Tim Root
by on August 10, 2022  in Family & Home / How To /
6 Rating 128 views 8 Likes 1 Comments

Spoiled child is characterized as excessive, self-centered, and immature behavior". It includes lack of consideration for other people, recurrent temper tantrums, an inability to handle the delay of gratification, demands for having one's own way, obstructiveness, and manipulation to get their way. Some kids also say hurtful things as a means of trying to get what they want. If they can hurt you, you might feel bad or doubt yourself and give in. So in some cases, it's a way to achieve a more tangible goal.

When children don't listen, many parents are tempted to raise their voices. But yelling isn't likely to lead to positive results. According to this study shared by BetterHelp, the long-term psychological effects of yelling at a child includes Increased Anxiety. Short-term effects are that children feel bad, they eventually learn to tune us out and as they model our behaviour of yelling, they in turn yell too and can show increased aggression. 

Too often, our tantrums are born out of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Therefore, it's important not to put yourself in a position of feeling chronically overwhelmed by getting upset over every little annoying thing your child does. One way to combat this is to think hard about what is most important.

Children act mean because they're impulsive, they don't know better ways to solve problems, and their empathy isn't fully developed. “Induction” means guiding children to understand how their actions affect others.


When Your Kids Won't Listen, Do:

  1. Get on Their Level.
  2. Do find opportunities for praise. 
  3. Do set limits and keep them. 
  4. Be specific. 
  5. You're their parent, not their buddy.
  6. Be realistic with punishment.
  7. Reward the right behaviors.
  8.  Listen, listen, listen.


When Your Kids Won't Listen, Don't:

  1. Lecture your child about the broken rule and the lack of listening.
  2. Dwell on them “never” listening, bring up the incidents constantly.
  3. Punish them but instead give guidance and consequences.
  4. Belittle your child or try to make them feel bad.
  5. Don't back down from rules and limits.
  6. Don't view discipline as punishment. Discipline may feel as though you're punishing your kids.


The most powerful tool for effective discipline is attention to reinforce good behaviors and discourage others. Remember, all children want their parent's attention. Catch them being good. Children need to know when they do something bad and when they do something good.


Here are some good punishments for your child: 

  • Time-Ins. Most parents would give their kids time-outs for bad behaviour, wherein the kids sit silently in a corner. 
  • Exercise. 
  • Make them do Chores. 
  • Timer. 
  • Practise.
  • Punishment Jar. 
  • Cool-Off Time. 
  • Tidy Up the Clutter.


Positive discipline is a way of teaching and guiding children by letting them know what behavior is acceptable in a way that is firm, yet kind. Punishment describes methods of control, gained by requiring rules or orders be obeyed and punishing undesired behavior. Embrace natural consequences: When the punishment is specific to the offense and logical, kids have a better chance of modifying their behavior. Praise the right actions: Don't just punish the wrong behaviors. Make a habit of praising good decisions.


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this is where your patience as a parent comes in
August 14, 2022

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