanding of healthy boundaries and the importance of self-respect.   What is the best way to communicate with kids without yelling at them?   Take the opposite tone. Ask questions. Make it fun.  Take a break. Be positive — and clear. Control the conversation.   What's the best way to communicate with kids?   Talk to kids clearly, respectfully, and considerately. Be realistic about what you can do at home. Deal with concerns in a problem-solving way. Work together with a positive attitude. As soon as concerns arise, talk about them.   You will be able to build your relationship with your child if you say "thanks" and "please" every time you speak to him. Spreading good manners and showing respect will bring you closer together; mean words and a harsh voice will alienate him. When parents use positive words with their children, their cognitive functioning will be improved. When parents use negative words, a child's brain functioning can be interrupted.   Read also: Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One Traditional Parenting VS Modern Parenting: Which is better? Tantrums In Toddlers: How To Stop And Handle Them  
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by on September 30, 2021
Some babies love car rides, here are 8 helpful tips to prepare your baby for their car ride that the whole family will appreciate. Putting your baby to sleep by placing them in their car seat and driving around the block is often a very effective way for them to go to bed. But other babies hate riding in a car, and they especially hate the car seat. If your infant gets carsick easily or has extreme separation anxiety, then you might have a bit of a problem on your hands. But handled correctly, car riding should be a pleasure for the whole family most of the time. Here are eight ways you can help make car riding more pleasant for your child. 1. Spread a towel or even one of those foil windshield screens over the car seat and the metal buckles that might touch your baby. Metal heats up quickly, especially in areas where outdoor temperatures can exceed 110 during the day. Always check the temperature of the metal before buckling your child into the seat, as some metals can become hot enough to cause burns. 2. Make sure the seat is the right size. The carrier or seat that seemed to be “just right” last week can become too small very quickly. Unfortunately, a good car seat is an expensive purchase. One way around this is to join a parent exchange where you can trade in your too-small seat for a sanitized hand-me-down from a slightly older baby. 3. Add a toy to the seat but do make sure that it is age appropriate and not likely to have any parts that can be pried off and swallowed. As with all toys, a choking hazard is not the goal. “Exercise” boards with things to pull, push and move around are ideal if there is some way to secure them to the car seat. Toddlers love having their own baby steering wheel, so they can play at driving. 4. Provide a small bottle or sippy cup. If the day is hot, give sips of distilled water rather than milk or juice. Snacks are an option for babies who can hold food but could be a choking hazard. 5. Play soothing music or sing songs. Babies have a very short attention span, and the anticipation of going to Grandma’s house just might not be enough to sustain patience with being forced to sit still for a long time. Interactive entertainment can make a difference. 6. Velcro or otherwise mount a small tablet on the back of the forward seat, just at eye level. Play soothing music or an age-appropriate video. Those videos with fish swimming can sometimes be enough. [bsa_pro_ad_space id=15] 7. Play something active with  your baby before getting into the car, then feed him or her just before the trip. With any luck, you’ll be able to enter the vehicle with a clean, well-fed, sleepy baby who will snooze out for several miles of the trip. 8. If the crying persists consistently every time you go for a car ride, talk with your pediatrician to see if there is a physical cause for your child’s discomfort. Riding in a car should be a pleasurable experience, and for many children, it is. Keep in mind that long road trips are very difficult for active youngsters. Even if your youngster decides to relieve his or her boredom by pelting the driver with snacks provided as part of the in-vehicle entertainment, try to hold on to your cool. Do, however, pull off the roadway at the first opportunity and relieve your young bombardier of any and all potential missiles. Not all children enjoy riding in a car, but most do. If your child begins crying as soon as you approach the car, try doing some detective work to learn what might be the problem. In many cases, the remedy can be simple. When the problem is complex, such as a child that has motion sickness, then you might need to consider getting your pediatrician’s help. What did you think of our blog? Let us know in the comments section below!
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by on September 25, 2021
Two car seats rested against a large, ornamental rock at the bottom of the Walmart parking lot. It wasn’t a place anyone would expect to see a car seat. No sign announced why they were there. They weren’t labeled “free to new home.” They just sat there, mute testimony to some event in their plastic and acrylic past. As a fitting embellishment for the scene, the sun was setting in a thin, red line of last light, just before the city streetlamps began to turn on. Importance of Car Seats Car seats are important equipment for today’s busy families. A best-case scenario for these seats is that they were out-grown, old, cracked or otherwise damaged and no longer able to do their job of protecting children. Perhaps the family that had owned them had set the seats out of their car and left them there so as to avoid the irritation of recycling them or throwing them away.   Keeping up With Child Growth Children outgrow car seats at an alarming rate. That is why many hospitals and baby resource, such as, make it possible to sell or trade old car seats for new ones. With car seat prices starting at around $50 and going up from there, it can be one of the biggest expenses for bringing baby home. It is an expense rivaled only by the cost of a crib or bassinet. For your child’s comfort, a car seat must be properly sized. Seats intended for an older child will not properly support an infant’s head, neck and back. An infant seat might cramp an older baby, causing back and neck discomfort. Therefore, purchasing a new car seat could be an important step for a young family, even if they owned previously serviceable seats. Car Seats, Joint Custody, and Similar Considerations Few women would be willing to go back to the bad old times when the only way out of an unsuitable or even dangerous marriage was death. Furthermore, in the not so very distant past, a woman fleeing an abusive marriage might have been forced to leave her children behind “Till death do you part” might have a romantic ring to it, but for some wives marriage was “a fate worse than death.” Better by far to be able to tell a judge or file some papers that declare the marriage to be null and void than to resort to extreme measures. Failed marriages in historical times make good fiction, but a poor reality in which to live. But that still leaves the children. Some youngsters are fortunate enough to simply have two loving families who manage to communicate and function in ways best for the children. Others, might have one good family and one in not-so-good. And then, there is the third scenario where the custodial parent reluctantly releases their precious child to the other parent. What does that have to do with car seats left in a parking lot? They might have belonged to a disgruntled parent who was denied custody or visitation rights. Those two aged and broken seats might be a social commentary. Car Theft and Car Seats Nothing telegraphs “not my car” quite like a safety or booster seat hanging out in a vehicle occupied by a group of rowdy teens, or even by a person who is clearly driving alone. While certainly not conclusive (see above situations where a child might need to go from one family vehicle to another), it could raise a flag with an officer of the law. Solution? Ditch the car seats.  
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by on July 18, 2022
At Ebaby, we know that life totally changes once your baby arrives. And while it’s all good things, breastfeeding is not easy - in fact, for many women, it can be painful and uncomfortable. However, there are plenty of things you can do to care for yourself during this time. To help, we put together a few self-care tips that you can implement while breastfeeding to make your experience more enjoyable for both you and your baby. Choose a Comfortable Nursing Bra When you’re breastfeeding, comfort is of the utmost importance. That’s why you’ll want to choose a durable nursing bra that gives you the support you need. For extra ease, choose a style that’s comfortable enough to wear while you sleep! Look for bras made from breathable fabric with robust support and convenient nursing access. Bonus points for finding one that offers double-duty as a hands-free pumping bra. You can start your search by shopping online, and as you check out online marketplaces like Amazon, you can purchase bras while picking out other items you need, like toilet paper, baby wipes, diapers, cleaning products and more.  Balance Time With Your Other Children Breastfeeding takes up a lot of your time and energy, and if you have other children, you might be worried about whether or not they’re getting enough attention from you - especially if you’re heading back to work soon. It can be hard to balance time with all of your kids when you’re breastfeeding a new baby. Talk to your partner about designating time with your kids so that you can work out a fair, informal “schedule.” For example, you might want to put your kids to bed at night, ask them to join you while you’re cooking dinner, or plan some nearby weekend outings without your newborn. Think of it this way, your partner can get some quality time with the baby while you get quality time with your other children Create a Cozy Environment Lots of mothers start “nesting” in the final weeks of pregnancy - it’s only natural that you want to create a cozy environment where you can care for your baby! But you can keep brightening up your home after your baby arrives, too. You might want to pick out cute new throw pillows or blankets, hang photos of your baby on the walls, or order fresh flowers online! Depending on your tastes, you can click here to put together your own unique bouquet or choose a curated combination. Having fresh flowers is a simple way to add a sense of relaxation and beauty to your home.  Enjoy Hands-Free Activities Breastfeeding can take up a lot of time. When your baby needs you for so many hours of the day, it’s easy to feel like you have little to no time for yourself. However, breastfeeding does present you with the opportunity to enjoy some hands-free activities! Very Well Family recommends doing a little reading, which can be convenient with audiobooks, catching up on a TV series you enjoy, or calling your friends. Eat a Healthy Diet Eating a healthy diet can make breastfeeding easier. Certain foods will help boost your milk production in the long run. There’s no single “diet” that you have to stick to while breastfeeding, but you can definitely benefit from incorporating certain foods into your diet. Mustela recommends eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, a few servings of lean protein per day, whole grains, healthy fats, and foods that contain lots of calcium, such as milk, yogurt, and broccoli. It’s important to get plenty of calories into your diet while you’re breastfeeding - remember, you’re technically still eating for two! Breastfeeding can pose lots of challenges, but it can also be a time to truly bond with your baby. If you’ve been having trouble caring for yourself while caring for your baby, it’s only natural that it will take a bit of time to find the right balance. With a comfortable nursing bra, a plan to spend time with your other kiddos and healthy eating, you’ll be able to focus on self-care while breastfeeding. Are you in need of baby products? Check out the wide selection on Ebaby! Browse our online marketplace today to start shopping. Photo via Pexels      
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by on July 7, 2022
Sweet and squishy baby cheeks are hard to resist kissing, but doing so can cause serious health consequences. Though kissing an infant doesn't always cause RSV or other illnesses, it can spread germs that can lead to illnesses that newborn immune systems find it hard to fight. Infants are particularly vulnerable to the HSV-1, better known as the Herpes Simplex Virus. The virus causes sores around the mouth and lips in adults. While HPV type 1 infection is rare, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Make it a point that anyone who is unwell, should strictly stay away from the baby. One of the most serious risks that come from kissing babies is the transfer of fever blisters, also known as cold sores. HSV 1 causes fever blisters to form around the baby's mouth and can spread to other areas of the body, even their brain. Everyone who comes into contact with your baby should follow safe hygiene practices. You can also implement a no kissing rule till the time your baby is atleast six weeks old or develops a stronger immune system. You can ask politely to your friends or relatives, be firm and stick to your guns. Explain that your request for them to refrain from your baby isn't one that will last forever, just until they are older and their immune system is stronger.  Pediatrics states that infection with the herpes virus is uncommon for infants. But you can never be too safe. Keep the baby kisses at home and if you have cold sores or see someone with cold sores, then kissing the baby is strictly off-limits. A consultant paediatrician at the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba, Lagos, Dr. Agatha David, says kissing a newborn on the lips or any part of the face can lead to meningitis, a viral infection caused by herpes. You should not kiss a baby if you have a cold sore to reduce the risk of spreading infection. Cold sores and other blisters caused by the herpes virus are at their most contagious when they burst. They remain contagious until completely healed. Our baby's well-being took priority. A newborn baby's immune system is underdeveloped, and whilst they're not fully immunised, it makes them highly vulnerable to severe infections. Kissing, sharing drinks, or transferring things from mouth to mouth can transmit RSV. Washing your hands, covering your coughs and sneezes, and avoiding contact when you are sick will decrease the spread and help protect our littlest family members. Since kissing the baby is pretty important to many parents, kissing them is totally fine as long as they know they don't have a cold sore. But which grandparent, cousin or neighbor will be forgiven, if they made the new baby sick? Better safe than sorry. The even bigger challenge was that there are very affectionate people who love kissing babies, however it is not okay to let other people kiss your newborn baby. We don’t know where they've been and who they've kissed so don’t let them kiss your baby. They may have been recently exposed to some form of a cold or other respiratory disease that may not show symptoms of yet. You don’t want them passing this on to your newborn infant whose immune system is not fully up and working yet. Just tell them "PLEASE don't kiss my baby." It's better to hurt someone's feelings than possibly pass a harmful virus to your baby. Blow them a kiss from far. Babies love “human touch.” It doesn’t have to be actual kissing. That is how they relate to their external world. That need for human connection doesn’t suddenly go away. 
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by on September 8, 2022
Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave, and move (like crawling, walking, or jumping). In the first year, babies learn to focus their vision, reach out, explore, and learn about the things that are around them. Rolling over, crawling, walking, and talking are all considered milestones. The milestones are different for each age range. There is a normal range in which a child may reach each milestone. For example, walking may begin as early as 8 months in some children. Recent brain research indicates that birth to age three is the most important years in a child's development.   TYPICAL DEVELOPMENT: Typical development will give generic progress of the child compared to peers of the same age. Atypical development occurs when the child appears to lag behind or is way ahead of same-age peers in any of the different skills. You can learn how to recognize the differences between typical and atypical development. For example, about half of babies can walk by their first birthdays. But walking any time between 9 and 16 months is considered normal. Developmental milestones are only guidelines. Your baby's health care provider will evaluate your baby's development at each well-baby visit.Skills such as taking the first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. By the end of their first month, most babies raise their head and chest when lying on their stomachs and support their upper body with arms when lying on their stomachs. At age 6 months, your baby should be more coordinated, start to respond to particular words, and have a better sense of the world around them.  Smiling, crawling, manipulating objects, walking, self-care, and talking are examples of developmental milestones that provide valuable insight into a child's development. Most children develop skills in similar patterns and at similar times. Normal processes of development are genetically preprogrammed and subject to social and emotional influence.   ATYPICAL DEVELOPMENT: Occasionally, development does not follow the usual pattern; this results in what is termed atypical development, or development that is not typical of the human species. Atypical development means development that is unusual in its pattern, is not within a normal developmental milestone, and adversely affects the child's overall development. Atypical development occurs when the child appears to lag behind or is way ahead of same-age peers in any of the different skills. You can learn how to recognize the differences between typical and atypical development. This will help you to identify potential issues that may benefit from early intervention. The absence of reciprocity, lack of sharing enjoyment or interests, problems with joint attention and apparent disinterest in parents or other children are also concerning atypical characteristics of social development. Other examples include intense separation anxiety, unusual fearfulness of people, and extreme shyness. Unusual eating habits, abnormal sleep patterns, temper tantrums, and aggression toward self and to others are among the most common of these abnormal behaviors. Doesn't seem to respond to loud noises. Doesn't follow moving objects with eyes by 2 to 3 months. Doesn't smile at the sound of your voice by 2 months. Doesn't grasp and hold objects by 3 months. Doesn't smile at people by 3 months. Atypical development can manifest in different ways, especially in children. There can be physical delays or cognitive dysfunctions, and there can be social or emotional manifestations. Atypical development in children can cause learning challenges and difficulty with social interactions. Developmental delays are usually caused by a variety of life-long conditions categorized as developmental disabilities (DD). Developmental disabilities include Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, and cerebral palsy, all conditions also referred to as special needs. It's possible that your child will outgrow a developmental problem on their own. But, with help, your child is more likely to reach their full potential. Learn how you can be an Ideal Parent: Positive And Successful Parenting by reading this blog. Learn also what is the Importance Of Socialization For Babies Does your baby grows normally or you've noticed any signs that fall under atypical development? Let us know in the comment section below!
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by on August 29, 2022
Stay-at-home parents do the jobs of several people, but when it comes to re-entering the workforce, it can be challenging to figure out all the details that go along with it. Whether you’re thinking about looking for a job outside the home or starting your own business, it’s a good idea to consider continuing your education in order to boost your prospects and your confidence. The key to finding success lies within achieving work/life balance, as well as finding the right educational program for you. These days there are so many options available online that you can find an affordable course or degree plan that meets your needs in no time. Ready to get started with finding work/school/life balance? Check out the resources at Ebaby, which helps parents with everything from infant health questions to coupons. Here are a few tips on how to get started when you’re ready to continue your education and go back to work: Give yourself a great at-home setup Whether you’re going to be learning at home or starting your own business, it’s important that you have a spot in the house that allows you to get things done. Set up an office area, if possible, and make sure it will give you some privacy. Not only will this help you focus on your to-do list, it will help you reduce stress and guilt as you juggle everything on your plate. If you don’t have room to give yourself an office that’s separate from the rest of your house, get creative and set up a work area in a quiet corner. There are lots of resources available for creating small offices these days, especially since the pandemic caused so many changes to the way we work and learn. Consider taking a professional development course Once you have a setup at home to work and learn in, you can take a look at your educational options. There are many ways to start, including taking online courses toward a two or four-year degree or working on a professional development course, which is a great option if you already have experience in a particular field. For example, if you’re knowledgeable about project management, you can find a job helping professional teams collaborate and communicate. Look online to find the right Scrum Master course for you, then take an assessment to ensure your skill level is where you want it to be when you’re finished. Build a stellar resume Once you’ve completed your scrum course, it’s important to look over your resume and give it an update, especially if it’s been a while since you worked outside the home. You’ll want to highlight your skills and accomplishments, but you don’t have to worry about creating a great resume from scratch; with a free resume creator, you can utilize a template that allows you to customize a professional-looking format with your choice of colors, fonts, images, and copy. This will take the pressure off so you can focus on the content of your resume rather than making an eye-catching design. Start your own business Not ready to go back to work for someone else? Starting your own business may sound like an overwhelming project, but it can actually be pretty simple if you start small and use some of the small business resources that are available online. You can even plan out your business while going to school or taking a professional development course. Build a detailed business plan, secure a great name and register it, and figure out how you’ll fund everything. If you have a winning idea, there’s no time like the present to share it with the world. Whether you want to start a business, take a professional development course, or find a new job outside the home, it’s important to get your spaces organized and create routines that you and your family can easily follow. This will help you find work/life balance and keep stress at bay. Photo via Pexels  
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by on August 19, 2022
If all is well, most babies cry immediately after birth. Most then quietly gaze with large open eyes at their surroundings before falling asleep. But some might stay awake and want to feed. If your baby seems ready, you can try breastfeeding within a few minutes of birth. Enjoy these first wondrous cries, they signal that your baby's respiratory and circulatory systems are making a successful transition from life inside your womb to life outside it. Newborns may continue to cry because they're shocked by the transition to the outside world. Every baby is different. Some might feel hungry or cold but aren't able to express it by crying. If your pediatrician has determined everything is fine with your newborn, they may simply still be learning how to cry. Still, as long as your baby's needs are met, there's no issue with them not crying as much. Newborn crying jags are inevitable. On any given day, a newborn might cry for up to two hours or even longer. Babies do indeed feel pain, and that they process it similarly to adults. Until as recently as the 1980s, researchers assumed newborns did not have fully developed pain receptors, and believed that any responses babies had to pokes or pricks were merely muscular reactions.  As quickly as possible, a new baby is placed in your arms. Often, the baby is placed skin-to-skin on your chest right after birth. Some babies will breastfeed right away. In the first hour or 2 after birth, most babies are in an alert, wide awake phase. Abstract. Vociferous, shrill, and piercing-the first cry of the newborn infant signals that a new and separate life has begun. Separated from the body of the mother, the newborn cry serves to call for care, support, and protection. Developing babies need oxygen beginning early in pregnancy. But a baby won't take their first breath until after birth. This means that babies don't truly breathe in the womb. Instead, the umbilical cord provides the baby with oxygen until the first breath. There are no nerve endings in your baby's cord, so it doesn't hurt when it is cut. What's left attached to your baby is called the umbilical stump, and it will soon fall off to reveal an adorable belly button. Your baby may have some of your blood on their skin and perhaps vernix, the greasy white substance that protects your baby's skin in the womb. If you prefer, you can ask the midwife to dry your baby and wrap them in a blanket before your cuddle. Mucus may need to be cleared out of your baby's nose and mouth. The first cry is critical to initiate successful transition from fetal circulation, where the baby is completely dependent on the mother and placenta for gas exchange, to life outside the womb where the baby must use its own lungs to sustain life. Read related article: Do's And Don'ts When Taking Care Of A Newborn Baby What New Parents Need To Know About Natural Childbirth What New Parents Need To Know About Natural Childbirth
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by on September 13, 2022
Are you expecting a baby? Congratulations! Becoming a first-time parent is one of the most exciting things that can happen to you. Of course, it can also be incredibly stressful. Preparing for a baby requires a number of important preparations, especially if you have a disability. Thankfully, parents with disabilities have access to all kinds of resources and assistive tools to help with child care and the endless demands of daily parenting life. Check out the following article for help preparing your home and life for your new child! Seek Help with Difficult Emotions Becoming a parent comes with a range of emotions. It’s not uncommon for expectant parents to feel overwhelmed by emotion as their delivery date draws near. If you’re struggling to cope with changes in your mental health and emotional well-being, don’t hesitate to contact a professional. Keep in mind that there are therapists online who can help you work through any difficult emotions you’re dealing with right now. Online therapy is a great option for people with disabilities! Virtual mental health services ensure maximum privacy and security while offering a variety of licensed professionals to choose from. Look for therapists offering free consultations so you can find the best match. Consider Upsizing Your Home When you have a disability, more space tends to make life easier. Even if you feel comfortable navigating your home right now, consider how your space needs might change once your baby is born. Adding new furniture and baby gear could make your home feel cramped and cluttered. Consider finding a larger home to accommodate your growing family and make space for the new things you need to buy for your baby. If you’re a first-time homebuyer, be sure to start the buying process as soon as possible. For example, you’ll need to check your credit score, organize the appropriate paperwork, determine your buying budget, and find a great real estate agent. You may also want to look into assistance programs that can help you fund your home purchase or pay for accessibility modifications. If you’re not ready to make a down payment on a home or would just prefer to rent, there are many suitable properties available in the LA area. Carefully consider which type of home you require and look for sites that allow you to filter by accessibility. Make Helpful Home Upgrades Accessible home modifications can make it easier for you to care for your new baby. For example, installing grab bars in areas like bathtubs and showers can help when bathing your child while using non-slip rugs and mats throughout your home can help you avoid falls when you’re trying to keep up with a crawling toddler. Installing a chairlift in your home can help you safely navigate staircases with a baby in your arms. Think about ways in which your home could better serve you as a parent, and invest in modifications to make your life easier! If you need to make room in your home for a nursery, you may want to place some items into storage if you’re unsure what to do with them. Storage units in LA can be on the pricey side, but with some research you can find a 5’x10’ unit for under $100. Look for Adaptable Baby Gear Today, parents can find all kinds of adaptable parenting products designed to give people with disabilities more control and confidence when caring for their kids. For example, The Mobility Resource lists several adaptable alternatives to traditional cribs, strollers, and car seats: Chest harness baby carriers and wraps. Side opening cribs. Baby carrier attachments for wheelchairs. Baby bibs that attach with velcro rather than snaps. Breastfeeding slings. Nursing pillows. Swivel-base car seats. Many other assistive tools exist, so be sure to do your research! And if you can’t find a solution to one of your childcare challenges, consider creating one yourself. Countless parents with disabilities have come up with creative solutions to daily obstacles, creating everything from braille-labeled baby bottles to wheelchair-accessible baby bathing stations. And be sure to visit Ebaby for the latest high-quality baby furniture, clothes, and products! Parenting with a disability is much easier today than it was in the past. These days, parents with disabilities have access to assistive technology and adaptive gear that reduce the need to rely on others for childcare help. Get set up with the right tools and resources so you feel confident about your role as a soon-to-be parent, and consider moving to a new home for expanded space. Photo via Pexels
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by on October 15, 2022
For newborns, a visitation schedule should be set up so that the noncustodial parent can visit frequently, often and for a short period of time. It is more beneficial to your child to make a few short visits per week than an eight-hour visit every week. You can extend the visits as the baby grows to provide him/her with a better chance of bonding with the other parent. You need to take good care of a new baby and get to know him if you are going to have him. It takes relatively little to take care of a baby, so you should be able to do it. You need to feed them, interact with them, comfort them when they're upset, keep them clean, and make sure that they sleep in a safe, comfortable place. The pick-up and visitation times you arrange should not conflict with naps or be in the middle of a wind-down routine, so that they do not conflict with naps. Over the first two years, experts recommend that a child should not be separated from either parent for very long periods; this will ensure the child's bond with both parents grows stronger.  As a result, for most new babies, the best arrangement is to live entirely with Parent A and have frequent daytime visits with Parent B throughout the first few months of life. Once your baby gets to the age when they are a little bit more adaptable, then you can begin overnight visitation. In any case, it is well known that by the time a child reaches the age of three or four, he or she is much more adept at communicating their needs and therefore, able to express themselves more clearly. Due to this, they ought to be more equipped to spend time away from their primary caregiver, and as such spend more time with the other parent overnight. A child's maturity, along with the relationship between them and their parents, are equally important as their age when it comes to determining a child's future success. It can be observed that 7 year old kids or even 11 year old kids will handle a week on / week off schedule better than certain 11 year old children. Due to this, one blanket approach is not going to work for everyone. There is a common misconception that mothers have greater rights when it comes to child custody than fathers. However, the truth is that there are no laws in the U.S. that guarantee mothers a preference or additional rights when it comes to child custody.  Sadly, it is very common for mothers to block the father from seeing his child simply by refusing to allow him to see him at all. However, fathers do not often recognize that they have the same rights as mothers do when it comes to child contact. They have the same right to access to the child as the mother, so they have as much access as the mother does when it comes to child contact. There is no doubt that co-parenting can provide additional comfort and stability for young children after a divorce, but experts suggest that spending too much time together after a divorce can also have some potentially negative effects on children and parents.   There is nothing more important than being nice to each other in front of the child. Children hear and see what is happening, and they learn how to treat others through the actions of their parents. If parents treat each other respectfully, that will teach the child to treat others respectfully as well.   Read also: Traditional Parenting VS Modern Parenting: Which is better? The 10 Most Effective Ways For Moms To Practice Self-Care
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by on October 26, 2022
What does "hands-on" mean exactly? A hands-on “mom” is someone who spends purposeful quality time with their children. It's spending time, engaging in activities, and creating memories with them. It doesn’t matter whether you are a dad or a grandma, preschool teacher, caregiver, au pair or nanny, anyone can be a hands-on “mom”.  Having a hands-on approach to parenting always involves spending lots of time with the children. According to William Mattox Jr.'s article "The Parent Trap," Harvard University child psychiatrist Robert Cole stated that children's frenzied desire to have possessions is not only a result of the television ads they see. A recent study conducted at Columbia University found that parents who exert their parental authority by taking a "hands-on" approach to raise their children tend to have a much more positive relationship with their children, as well as a reduced risk of harming themselves with drugs and alcohol.   Ways of Hands-on Parents:   Monitoring what the kids are watching on the television: It is possible for you to monitor what your children watch with the help of the TV Parental Guidelines and V-chip. TV Parental Guidelines. Based on the movie rating system, this system has been developed to provide an age-group rating system for television shows. You can find these ratings in TV guides and local listings, as well as on the screen when viewing your cable program guide. Keeping track of what kids are doing on the internet: It is essential to have parental controls in place if you have young children using the internet. These controls are necessary to protect the cren from the many threats that can be seen online, such as predators, cybercyber criminalserbullying, and inappropriate access to the internet. Expecting their kids to tell the truth: A child must learn the importance of telling the truth, as well as the importance of being honest. It is important to remember that lying can cause damage to your relationships as well as your self-esteem. It is important to strike a balance between feeling guilty and ashamed that you are caught lying and taking responsibility for fixing it. Eating dinner together with the kids most of the time: Eating together tends to promote more sensible eating habits, which in turn helps members of the family manage their weight more easily and, in turn, makes life more comfortable. When a family sits down together and eats together, it helps them to handle the stresses of everyday life and the hassles of day-to-day existence. Requiring kids to do household chores: Chores enable children to gain valuable experience and skills that they will use in adult life to take care of themselves, their home, and their family. Whether it's preparing meals, cleaning, organizing or maintaining a garden, chores help children to gain responsibility for their lives. Regularly reviewing the kid's academic performance: Children are expected to spend much of their time on their education and need to graduate with good academic results in order to receive a good education. Children who have excellent academic skills are more likely to get employment benefits, higher income, greater self-esteem and confidence, lower anxiety and depression levels. Monitoring where their kids at after school or during weekends: After school ends up for the day, kids are usually forced to spend a lot of time inside at home. However, parents don't have to worry about this too much. Just simply monitor what your child does after school, in the evenings and on weekends. Monitoring their kids' phones: The law permits parents to track their child's phone without them knowing because they install a parental control app, such as mSpy, on the device they want to monitor. However, parents can monitor only their kids who are under the age of thirteen. The mSpy monitoring app allows you to spy on your child's online activities without them knowing. Having curfew hours for older kids: Teenagers can sometimes be forgetful and irresponsible. Curfews should be given to keep them safe and help to teach them to follow instructions in order to become more responsible and responsible adults. Teenagers should be given the opportunity to be responsible adults by being given curfews. Knowing their kid's friends and parents: PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) analyses show that students who attend schools where their parents know their children's friends, as well as their families, do better in school, have more positive attitudes toward collaboration, and feel happier and more secure at school.   A hands-on parent is one who invests time, energy, and effort into multiple aspects of the life of his or her child. Here's what it means to be one: Hands-on dads share responsibilities – He knows that leaving everything up to mom or the family since you are the breadwinner isn't a good way to raise your child.
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by on September 20, 2023
The journey of motherhood is filled with precious moments, and one of the most significant is the bond created through breastfeeding. As a new mom, it's essential to be prepared with the right tools to make this experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. In this blog, we'll explore five essential items that every new mom should consider when embarking on their breastfeeding journey.   Nursing Bras and Tops: Investing in comfortable nursing bras and tops is crucial for breastfeeding moms. These specially designed bras offer easy access for nursing while providing essential support. Look for bras with adjustable straps and easy-to-open clasps to make feeding your baby a breeze. Nursing tops with discreet openings or flaps provide privacy while allowing easy access for your little one. Buy here: 3PACK Womens Full Bust Nursing Seamless Maternity Bra   2. Breast Pump: A breast pump is a valuable tool for breastfeeding moms, whether you plan to return to work or simply want to build up a stash of milk for times when you can't be with your baby. Manual or electric, a breast pump helps you express milk efficiently and comfortably. Some electric pumps even have double pumping capabilities, saving you time and effort. Buy here: TSRETE Breast Pump, Double Wearable Breast Pump   3. Nursing Pillow: A nursing pillow is a must-have for new moms. These pillows provide much-needed support for your baby, allowing you to find the most comfortable breastfeeding position. They can be placed around your waist to elevate your baby to the right height and reduce strain on your back and arms. Many nursing pillows are also versatile and can be used for tummy time and as your baby grows. Buy here: Boppy Nursing Pillow Original Support   4. Nipple Cream: Breastfeeding can sometimes lead to sore and cracked nipples. That's where nipple cream comes to the rescue. Choose a lanolin-based or all-natural cream to soothe and moisturize your nipples. Applying nipple cream after each feeding session can help prevent discomfort and promote healing. Buy here: Motherlove Nipple Cream (1 oz) Organic Lanolin   5. Nursing Cover or Scarf: While some moms are comfortable nursing in public without any cover, others prefer a bit more privacy. A nursing cover or scarf is a great accessory to have on hand for those moments when you'd like some discretion. These versatile pieces of clothing are designed to drape over your shoulder, covering both you and your baby during feedings. Buy here: Cotton Nursing Cover - Large Breastfeeding Cover with Built-in Burp Cloth & Pocket   In conclusion, breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby and build a strong bond. Having the right essentials can make this experience more comfortable and enjoyable for both you and your little one. From nursing bras and pillows to breast pumps and nipple cream, these five items should be on every new mom's breastfeeding checklist. Remember that every breastfeeding journey is unique, so don't hesitate to seek support and advice from lactation consultants or support groups if needed. Happy breastfeeding!   Read also:  Must-Have Newborn Essentials: Preparing for Your Baby's Arrival The Top 5 Playpens for Both Indoor and Outdoor Play Top 5 Baby Car Seats for Safe and Comfortable Travel Top Baby Strollers: Choosing Comfort and Convenience for Your Little One Navigating the Postpartum Period: Essential Products for New Moms  
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by on August 20, 2022
A firstborn is the first child born to in the birth order of a couple through childbirth. Historically, the role of the firstborn child has been socially significant, particularly for a firstborn son in patriarchal societies. (Wikipedia) First-borns aren't just healthier or smarter, but also they score higher on emotional stability, persistence, social outgoingness, willingness to assume responsibility and ability to take initiative. Research published in the Journal of Human Resources found that firstborn children outperform their younger siblings on cognitive tests starting from infancy. They are better set up for academic and intellectual success thanks to the type of parenting they experience.  A research has put to rest all this confusion and shown how parents favour one child over the other. According to a study published by the Journal of Marriage and Family, 75 per cent of mothers report feeling closer to the eldest child, her first born. Firstborns tend to possess psychological characteristics related to leadership, including responsibility, creativity, obedience and dominance. They are also more likely to have higher academic abilities and levels of intelligence than their younger siblings. Parents are usually hardest on their first borns in terms of discipline and they loosen up as they move further down the family. First borns usually don't react well to the arrival of the second born. To parents, the arrival of another child means a playmate for their eldest. There's an old theory that says first-born babies were genetically predispositioned to look more like their father. It was believed this was so the father accepted the child was his and would provide and care for them. However, several studies since then have shown that most infants resemble both parents equally. Your baby's looks are all part of their genetic make-up and the various combinations of DNA that are working to make your baby who they are. As the genes mix together, some are dominant, while others are suppressed, and other genes will never be at all. Most parents have a favourite child, and it's probably the eldest, according to researchers. A study conducted at the University of California shows that out of 768 parents surveyed, 70 per cent of mothers and 74 per cent of fathers admitted to having a favourite child. If the parents were hurt in their developmental years, they will have problems accepting love and intimacy from their children. Faced with the emotional pain that it causes them, parents will unconsciously distance themselves from their children. Parents have unresolved trauma in their own lives. The firstborn of a mother is referred to in the Bible (Exodus 13:2) as one who "opens the womb" of his mother. Because of all of the attention they receive from their parents as an infant, firstborn children tend to be responsible, well behaved, and possess strong leadership qualities. The oldest children are often held to a higher standard. They are the only children who have their parents exclusive focus, time and energy. Are you a first born child? Let us know in the comment section below! Read also related article such as Do's And Don'ts When Taking Care Of A Newborn Baby, Sons Versus Daughters and Five Challenges Of A New Mom And How To Deal With Them
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by on June 28, 2022
Emotional development involves learning what feelings and emotions are, understanding how and why they occur, recognising your own feelings and those of others, and developing effective ways for managing those feelings. As well as physical needs, infants (0- 3 years olds) have basic emotional needs. These emotional needs lay the foundation for their adult lives; their future relationships, autonomy, resilience, self-confidence and emotional stability. Infants begin showing a spontaneous "social smile" around age 2 to 3 months, and begin to laugh spontaneously around age 4 months. In addition, between ages 2 and 6 months, infants express other feelings such as anger, sadness, surprise, and fear. Between ages 5 and 6 months, babies begin to exhibit stranger anxiety. Infants' social-emotional development includes an emerging awareness of self and others. Infants demonstrate this foundation in a number of ways. For example, they can respond to their names, point to their body parts when asked, or name members of their families. Between the ages of 3-6 months, your baby will cry when upset and seek comfort. Show excitement by waving arms and legs. Notice a difference between two people based on the way they look, sound, or feel. Smile at herself in the mirror. The first five years are especially crucial for physical, intellectual, and social-emotional development. Responding to your baby's smiling and crying validates their communicative intent and encourages them to communicate more. Some babies cry to release tension or burn off excess energy and some just need to cry themselves to sleep. Even easy-going babies may get frustrated and angry when they start to explore their surroundings but aren't quite capable of doing what they want. Through early relationships with nurturing and responsive adults, infants and toddlers learn how to be in relationships, how to get their needs and wants met, and how to identify and regulate emotions. Since these skills develop together, this area of development is referred to as social-emotional development. Parents can meet baby's emotional need by making sure they feel heard and noticed. Listen to them and make eye contact. Ask questions and let them know you're paying attention. Engage in conversation with them and you can also get involved in their playing! Play is the natural way that toddlers learn and develop. It's important for all areas of development, including emotional development. Toddlers are little people with big emotions that they don't always have the words for. Play gives them a chance to explore and express their emotions and also practise managing them Emotional well-being during the early years has a powerful impact on social relationships. Children who are emotionally healthy are better able to establish and maintain positive relationships with adults as well as with peers. Social-emotional development is essential to a young child's sense of well-being. Social and emotional development in the early years, also referred to as early childhood mental health, refers to children's emerging capacity to: Experience, regulate and express a range of emotions. Develop close, satisfying relationships with other children and adults.  Research has shown that, during pregnancy, your baby feels what you feel and with the same intensity. That means if you're crying, your baby feels the same emotion, as if it's their own. Babies can and do feel pain. It can affect them immediately and have long lasting effects. Babies can even become bored. They can be affected by a lack of stimulation and interaction with caregivers. Unconditional love and a strong bond with parents are absolutely vital for a good foundation in life. Feeling loved is the most important emotional need of a child. Babies need lots of hugs and kisses and they also need to be told that they are loved.
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by on September 14, 2022
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is an illness caused by a virus. It causes a rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Small blisters also occur in the mouth, often at the back of the throat. The rash may also occur in the diaper area, and on the legs and arms. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is usually a minor illness. These sores usually start as small red spots, often on the tongue and insides of the mouth, that blister and can become painful. Signs that swallowing might be painful for your child like not eating or drinking. Studies conducted in China and Korea have identified risk factors for HFMD, including low socioeconomic status, the existence of open-air defecation, poor sewage treatment, poor hand-washing and other poor personal hygienic habits (such as biting fingers). You should help children clean their bodies daily, bathe them cleanly to remove the adhesion of bacteria and viruses and help prevent superinfection. However, when bathing children with hand, foot and mouth disease, it should be handled gently to avoid breaking the blisters on the child's skin. Hand foot and mouth disease is extremely contagious – you can catch and spread it easily. It often spreads through groups of children in nurseries and schools. The viruses that cause the disease are usually spread in droplets of mucus or saliva in the air from coughs or sneezes. The coxsackie virus that causes hand, foot, and mouth disease is mainly spread through saliva and stool. This is why it often affects toddlers. Kids in this age group often touch other children or share toys and then put their hands in their mouths. There's no treatment for hand, foot and mouth disease. But most children get better quickly by themselves without any problems. Paracetamol or ibuprofen can help ease discomfort and pain. It's important for your child to drink fluids to avoid dehydration. You can give or do this to relieve discomfort: Ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve discomfort. Topical ointments, such as zinc oxide or petroleum jelly, to protect and heal blisters. Cold drinks, ice or frozen fruit popsicles to soothe mouth and throat.  Plenty of fluids to keep your child from getting dehydrated.   There's no specific treatment for hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Symptoms of hand-foot-and-mouth disease usually clear up in 7 to 10 days. A topical oral anesthetic may help relieve the pain of mouth sores. You should help children clean their bodies daily, bathe them cleanly to remove the adhesion of bacteria and viruses, and help prevent superinfection. However, when bathing children with hand, foot and mouth disease, it should be handled gently to avoid breaking the blisters on the child's skin. The blisters caused by HFM are red with a small bubble of fluid on top. They often peel, leaving an ulcer, which is a sore with a reddish base. The soles of the feet and the palms of the hands may have a rash that can look like flat red spots or red blisters.It typically only causes fever and mild symptoms for a few days. Call your health care provider if your child is younger than six months, has a weakened immune system, or has mouth sores or a sore throat that makes it painful to drink fluids.  Read also these related article: Why You Should Not Let Other People Kiss Your Baby and Crusty, Flaky Patches On Your Baby's Skin: Eczema - How To Get Rid Of It Does your baby experienced HMFD? How did you deal with it? Let us know in the comment section below!
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by on September 9, 2022
Babies learn to speak by imitating the sounds they hear around them. So the more you talk to your baby, the faster they will acquire speech and language skills. Many adults use a special tone of voice when talking the baby talk; a high-pitched voice with an exaggerated expression. A new study suggests that when parent baby talks to their infants, they might be helping them learn to produce speech. The way we instinctively speak to babies — higher pitch, slower speed, exaggerated pronunciation — not only appeals to them but likely helps them learn to understand what we're saying. It's great to start talking with your baby as early as you can. In fact, from birth, your baby absorbs a huge amount of information about words and talking just from listening and watching you talk. Conversations with your baby might feel one-sided, to begin with. It is generally recommended that you speak your first language with your child. Your first language is not necessarily the first language you ever learned to speak. For instance, you might not have spoken the language since childhood and have, therefore, forgotten some or most of it. Talking to your baby is an important way to help him/her grow. It promotes communication and language development. It also supports social and emotional development. Even before your baby starts to talk, he/she communicates with you through facial expressions, body language and crying. Around 12 months, according to experts, common first words may be greetings ("hi" or "bye-bye") or they might be people ("mama" or "dada"), pets ("doggy" or "kitty"), or food ("cookie," "juice," or "milk"). Some infants heard fewer than 2000 words in a day, while some heard over 15,000. In addition, there were big differences in child-directed speech. Some families spoke fewer than 1000 words to their children in a day, while others spoke over 10,000 words to their children. Listen and respond to your child's sounds and words, including cooing and babbling. Imitate her sounds or words and add to them. Introduce vocabulary words during new routines and outings. You're teaching back-and-forth conversation skills. You can also help babies out by gently waving their hands for them when greeting or saying goodbye to someone. Make sure you pair the motion with a verbal cue, so your baby learns that the words “hi” or “hello” and “bye-bye” or “goodbye” mean it's time to start waving. A new study suggests talking to babies as young as 3 months old influences their cognitive development and helps the brain learn to form categories. Researchers found infants who learned to associate words rather than sounds with pictures of objects were better able to perform a simple categorization task. Babies communicate using sounds and gestures. In the first year of life, babies go from babbling to playing with sounds, copying sounds and putting sounds together. The first words might start at around 12 months. Introducing English to a baby is a matter of repetition and patience. It's best to gradually incorporate new words and sounds, just like it happens with their first language. The main focus should be oral expression and comprehension and, of course, positive reinforcement. Having one-way conversations with your infant might sound silly. But, talking to your little ones is actually beneficial and crucial to their development. In other words, baby talk is a good thing! Read Importance Of Socialization For Babies and The Importance Of Reading Book To Your Baby On Early Age Do you constantly talk to your babies? How was it? Let us know in the comment section below!
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by on October 4, 2021
Your Baby and Activity… A Healthy Combination When we speak about your baby and their activity… a healthy combination, we are referring to the fact that from as soon as the age of 5 months you may notice that your baby can raise their head while lying down and even do a “push up”, as well as lift their chest off of the floor or even bed. Soon they will be sitting up all by themselves and be extremely inquisitive about everything they see and touch, from their toes, which they will want to try to put in their mouths, to passing their favorite toy from one hand to the other.  All of these actions are completely normal and should be encouraged, as it develops and stimulates both the baby’s mind and body.   Your Baby and Activity… A Healthy Combination (Learning by Playing) Because it is all new to them, your toddler may look like they are always playing, but in fact they are actually learning physical skills that are very important to them. Their physical skills will help them build muscle control and balance along with coordination. Think of it as building a house, you don’t start by the roof and build down. Rather you start by the foundation and build up. The stronger the foundation (muscle control, balance and coordination) your child builds, the stronger your child will be physically and mentally. Today walking, tomorrow jumping rope and kicking a ball on the run. Plus playing gives your child the opportunity to explore, as well as practice their specific motor skills such as stacking blocks and coloring, as well as having them develop their imagination. Of course, as your baby develops these skills, you will want to take full advantage of this time in their lives, and help them stimulate their minds, as well as their bodies. You may or may not know this, but babies love the sound of their parent’s voices, so keep the conversation going and talk to them as often as you can, while changing them, during feeding or even play time. Ask them questions, which will encourage their thought process, as well as interaction. Your Baby and Activity… A Healthy Combination (Activities) Something as simple as: Playing Peekaboo will help develop their motor skills and stimulate their minds. Playing soft music at a low volume (babies ears are still developing) and dancing with them in your arms is soothing and fun. Taking your child in a stroller and going for a walk is a terrific way for you, the parent, to not only get exercise, but also for your child to be exposed to the outside world. Reading out loud to them will stimulate their mind. As your child grows so will their level of activity, and plush baby toys will soon be replaced with toys like the: Paw Patrol - This 3-Wheel rechargeable Electric Scooter is perfect for kids ages 3 and up. Read more about this toy by clicking here. Your Baby and Activity… A Healthy Combination (Toddlers) As your child goes from being a baby to a toddler (right around the ages of 2-3) you will begin to notice an increase in activity levels. Due to the proper foundation we spoke about earlier, your little one will now have the proper coordination (which is still improving) to start pedaling a tricycle, climb onto and down from furniture and even slowly walk up and down stairs. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) strongly believes that children at around 2 years of age should not be watching TV. They recommend having more supervised activities whether indoor or outdoor, as well as encouraging your child to play with siblings and children their own age. A terrific way to keep them active is when you are planning for family activities make them as active as possible. You will be glad that you did for obvious reasons, but one of which is creating terrific family memories with your children. Your child will develop a sense of accomplishment as they grow and acquire new skills and abilities. Encouraging said skills will also build their self-confidence, which will help them throughout their entire life. Children are wonderful and investing in their early development will provide both parents and child a wonderful sense of joy and fulfillment for years to come, as well as beautiful memories that will last both you and your child a lifetime.
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by on August 1, 2022
The welcome party, it's really quite the same as the baby shower! Well, it's almost the same except it's after the birth. A welcome baby party is similar to a baby shower, but with an interesting twist. The party takes place after the baby arrives instead of before. This is a neat idea if there are lots of relatives and friends who want to visit your new arrival. Everyone can get a glimpse of the newborn and welcome her home. A Sip & See is a party held after the birth of a baby to introduce the little one to friends and family members. It's usually a more casual event than the baby shower (with new parents often hosting it themselves), and it can be a fun way to celebrate a child's arrival. A sip and see is a party, usually planned by the parents, that invites friends and family to drop by, sip on some refreshments and meet the new baby. It's a perfect opportunity to introduce the newest family addition to all of your loved ones in a single go and on your own terms.  It's completely up to the guest of honor as to who is on the invite list, but the standard is to ask all family members, close friends, and other people who have expressed a desire to meet the new baby.  Protocol and etiquette for a baby sip and see: Party is set sometime between 1-6 months after birth. No gifts requested. (But some guest would bring some anyway.) Kept the party size small. Snacks and drinks may be served. ... You can request no kids if you want to. While gifts aren't required at a sip and see, some guests may choose to bring them. If you are a guest attending a sip and see, we recommend bringing something personalized for the baby. The Sip and See party is more like an open house to celebrate the new babe rather than an organized party. So, most Sip and See parties do not have games or activities. Most have themed finger foods, beverages, and decorations to celebrate the opportunity to meet the newest family member. Wondering What Gifts You Can Give To A Baby? Here's Our List! If you are a guest and would like to greet the new parents, you can say.. “So happy for you" “Congratulations on your new arrival." “Wishing you many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.” “What a very lucky baby!" “Well done on creating a mini human being." “Really happy for you both." If you are the one hosting the party, you can send the invitation like these.. Sip-and-See. Come toast with us to welcome our baby. At our home. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Do you know how loved you are? Join us in welcoming. the new light of our lives. Please join us for a sip-and-see. To meet our little one.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​For most families, these baby parties is an opportunity to get together with friends and family with an additional little bundel of joy. But some believes it's a party society makes us feel obligated to have. And if we don't, we're seen as going against the status quo. But you must also remember that it's not against the law to not have a baby party, especially if you and your partner are having financial crisis, after all the baby itself is your biggest "gift".  Read Baby On A Budget: Ways To Save Money With A New Baby You can checkout baby party dresses at our store! Visit Ebaby's Marketplace!
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by on November 25, 2022
The baby is placed in your arms as soon as possible after birth. Often, the baby is placed skin-to-skin on your chest while you are lying down. Some babies will be able to breastfeed right away. In the first hour or two following birth, most babies are alert and wide awake. A baby's reaction to skin-to-skin contact becomes an early language that contributes to his/her development and well-being, so it's beneficial both for you and your baby. When you keep eye contact with your baby, it facilitates meaningful communication at close range. Babies can follow moving objects with their eyes. If you feel you haven't yet bonded with your child, it's normal to take a few days, a few weeks, or even several months for you to feel that special connection. There may never be a 'wham bam' moment, but instead a slow but steady growth of love. It's important not to feel under pressure to bond or to feel a failure as a parent if you haven't bonded. Here are some ways on how to bond with your newborn:     Touch and cuddle your newborn regularly There are several ways in which bonding can help improve your baby's mental and physical development. For instance, repeated human contact, such as holding, cuddling, talking, singing and gazing into each other's eyes, stimulates the growth of your baby's brain as a result of these hormones. Respond to the crying of your child The first thing you should do in response to your child's cries is to meet her most pressing needs first. For example, if she is hungry and cold and her diaper is wet, then you should change her diaper and then you can feed her. Consider if a piece of clothing or something else is making her uncomfortable if there is a shrieking or panicked quality to her cry. Ensure that your newborn feels safe Ensure your newborn feels physically safe by providing good head and neck support while you are holding them. You can also wrap your baby in a soft cloth to replicate the feeling of being in the womb. Make sure to talk to your newborn as often as you can in a soothing, reassuring tone. Sing songs Getting to sing to your baby reinforces their bond with you and your voice. Singing makes you the first and most important voice in your baby's life, and also teaches him that you love him!  Look into your newborn's eyes when you talk to them According to research, eye contact is a very important step toward newborn brain development because it syncs your brain waves with your child's, therefore improving communication later in the child's life as an adult. Eye contact actually syncs your brain waves with your baby's.   Having the ability to soothe an infant or provide physical comfort when needed is another way to establish trust between you and your baby. Babies recognize their caregivers through sight, smell, and sound, and when any of these can provide a level of comfort to them, it is significant evidence of the establishment of a bond between you both.   Read also: 10 Newborn Tips and Tricks For New Moms How To Handle Visitors After Having A Baby How to Deal With Sleep Deprivation As A New Mom 5 Tips To Childproof Your Home To Keep The Baby Safe How To Be A Great Dad To Your Son
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by on September 29, 2021
Going out in the open with your baby brings many benefits. Taking a walk, going to the park or just spending time on a park bench enjoying nature, are activities that every child and parent should enjoy as often as possible. In spring and summer, when the weather is good and the temperatures are warm and inviting. As well as during the autumn and winter months when outdoor activities can prove to be a little more challenging. Do not be discouraged by the weather conditions of the cold season! You can always go out with your baby, just take some precautions. The following, are tips for taking your baby outside in all types of weather.  Tips before taking your baby out for the first time Soon after leaving the hospital, mom and dad can go out with their newborn on a daily basis. However, it is necessary to cover your child’s head, as it is extremely sensitive and you must protect it. It is advisable to access quieter and less congested places. Thus avoiding your baby’s exposure to noise and pollution. Try to go to parks in the middle of the day, as they tend to be quieter places where you will also be able to enjoy the serenity of nature.   Visual, olfactory and auditory stimuli Spending time outdoors is very beneficial for the baby, as exposure to sunlight stimulates their production of vitamin D, which is very important for its growth. In addition, getting out of the house allows for your baby to breathe fresh air and enjoy the sights and sounds offered by nature. It is also good to let the baby discover the world around him. Be careful to always keep an eye out for your baby as at this age, everything can attract their attention. Body temperature of baby The core internal temperature of newborns are not as developed as that of adults. Therefore, your baby will be more sensitive to cold and heat. You will need to take certain precautions during seasons when temperatures are extreme. Thus, in summer, you will avoid going out during the hottest hours of the day; and in winter, only going out during the hours of which the sunshines the brightest. How to dress baby When you go out with your baby, the important thing is to dress appropriately, taking into account the temperature and weather conditions outside. In winter, dress in layers with clothes that allow your baby to perspire easily. Always protect their head by using a hat when it is cold because it is through this part of the body that the baby loses heat. Mittens and boots are also needed as well to protect their extremities for the cold. For those summer days keep an eye out for the UV index, if it’s elevated then there is a high risk of unprotected sun exposure. On those days you will want to keep your baby indoors. However, when the UV index is low make sure your baby wears a hat to protect them from the suns rays. As well, loose comfortable breathable clothing is recommended. Pediatricians recommend that you should apply special baby sunscreen to newborns to ensure that the baby is well protected from the sun. Watch out for sudden changes in temperature Temperature changes are dangerous for the baby’s health as it easily can catch a cold. It is therefore essential to dress according to the immediate temperature of your surroundings, whether you are indoors or outdoors, in direct sunlight or not. Packing along a change of weather appropriate clothing or accessories can help you be ready for whatever weather comes along. In closing taking the necessary precautions to protect your baby’s outdoor experience will ensure a fun and safe experience for both you and the baby. Comment below and let us know! 
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by on October 4, 2021
In early autumn it has become common to walk through your department store, especially if it contains a pharmacy, and see signs advertising flu shots. Regarding the immunizations for your baby, please visit your pediatrician, and you will be given a schedule of vaccinations recommended for your child. Pick up almost any popular magazine about health, and you might see an article about how immunizations are responsible for causing this, that, or the other condition. You want the best for your baby, and the choices you make could have long-term consequences, especially those concerning health. To get those shots or not…that is the question. A Little Background on Immunization It all began with a country doctor who overheard a milkmaid say, “I’ll never have smallpox because I’ve had cowpox. No ugly pockmarked face for me.” Dr. Edward Jenner, a recognized physician and scientist, tested the veracity of her statement, and the smallpox vaccine was born. Thanks to that insight, a little-known folk artist in the late 1900s was able to sing almost truthfully, “Old king plague is dead, the smallpox plague is dead.” No new cases of smallpox have been reported since 1977, but a few laboratories have maintained samples of the smallpox virus.   Next Louis Pasteur, who developed the concept of germs, developed a vaccine for rabies, formerly a dire disease from which no one, human or beast, successfully recovered. This was followed up by Emile Roux developing the diphtheria vaccine. Diphtheria is a serious disease associated with lack of sanitation. It can cause obstruction of the respiratory system and subsequent death. Cholera and typhoid vaccines were also developed, two more diseases often spread through poor sanitation. For centuries there were illnesses considered to be common childhood diseases, measles, chickenpox, whooping cough and mumps. For many youngsters, contracting these diseases simply meant a week or two in bed followed by recovering and subsequent immunity. But not all were so lucky, and even those who made a textbook recovery will tell you that none of these diseases were any fun at all. A woman who is old enough to have had all of these except mumps commented, “I was twelve when I got measles. My head hurt, I was nauseous, I was hot and cold all over and I itched unbearably. It was a relief when I finally broke out. Chickenpox I had with my children, the oldest brought it home from school. We got off lightly but having had chickenpox leaves you open to the possibility of hives later in life. I think the worst, however, was whooping cough. I was seven when I caught it, and it lasted all winter long. There are medicines for it now, but not back then. The name comes from the distinctive sound made from the coughing that goes with the disease, a deep, raw “whoop” that feels as if your lungs would tear right out of your body. You whoop until you throw up. Too much heat, you whoop. Too much cold, you whoop. I learned to read silently because talking, even in a whisper, would start the fatal tickle in the back of my throat.” Sound like fun? No so much, I think.   Those flu shots? Well, let’s take a look at those. In 1918 the “Spanish flu” was responsible for at least 50 million deaths worldwide, and about 675,000 deaths in the United States. It is estimated that at least 1/3 of the world’s population was infected. The young were the hardest hit. It wasn’t smallpox, but it certainly took its toll. Are Immunizations 100% effective? Sadly, they are not. People who are exposed to those infamous “childhood” diseases, to unsanitary living conditions, or to unclean water can still get sick. The vaccines do mitigate the effects, and better understanding of the diseases and their causes make providing relief easier. Tuberculosis is one of the diseases that has not responded well to vaccines. HIV, the precursor to AIDS, has no vaccine, although efforts have been made to develop one. Modern medicine can do a lot of things that could not be done in the past, but it doesn’t have the answer for everything.   Are There Side Effects from Immunizations? The sobering answer is that there can be side effects. As a general rule, these are limited to a little bit of soreness at the injection site, and maybe a little fever or malaise for a day or two after receiving it. Different kinds of immunizations can have different effects. With very rare exceptions, the reaction to the vaccine is far milder than even the mildest form of the disease. However, because there is always the chance that an individual might have an unusual reaction, recipients are always cautioned to call the doctor or health official if they are feeling ill afterward. Can Vaccines Cause Autism? No. This question has been thoroughly researched and completely debunked. Without going into it deeply, it was based on some very questionable “facts”. Researchers were unable to find any connection between getting vaccines and developing autism. Should Your Baby Have the Accepted Course of Immunizations? The writers and publishers of this article are not medically qualified to answer that question. But our feeling is that yes, you should take the advice of your doctor, and follow his or her recommendations for immunizations. If you’ve ever coughed until it felt as if your lungs were turning inside out, if you’ve ever mittened the hands of an unhappy baby who is covered with chicken pox scabs, if you’ve walked the floor with a feverish toddler and wondered whether it is emergency room time or if you and your baby can wait until the doctor’s office opens in the morning, then you will want those immunizations. They aren’t perfect, but they could give your baby that necessary edge for good health. Immunizations Are a Part of Your Well-Baby Regimen Unless you or members of your family are prone to some unusual condition, immunizations should be part of your well-baby doctor visits. Your pediatrician will advise you as to any reactions that might require bringing your baby back for another visit. In today’s world where babies are often in daycare situations from infancy, vaccines help boost your little one’s immunity to the germs that kids seem to love to share. What did you think of our blog?
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by on September 30, 2021
Babies are in tune with mama’s voice. It is one of the first things that they hear, along with her heartbeat. They might hear other family voices, as well, helping them key in on the people who will care for them as they grow. Lullabies are a way to continue that focus, and to develop a warm relationship with your little one, a relationship that engenders trust and that will help carry you through the stormy years of developing independence. Sources for Lullabies If your mother and your mother’s mother sang to you and your siblings, then those songs become part of your memory bank. Even if you have to look them up to get all the words,  they are part of your heritage. If your family wasn’t focused on singing, you can still locate and learn lullabies. Walk into any music store,  go to the section that has music for children, and you are certain to find a recording or two of sleepy-time music. If your budget doesn’t run to buying music recordings, especially after purchasing all the “must-have” things for baby, your public library is like to have music recordings as well as a friendly librarian to point you toward some all-time favorites. If you have a device that plays sound, such as a phone, tablet or computer, YouTube has a wealth of lullabies, as well as background music for sleeping. Here are a few links and some ideas.   Hush Little Baby This is a classic lullaby, with a wide variety of lyrics. You can find a pretty recording of it here. This is an especially nice recording with sweet, gentle lyrics.  If you delve very deeply into lullabies you will discover that they, like nursery rhymes, often have hidden meanings and questionable pasts. But this one has all the earmarks of a perfect lullaby: a sweet, singsong tune that is easy to sing softly, multiple verses, and a tune to which you can add your own lyrics. Hush-a-Bye, or All the Pretty Horses All the Pretty Little Horses has an incredibly lovely melody. It is often suggested that it is of African-American origin, and that it might have been sung to the Master’s child, while the care-taker’s own child was left behind, untended. This recording is a sweetly sung version with one of the least jarring central verses. It might be noted that one version of the primary lyric runs, “…and when you wake, you shall have cake, and all the pretty little horses.” Brahms’s Lullaby No list of lullabies would be complete without the classic Brahm’s Lullabye. This pretty rendition from YouTube is complete with lyrics and two youngsters. Rock-a-bye Baby Here is a humorous rendition from Kids TV of this classic lullaby. The music is gentle and lovely, and the cartoon rendition is a loving recounting of this lullaby classic, as well as the classic frustration of a parent who is trying to get the youngest member of the family to sleep. What’ll We Do With the Baby-O This is another lullaby from the bad old days of the south. Clearly, care of this baby wasn’t high on anyone’s priority list! If you can find a copy of the lyrics from Suzette Haden Elgin’s filk song, it is much more fun and a lot more gentle – as was her explanation. It went something like this: back when people went to dances as a family, someone always got stuck watching the baby. You could sing mean lyrics to the baby, and he or she wouldn’t care as long as you bounced him or her (gently) on your knee. What would you do with the baby-o is a baby bouncing song designed to keep little ones entertained until the parents get off the dance floor. Elgin’s version started out, “What should we do with the baby-o? Send him off in a rocket-o…”   Sleepsong If you like your music a little more modern, here is a lovely one from Secret Garden’s album “Earth Songs.” It isn’t as easy to sing as some of the others, but if you squeak on some of the high notes, no one but you and the baby are likely to notice at 3:00 am. Irish Lullaby For sweetness you can scarcely surpass the Irish. This sweet and gentle lullaby is a wish for many good things for a little one.  It is also an acknowledgement that parents aren’t always able to fix all of the problems that will arise. But you can always wish. Lullabies don’t have to be traditional sleep songs for babies. They can be any song that has a repetitive rhythm, an easy tune and is something you can remember. For example, Janis Joplin’s song “of great social and political import,” the Mercedes Benz song makes a decent lullaby. Long mournful ballads with a lot of verses also work well. And we should not forget Arlo Guthrie’s Car Car song. The real point of a lullaby is to make soothing vocal noises that keep baby’s attention, then slowly lull the little … ah… sweetheart off to sleep. Hopefully the lulling part will be soon enough for a tired parent to get some sleep as well. Singing lullabies also gives the parent something to do while waiting for those little eyes to drift slowly closed. If some homemade lyrics get in there somewhere, well that’s the creative part of parenting. Just remember that if you sing something like, “Go to sleep, little creep…” it could come back to haunt you when your little one moves from preverbal into verbal. Just remember not to sing anything to your baby dearest that you don’t want to share with your mother-in-law, nursery school teacher, and any other handy adult. Babies do love to share, and they don’t discriminate. If you don’t have time or the voice to sing lullabies, there are long sections of sleepy-time songs available on YouTube, Amazon Prime, and many other sources. Just be careful that you don’t fall asleep along with your baby before you can get your little one tucked in for the night.
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by on October 2, 2021
Discipline is often a stressful subject for parents, no matter what age their children might be. Discipline too little, you are perceived as a neglectful or indulgent parent who is raising a wild hooligan. Discipline too much and you are seen as cruel and uncaring. There is a happy medium between these extremes, but it is not necessarily an easy road. No caring parent is ever completely satisfied with his or her actions as a disciplinarian. Let’s face it: it just isn’t the most enjoyable part of parenting. But there are some considerations and guidelines that can help. Age Appropriate All normal children pass through various stages of growth. An infant is essentially helpless, an older baby might become frustrated when unable to move from place to place. A toddler is fearless and impulsive. A preschool child between the ages of three and five, is just beginning to learn self-discipline. Children generally between the ages of five and ten begin to develop understanding, recrimination for wrong-doing, and a degree of self-discipline. This becomes strained during adolescence as the tween or teen copes with the onslaught of hormonal change. By age twenty-five, we expect most young people to have achieved a modicum of self-control and social responsibility. But they don’t get there without some direction along the way. The reason these stages are significant is that discipline, which should never be confused with punishment, needs to be appropriate to the age and development level of the child. There is really no point, for example, to punishing a baby that is less than three months of age for crying. Crying is, in fact, a healthy response and the child’s way of communicating hunger or discomfort. Frankly, child discipline begins with the parent having self-discipline. The behavior you model is the behavior your child will imitate. Children learn far more from what you do than from what you say. Age 0 to Three Months Discipline really is not an issue during these months. Growth and maturation will take care of most possible variables. One of the biggest considerations during this time for most parents is simply, “When will my little darling sleep soundly through the night?” The answer, of course, is when your little one’s system is sufficiently mature to take in enough nourishment to be able to comfortably sleep for more than three or four hours at a time. There are things you can do to encourage night-time, or on your schedule sleeping: Dim the lights in the room during sleep time Feed, change and cuddle, but do not play with your child at this time. Model sleeping, not playing video games, talking loudly or other activities Three Months to Six Months Your baby begins to develop self-will. He or she will develop likes and dislikes, demand attention as well as food and comfort, and toward the end of this time begin to develop a dislike of being stuck in one place. There aren’t very many things that can’t be coped with by simply letting the youngster have preferences, but one of the biggest is biting while nursing. It is probably one of the first disciplinary measures the mother will need to address, and with good reason: it hurts. The corrective measure is simple. If your baby decides to try out those shiny new teeth on mama’s nipple, stop nursing immediately. Say “No,” in a firm, calm voice and put your baby back in his crib or a similarly safe place and walk away. If he has broken the skin, clean the area and put a cleansing, baby safe ointment on the bite. Give yourself some time to calm down. Being bitten invokes primitive responses in anyone, even a parent. Finish nursing your infant, if you believe he or she is still hungry, after several minutes have passed. One correction is often enough. Some youngsters are a little more stubborn or perhaps a little less coordinated, but usually two or three repetitions of this procedure will usually end the behavior, and your little one can and will learn to nurse without inflicting pain. Rolling over, Crawling, Pulling Up and Walking During this phase your baby will have no idea which things in his or her world can cause bodily harm. It is the age of frantically baby proofing your world, thinking you have it proofed, only to discover that your little angel is an ingenious little demon who is bent on breaking, tearing and destroying your precious things. Furthermore, he or she has an affinity for forks and light sockets, tasting or chewing the indigestible, inspecting toilets and mop buckets, and climbing into places where you have no idea how he or she managed to scale the heights. Things Not to Do Here is a news bulletin: no matter how upsetting your infant’s activities might be, shaking, smacking hands, or spanking really are not your best responses. Yelling will produce absolutely nothing except that your child will learn early-on how to ignore your voice. What to Do Your best approach is to say, “No!” in a firm, moderately loud voice, remove your child from the hazardous situation, and place your baby dearest in a secure place, such as a deep walled playpen. You can even relieve your feelings by saying firmly, “That is something you should never, never do. You are now in Time Out!” There is a good chance that temper crying and possibly even some tears will ensue but hold your ground. Go clean up whatever it was that broke or got torn up. Allow about three to five minutes of tearful protests before you comfort your now very upset baby. After a few repeats of this, your “No!” should cause your child to at least hesitate before plunging into whatever mischief has been found. Won’t He or She Just do It Again? That really depends on the child. Some youngsters are more strong-willed than others. Some have shorter memories. It also depends on the activity. Some things are just a lot more fun than others. The more enjoyable the activity, the harder it is going to be to prevent the behaviour. If you can, after the disciplinary action, offer an alternative that is more fun, you will have a better chance for success. Sometimes you just have to be more stubborn than your child. Consistency, Consistency, Consistency Consistency is the key to good discipline. If it is wrong today, it is wrong tomorrow. If it is forbidden today, it is forbidden tomorrow. If you have to eat your vegetables and protein before having an apple today, then that rule should apply tomorrow. No amount of saying no or setting your child in time out will work if today he or she is in trouble for playing with the china tea set, and tomorrow you bring it out and encourage playing with it. All Siblings Abide by the Same Rules While you might make allowances for age, every child in your household should have to abide by the same set of rules. These might include things like “Hands to self,” “Respect other people’s stuff,” “Eat your vegetables,” “Do your chores,” and “Refrain from self-destructive behaviour.” Keep your rules few and keep them reasonable. Hold “Because I said so,” for the absolute last-ditch argument. Eventually, you are likely to have to use it – but remember, like salt, it should be applied sparingly. A Last Word About Time Out Time out not only gives your child time to realize he or she has misbehaved, but also gives you time to cool down. Being placed in a crib or playpen works for the littlest ones. A special chair in a special place works for older children who understand that they are to remain in that spot for a specific amount of time. For school age children, being sent to their room is a reasonable response. Do they have toys and other things there? Perhaps. But it is still a time for both parties to reflect on what has just happened. Role Modelling The example you set is the most important part of disciplining your child. Under pressure, humans tend to lash out. If you have a rule against hitting, but you spank your child or smack hands, you are setting a “do as I say, not as I do” example. Redirecting behaviour is essential for the well-being of your child. Hearing your firm, “No!” and obeying could be lifesaving. Setting a good example is essential. He or she who would discipline others, must first discipline him or herself. Rational Argument from Older Children Consistency is important in child rearing, but you can allow rational argument from older children. This is not to be confused with whining or temper tantrums. But even though you are the parent, there are times when you realize that you have made a mistake. Discussion should be allowable, as long as it does not endanger your child, yourself or others. Your “no,” however, should always create a time-out in whatever activity is underway. You can always say no first then listen afterward. Parenting is Not an Exact Science Parenting is not an exact science. Every child is different, every parent is different. What works for one might not work for another. But there are some things that work better than others. Therefore, keep these things in mind: When you discipline, do it for the sake of the child’s well-being. - Model the behavior you expect. - Be firm. - Be consistent. - Listen. Allow yourself room to change your mind but be sure to explain why you are relenting. - If you have to fall back on, “Because I am the parent and I said so,” try not to do it often. It is a feeble crutch but might sometimes be the only explanation you are free to offer. Love isn’t all you need to be a good parent or a firm, reasonable disciplinarian. But it is a good place to start. What did you think of our blog?
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by on December 29, 2022
A child with special needs or a learning difficulty frequently has difficulties communicating. Some children require speech and language therapy for improvement, and others require greater intervention and perhaps a communication device. Physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional, and sensory impairment are the four main types of disabilities that affect children (and adults). Many types of disabilities exist, including those that occur when children are born, those that occur after birth, and those that result from injuries. It is important for children with disabilities to receive early intervention and support if they have special needs.  Autism, on the other hand, involves uneven cognitive abilities, whereas many disabilities are associated with low cognitive abilities. A study published in Pediatrics found that children with learning disabilities often experience behavior problems related to anxiety and stress as well as reduced self-confidence. Aside from aggressive behavior, social isolation and aggression were also common symptoms. A growing child facing physical disabilities faces a number of challenges. Having these disabilities can interfere with their ability to get an education, interact with peers, earn a living, and become independent of their parents, relatives, or group home arrangements.   The most common special needs in children are: ADHD Dyscalculia Hearing impairment. Anxiety Asperger's Syndrome. Oppositional defiant disorder Psychiatric Disabilities Learning Disabilities Visual Impairments Medical Disabilities   Having a disabled child may increase stress and strain parents' mental and physical health, making it difficult to find affordable, appropriate childcare, affecting their choices about work, education/training, having additional children, and receiving public assistance. What are the best ways to raise a child who has special needs? Become familiar with your child's condition. Through this, you will be able to identify possible medical complications, assist their development, and advocate on their behalf; create an independent environment; education should be encouraged; make friends with other people who are going through the same thing. Communication is one of the most common problems that children with special needs and learning disabilities have. Some require speech therapy to remedy this, and others may need more interventions and possibly some form of communication device. Special needs encompasses many different diagnoses, it is a term that is commonly used across a wide range of media. For some parents, the word disability feels like limitations have been imposed prematurely on their child because of a label. What do you call a child with special needs? Rather than 'special needs,' the National Center on Disability and Journalism recommends 'disabled' in most contexts. You should ask the person you're referring to what they prefer. Neither children nor adults with disabilities are ever referred to as children with special needs or adults with special needs. US law always refers to them as individuals with disabilities.     A special needs child can be a big challenge, but it can also be a lot of fun. If you're a parent, you should try to learn everything you can about your child's needs and challenges so they're healthy, happy, and developing. That means doing a lot of research.   Read also: 5 Characteristics Of A Gifted Child That You Might Notice Why Do Parents Change Their Tone Of Voice When Talking To Their Kids Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One Tantrums In Toddlers: How To Stop And Handle Them
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by on June 29, 2022
The selection of your baby's name is the most important and beautiful thing for any parent. Because the name of a person is the identification of himself/herself. You cannot change it several times, you just get one chance to choose your baby's name, so choose it wisely not randomly. You need to think ahead with baby names and not choose something that will embarrass the child as they grow up. You could pick a name that has a cute short form, or you could give the baby a nickname unrelated to their birth certificate name. As the child grows up they can choose to move to the more formal version of their name. As to which names are cute, or which are acceptable for adults, that will depend hugely on where in the world you are. Just try to pick something with conventional spelling that is easy to pronounce. The sole idea of picking a name for a newborn is it being significant for the parents as well as for the future of the child. First you select the names you really like, next you find out what they mean, and from there you decide what really has a sense for you. The ideas that you and your couple have, the cultural surrounding you live in, and the connotations that this name might have in his/her life. One of the first things tocheck is that the name can be pronounced easily in most languages. Second, it does not make the child be distinguished or identified by it refering to an ethnic group (such as Cuauhtemoc) and third that they will not be bullied because of their name. In English, a “good” name is one that is reused over and over for centuries. Most English names were borrowed from other languages, rather than invented anew. “Unique” names have low prestige in English. But if you prefer goddess name for your baby, you might want to consider these name:  Aphrodite. Was the most beautiful of all the Goddesses and there are many tales of how she could encourage both Gods and humans to fall in love with her.  Dorothea. Opt for Dorothea, Dorothy, or Theodora. They all mean “gift of God.” Elidi. This name has Greek roots and means “gift of the sun.” Astraea. Goddess of justice, could be shortened to 'Rea' or 'Astra' Alethea (Greek). Goddess of truth. Andarta (Celtic). Warrior goddess of victory. Athena. Goddess of wisdom, war and guardian of Athens Avyanna. Strong, Powerful, Beautiful. Woman Selene. In Greek mythology and religion, Selene is the goddess of the Moon. Also known as Mene, she is the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia, and sister of the sun god Helios and the dawn goddess Eos. She drives her moon chariot across the heavens. Theia. Regarded as the goddess from which all light proceeded. Elea.  The personification of mercy, clemency, compassion and pity. The counterpart of the Roman goddess Clementia. Iris. In Greek mythology, the personification of the rainbow and (in Homer's Iliad, for example) a messenger of the gods. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, she was the daughter of Thaumas and the ocean nymph Electra. and the like. Please, think carefully before giving a baby a “cute” name. What sounds cute for a baby may sound ridiculous and embarrassing for an adult. She will be a baby for a short time, a year or so. She will be an adult for decades, and will have to get jobs, deal with government agencies, and otherwise make her way in the world.
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by on June 30, 2022
Baby could be born skinny, perhaps diagnosed as IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) at birth. Or he might have be born normal weight and become progressively leaner during the early months. Genetically lean babies are underweight babies when using medical criteria. There are three reasons why babies do not gain weight: not taking in enough calories, not absorbing calories or burning too many calories. Full-term newborn infants should take in about 1.5 to 2 ounces of breast milk or formula about every 3 hours. Premature infants need more calories than term babies. Slow weight gain could be a problem if your newborn doesn't regain their birth weight within 10 to 14 days after their birth. Your baby up to 3 months old gains less than an ounce a day. Your infant between 3 and 6 months gains less than 0.67 ounces a day. Symptoms of malnutrition in a child can include not growing or putting on weight at the expected rate (faltering growth) changes in behaviour, such as being unusually irritable, slow or anxious. low energy levels and tiring more easily than other children. Increasing calories by eating more healthy foods and adding additional sources of protein can help you and your unborn baby gain a healthy amount of weight. This is true for women who have just learned they are pregnant and for those who are already pregnant and need to up their baby's weight gain before birth. Babies who are formula fed generally gain weight faster than breastfed babies after the first 3 months of life. With formula feeding, it's easier to know how much milk your baby is getting. If your baby's doctor thinks it's necessary, you may have to supplement your baby with additional feedings of either pumped breast milk or infant formula. You can also try to pump and separate your foremilk from your hindmilk. Hindmilk is higher in fat and calories, which can help your baby gain more weight. Foods like potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, dal, ghee, ragi, almonds, yogurt, eggs and milk help the baby to gain weight. Please take a pediatricians' suggestion before you start any of these foods. As always follow a 3 day test rule. If you think your baby's weight is a concern, check with your pediatrician. Some factors like genetics, formula feeding, and your home environment may lead to baby's weight. A baby or toddler with this condition will have a thin skin hanging, which will be due to the lack of fat in their body. This can be detected through signs such as hanging skin, change in skin tone, hair-loss, baby may feel lethargic and will cry for a longer period of time. Your toddler may become underweight for all sorts of reasons. But it's most likely that he's simply burning off more calories than he takes in each day, especially if he's having a long spell of fussy eating. These phases do pass in time though. Your toddler may also lose weight if he's ill, perhaps with a tummy bug. While society may send a message that your baby has to have rolls of baby fat to be healthy, this isn't really true. As long as they're meeting developmental milestones, are alert and active, and are feeding well, you likely don't need to worry.
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by on September 29, 2021
Does feeding your baby solid foods earlier help in them sleeping more soundly? Does feeding your baby solid foods earlier help them sleep more soundly? Oh, my, is that ever a loaded question! First, let’s think about a few things. Is the baby breast fed? How early is “earlier”? Earlier than what? Does the child have food allergies? Are food allergies common in the family? Is the infant on special formula? Without knowing the real answer to these questions, the initial one is difficult to answer. Let’s go at this a different way. The Perfect Baby Food Under most circumstances, the milk of a healthy human mom is the best food for a human infant. It is perfectly balanced, calibrated to the child’s heritage and it is chock full of antigens and antibodies that can help keep a baby from catching every passing germ. More than that, it is convenient. It is always on tap, requires no heating, no bottles to wash. With minimal personal hygiene, the mom should not experience any of those horrible things that are described in many books such as chapped nipples, cracked or sore nipples, engorged breasts, etc., etc. That is not to say that these things cannot happen. But in most cases, the solutions are easy – a food grade moisturizer, making sure nipples are dry after a feeding, and similar common sense solutions. For a stay-at-home mom, breast feeding is the easiest, most economical way to feed a baby. Here a some tips on how to properly bottle feed your baby. In today’s economic environment, it is a lucky mom, indeed, who gets to stay at home with baby after the first six weeks. To maintain breastfeeding, she is likely to have to pump during the day, and that isn’t always easy to manage on the job. Being unable to allow the baby to nurse can cause some of the problems described above, and the sheer, unmitigated hassle of trying to deal with breast milk, daycare, breast pumps and the whole rest of it can lead to early weaning to a bottle at the very least.   One Tired Mama Working all day then caring for an infant half the night can lead to high stress and a sincere longing for the little darling to please, please sleep through the night. So by about the time Baby is eight weeks old, or two weeks after mom goes back to work, rice cereal gets mixed into formula or breastmilk at the eight or nine pm feeding in the sincere hope that Baby dearest will have a full tummy and will snooze until the alarm goes off, instead of being the 3:00 am alarm system. Sometimes, it works. But, sometimes, it backfires. Maturation and Digestion Prepared baby foods are, in a very real sense of the word, the result of commerce. The baby food business is big business. That doesn’t make it bad. Having food that is ready for Baby to eat without the extreme labor of cooking, mashing and straining is a true blessing. But here’s the real scoop: your baby has a perfectly sound biological clock that dictates when he or she is ready for solid food. Your best indicator that your infant is ready to taste-test solids is when he or she starts teething. Even then, for at least the first six months of life, your baby’s best nutrition is a healthy mama’s milk or the formula prescribed by your pediatrician. Your little mammal is hardwired to live on milk until he or she has chompers and hands that can hold and manipulate food. This will usually start to occur around age four months. What happens when you feed your baby solids before he or she can properly digest them? Just about what you might expect: a tummy ache. You can bet that you won’t be getting any extra sleep if you are up most of the night with a colicky baby! Taste Testing the World One way your baby signals that he or she is ready to try solids is by watching you eat or perhaps even grabbing at the spoon as you guide it toward your own mouth. This is when you can judiciously start allowing your little one to try a taste of this or that. Most pediatricians will recommend introducing one single food, then waiting a week or two. There are good, solid reasons for this. If your baby develops a reaction to a food, it is easier to track the cause of the problem if there has been only one small change in his or her diet, instead of dozens. Although a lot has been said (often loudly and long) about commercial baby foods, most go through much more stringent testing and care than regular foods. You can be pretty sure they are safe for your youngster to try. But babies have been introduced to gravy, ice cream, bananas, and even food pre-chewed by mom for centuries and often thrive on some pretty weird stuff. It probably doesn’t hurt to err on the side of caution, however. We do know about germs these days. Tiny Tank Needs Filled Often Babies are doing some pretty important stuff in those first weeks when it seems as if all they do is eat, make dirty diapers, sleep, eat and make more diapers. They are working hard at learning about their new world. They are listening to their mom, to people around them and getting a feel for how things are. They are learning to connect. And they are growing, body, brain, mind and soul, they are growing. All that growing takes a lot of fuel, and they don’t have a very big tank (tummy), so it needs filled up often. Breast milk digests quickly and well, so breast fed babies might need to top up a little more often than babies on formula. Don’t worry – they’ll catch up just fine. Levelling Out You don’t have to do anything special to get your baby sleeping on your schedule. Feed your little sweetie when that tummy is empty, cuddle briefly and tuck him or her back into bed. Take some time to talk and play during the daytime. Maturation is a wonderful thing. Soon you will both be able to sleep through the night. Hey, did we miss something? Comment below and let us know! 
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by on September 29, 2021
In the early 1970’s, one of the first foods pediatricians would recommend for infants was rice cereal – usually Gerber’s rice cereal. Gerber’s rice cereal, for those of you who have not been introduced to the intricacies of baby food, is a dry flake that look very much like bran flour but are not. The translucent flakes can be mixed with cereal or breast milk and either placed in a bottle with an enlarged nipple hole or spoon fed with a little spoon cushioned with a plastic wrap. The rice cereal was and is vitamin fortified, including a healthy dose of iron. Prior to the 1920’s, solid food was rarely introduced before age one year. The Driving Force Behind Rice Cereal The idea of feeding solids at an earlier age was introduced by Helen Marion McPherson Mackay, a British pediatrician. Dr. Mackay was famous for a few other firsts, as well. She was a graduate of the Royal Free Hospital’s medical college and was the first female physician at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. She was also one of the first women to be admitted to the Royal College of Physicians.   She was one of the first physicians to notice that between birth and age 2 months, babies seemed to decline in iron stores in their blood. After researching the problem, she recommended iron supplements for nursing mothers and an earlier feeding of solids to compensate for the loss of iron in very young infants. Of course, the recommendation caught the attention of commercial interests, and by 1931, a commercial baby food called Pablum was marketed by the Mead Johnson Company. The stuff could be made into a thin, watery gruel that could easily be fed to infants. Eventually, the company was bought out by H.J. Heinz.   Why Rice? The original Pablum was a mixture of farina (a wheat cereal), yellow corn meal, bone meal, dried brewer’s yeast, and alfalfa leaf. The mixture was fortified with iron. Eventually, wheat was outed as a potential trigger for several kinds of allergic reactions, and it was thought that by waiting until a child was older that these reactions could be avoided. This turned out not to be true. Allergies are one of those things that tend to be a permanent companion. Rice, unlike wheat, was found not to trigger allergies. Gerber, an American baby food company established in 1927, produces a line of “single grain cereals” including rice cereal. Gerber strained foods have been feeding more than three generations of Americans, so what is the current problem with rice cereal? Here is a useful video showing how to prepare Rice Cereal for babies. The Current Problem with Rice Cereal The problem with rice cereal in this twenty-first century is the rice. Or more precisely, where and how rice is grown. Rice, in the United States, is cultivated in California, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Mississippi. Many of the fields where rice is grown was also used to grow cotton and tobacco, crops that have had arsenic used as insecticides. Over time, the arsenic from the insecticides settled into the soil. Rice is grown in standing water and does an excellent job of wicking up inorganic arsenic, which is the harmful form of it, out of the soil. While this is good news in the long run for the environment, it is bad news for rice growers who would like to be able to sell their product. Can the Rice Grown on These Fields be Eaten? Fortunately, yes, the rice can be eaten. The arsenic content can be combatted by washing the rice and by cooking it in extra amounts of water and straining off the extra water. Some nutrients are lost this way, but the arsenic content is thus greatly reduced. But that brings us back to rice cereal. Since the dried flakes in Gerber cereals are intended to be mixed with a liquid and then consumed, it would be difficult or impossible to wash the cereal flakes. Fortunately, the Gerber company is aware of the problem and is taking steps to ensure that their baby cereals are safe. Here is a quotation from the company: “You carefully consider every bite your baby eats, and so do we. That’s why we monitor and test our rice ingredients and cereals for safety. We test for levels of substances like arsenic, which can occur naturally in soil and water and enter into crops, such as rice, as they grow. In 2017, all of our test results found arsenic levels for rice used in our infant rice cereals were below the proposed FDA guidance level of 100 ppb.”
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by on October 4, 2021
There are many things you need to know as a new parent. Rearing a new baby is a tasking and you should be ready and prepared for the challenges ahead. In this article, we shall discuss the 10 basic things a new parent should know. 1. Sleep when the baby sleeps You must have heard this on a number of occasions. Don’t cook, clean or worry about your baby whenever the baby is sleeping. The best time for you to sleep is when your baby is sleeping. Although the sleep won’t last, you may regret if you don’t take the advantage. 2. Swaddle your baby Swaddling is an ancient way of wrapping babies in blankets or similar clothes in such a way that their limbs are tightly restricted. Although it is an old technique, it still works in keeping your baby quiet and content. Do this properly and you are sure to have a happy, sleeping baby. 3. Don’t worry about the home noise You don’t need to worry yourself about the noise level of your home. If you live in a noisy environment, your baby will adjust and adapt to it. 4. Don’t overbuy You cannot get everything you want for your new baby. Cloths, Poncho, Carriage, and Diapers etc. are good but you may regret buying everything in the end. Babies are quick to grow and can outgrow those clothes in a matter of months. 5. Wake a sleeping baby to eat This can sound strange but it is an obvious truth. You have to wake a sleeping baby to eat. While enough sleep is important for your baby, enough food is also essential. This will ensure that your baby stays healthy and hydrated always. 6. You cannot over-pamper a new baby Hold your baby close to you as much as possible and do everything to keep them happy. Of course, there are sometimes when you need to let them cry it out but at their early stage, it is more than okay to spoil them rotten! 7. Listen to your baby Every baby is unique and different from the other. The fact that your neighbour’s baby sleep throughout the morning does not mean yours must also do the same. Spend quality time with your baby and pay attention to their behaviour and attitude. You should be able to differentiate between their hunger cry, stress cry, and hold me cry. 8. Relax Don’t overburden yourself. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed your baby will be. Simple formula! 9. Let Dad take over! Don’t be afraid to let dad takeover of the baby while you rest or do some other things. Dad also needs to be familiar with the baby’s routine as you do. Don’t stress yourself when dad asks to stay with the child for a while. He will come running for you when it’s time for mummy care. 10. Factor your baby in every plan When the time comes that you have to return to work or engage in your daily commitments, remember that you now have a baby. Thus, it is worthwhile to factor your baby into every plan. If you are preparing for work, you need to give yourself twice as much time as you used to. The same principle applies to commitments. Bottom line There is no singular rule for rearing babies. The best way is to understand your baby and follow your instinct. If things seem difficult, do not hesitate to visit your doctor for professional advice. Relax, listen and enjoy!
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by on November 14, 2022
Parents should try to limit the number of visitors their baby comes in close contact with on a regular basis. You may want to consider waiting two to three months before you invite family and friends to visit until your baby's immune system is stronger. Taking care of yourself and taking care of your child is the most important thing that you can do as a parent. Even if that means saying no to visitors after birth for a period of time, that is absolutely fine as you are the one in charge.   10 Ways to Say “No Visitors” After Baby:   You may want to wait a few days. If you can, have a family member stand guard for you. It is a good idea to schedule a “Meet the Baby” event. Post a Facebook post. Be sure to set clear limits for visitors. Think of ways that visitors might be able to help. Resist the urge to entertain your guests. There is nothing wrong with feeling 'off'. You don't have to tell anyone about it! Be firm!   Why should you not let other people kiss your newborn? Aside from the fact that kissing babies is potentially harmful, all individuals who have contact with babies, including parents, must avoid kissing them in order to prevent serious health problems. Considering the rise in cases of RSV and other illnesses, it is vital that everyone be aware that kissing babies can increase the risk of diseases and illnesses. In addition to this, the lungs of these babies are much smaller than those of adults, so any inflammation of the lungs is exponentially worse when the baby is smaller. RSV is spread through direct contact with respiratory droplets, so kissing, sharing drinks, or transferring things from mouth to mouth can spread it. Who should not hold a newborn? If someone is sick, they should not hold your baby. This should go without saying, but it is a fact that the presence of a sick person in the presence of your child can be fatal to them. It is forbidden for someone to cough or sneeze near your baby, much less the person who is holding them. How to tell people not to hold your baby? When you have a large group of people, make a general announcement, such as, "We can only touch the baby's feet" or "The baby needs to eat, so we'll give him some space." Parents should maintain firmness about who can or cannot hold the baby. It's common for women to feel guilty, but taking risks with a newborn is not worth it.     If you're ready to welcome visitors, it's perfectly okay to let friends and family hold your newborn infant for a short period of time. Just remember to ask them to wash their hands before they hold your baby. This is to prevent any germs from spreading to your newborn.   Read also: Hands-On Parenting: What Is It And How Can You Be One Traditional Parenting VS Modern Parenting: Which is better? What Is Co-parenting And What Are Your Responsibilities As A Co-parent?
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by on September 17, 2022
In general, newborns are considered babies under 2 months of age, infants can be considered children between 1 year and 4 years, and babies can be used to refer to any child under 4 years of age. FUN FACTS ABOUT BABIES: It is not possible for a baby to taste salt until it is four months old. In some cases, the delay may be caused by the development of the kidneys, which begin processing sodium around that age when the kidneys start to develop. The inner ear is a sensory organ in the body that develops completely before birth. It reaches its adult size in the middle of pregnancy.  At the time of birth, babies do not have kneecaps. It takes up to six months for the kneecaps to develop completely. As adults, we have 206 bones, whereas as babies, we have 300 bones. As they grow, their bones fuse together, resulting in fewer bones as they become adults.                                     When a newborn is born, he or she typically urinates about every 20 minutes and then approximately every hour at 6 months of age. It is estimated that babies have about 30,000 taste buds. Some are on the tongue while others are on the tongue's sides, back, and roof. Adults have about 10,000 taste buds.   Studies have shown that cesarean babies are more likely to have breathing difficulties due to missing out on crucial hormonal and physiological changes during labor. Baby heads are proportionally huge, accounting for one-quarter of the total body length, as opposed to only one-eighth of the whole body length of an adult. Babies respond positively to the fragrance of their mothers' breasts and ignore breast pads used by others. It is even more impressive that a blindfolded woman can identify her own baby from a multitude of other babies by smell alone. It is more pleasing to new babies to see a drawing of a face instead of a random pattern, and they prefer smiling faces to grumpy ones. A 5-year-old Peruvian girl named Lina Medina was the youngest person to give birth. She delivered a boy on May 14, 1939. Female babies spend a day longer in the womb than male babies on average. White babies, on average, spend five days longer in their mothers than black babies, while Indian babies spend six days in the womb as a result. It has been said that the best chance for a baby to survive gestation is at 22 years of age, the age when human fertility begins. It is estimated that a baby is born every three seconds around the world. At birth, the average weight of a baby is 7-8 pounds. The smallest baby ever to live weighed only 8.5 ounces. The brain of a newborn accounts for 10% of its total body weight. In adults, this figure is 2%. The brain of an infant increases two and half times in size by the end of its first year, and it triples by the end of its fifth year. Males have a slightly larger brain at all stages of development.       They can hold their breath and swim naturally. However, this ability quickly disappears. "Infant" derives from the Latin infants, meaning "unable to speak", and typically refers to children between 1 and 12 months old. "Newborn" usually refers to children within 28 days of birth. During the Middle Ages, unruly babies were perceived as the result of inadequate breast milk. A baby uses approximately 2,700 diapers a year on average. Babies prefer a female voice over a male voice, which may explain why people raise their pitch when talking to babies. The development of a baby's self-awareness begins around the age of 12 months. A child usually understands object permanence by the age of 8-9 months. After birth, the human brain doubles to reach 60% of its adult size by the time a child reaches kindergarten. By the time the child reaches his or her mid-20s, the brain is at its full size.  The word "baby" comes from the babbling of a baby, such as "ba-ba-ba-ba." According to psychologists, children do not remember much until the age of three due to infantile amnesia. Early experiences are not recorded by the brain as yet or are connected to language acquisition, so they do not get into long-term memory banks. In medieval Europe, leeches were used as a form of treatment for babies' illnesses. For instance, leeches were placed on a baby's windpipe to treat croup. Teething babies were also frequently purged or bled. The only primates that smile at their parents are human babies.  Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Mark Twain, Stevie Wonder, Johannes Kepler, and Sir Winston Churchill are all famous premature babies. Read this interesting article: Your Kids And Their Imaginary Friend and Top 10 Baby Cues And What They Actually Mean
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by on October 14, 2022
The modern-day parenting style, with its unique techniques, is known to be an important part of the foundation of self-esteem and self-confidence among kids. This is because modern parents are more concerned about the psychological well-being of their children as opposed to nurturing their physical abilities. As of twenty years ago, staying-at-home dads were not common. Now, we often see dads picking up children from school or participating in school activities. Equal shared parenting is an extension of co-parenting, but it divides time and responsibilities equally between the parents. Traditional parenting is inflexible and rigid. It emphasizes raising responsible and functional adults who have good manners, a sound education, and a strong work ethic. Modern parenting is flexible. Among the factors that are emphasized are nurturing, involvement, and letting children express their individuality freely. A traditional form of parenting is one in which the parents expect their children to obey authority and respect their cultural beliefs and values. This style of parenting can help children achieve higher academic results and have lower behavioral and psychological problems. Although parents of today face many challenges, they still give themselves a good grades overall for the work they are doing raising their children. The majority of parents who have children under 18 say that they have done an excellent job, and an additional 45% say that they have done a very good job. It is true that modern parenting has become influenced by the unique passions, values, and beliefs of each family to guide parenting decisions to ensure that good kid are raised while at the same time building a close bond between parents and children.    Challenges of modern-day parenting:   Maintaining a balance between work and family life. Culture-blaming Providing children with a quality education. Being afraid of saying 'no' or refusing to say it. Overloaded information It wasn't a big deal if the parents were hated in the 80's as long as their child grew up into a responsible, young adult and didn't get into trouble that would ruin his or her life as a child. Because they want to have the approval of their own children, parents today pamper and cater to their children’s every whims in order to feel that they are liked by them. While the amount of time parents spend with their children has not changed much over the years, they are spending more time doing hands-on child care today than they did in the past. It seems as if the amount of time spent on activities such as reading to children, doing crafts, taking them to lessons, attending recitals and games, and helping with homework has increased dramatically over time.     Growing up in the 80's: In those days, young kids were encouraged to go outside to play in the streets after school, and they were expected to arrive home in time for dinner. There were no watches, so when the sun went down and the street lights went on, that was our signal that our outdoor play time had come to an end. A traditional family was considered a social unit, while a modern family has developed a more individualistic outlook. As a rule, all members of a family lived in the same place during ancient times and they were bonded by common social and residential conditions which allowed them to be a part of one family. There has been a gradual deterioration of authority due to the demands of juggling personal, professional, and family obligations as well as a changing world and an increase in social isolation. As a result of today's negative behavior of their children, many parents today feel as though they have no longer been able to act and respond effectively to it. A child must have a sense of social connection, emotional stability, physical health, a varied view of interests, and at the core, a sense of holistic well-being in order to achieve and sustain their happiness.   Read also: How To Prepare Your Dog For The Arrival Of Your Newborn Baby The 10 Most Effective Ways For Moms To Practice Self-Care How To Be A Great Dad To Your Son Health And Wellbeing Tips For New Parents  
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