by on September 30, 2021  in Baby Education /
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Human breast milk is usually the very best food possible for an infant, but there are exceptions. Something to remember when you are nursing an infant is that what you eat is passed through your milk to the baby – and that includes medications, alcoholic beverages, caffeine in various forms, nicotine and illegal drugs. You make milk from the things you ingest, as nature intended.

Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby

Good health for you and your baby begins with a healthy diet. That doesn’t mean you need to embrace a particular sort of diet, such as one of the well-known reducing diets. It means that you need a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, and quality protein sources. A recent popular diet study commented that the best diet is food. It went on to elaborate that we aren’t likely to be able to eat like our ancestors. No one is going to be able to go down to the local market and buy a mammoth steak. Even if we could, the kinds of vegetation mammoths and our ancestors ate has long since mutated into different forms. But real food, as close to the natural state as it is healthy to eat it, provides the best nutrients possible for humans.


Personal Comfort

Breasts that are full of milk are a lot heavier than those without. A good nursing bra can provide support, and is a lot more convenient than a regular bra when it comes feeding time. When shopping, buy one that fits comfortably around your ribs, but with a cup that is a size or two larger than your normal bra. Not only will you need to take into consideration your increased size, you might also want to have room for breast pads to keep from leaking. That will protect your blouse or dress front from being perpetually wet and help prevent staining. Have a look at a useful video showing you tips on how to breastfeed.

A baby is intent on one thing when nursing, and that is getting a good dinner. Especially early in the process, your nipples might become sore. They can also chap if you go out in the cold when they are damp, and teething can bring a whole new level to the need for a little self-care. Select a lotion that is safe for you and baby, then you won’t have to worry about washing it off before nursing.


Foods to Avoid When Nursing

Not all foods are the same, and not all mothers are the same, so “foods to avoid” can vary. A good rule of thumb is if the food makes you gassy, it is likely to form gas for baby, too. But you might find that eating certain foods that you love while nursing will give your baby an upset tummy. Chocolate can be a big offender in this department, and that can be hard for some moms to give up. But one long night walking the floor with a screaming baby who has the colic can make that delectable treat seem a lot less attractive. After all, you don’t have to give it up forever; just until your baby is old enough to eat on her own.

Getting a Chance to Eat While Nursing

Nursing a baby can give you quite an appetite. If you have other children, work at home, or have an outside job, you body is being taxed. Skipping meals simply is not a good option. One young woman developed a juggling method that allowed her to manage a sandwich in one hand, and a book in the hand attached to the arm that curled around the baby. With an active toddler, and a school-age child, it was the only way she got a chance to rest and eat.

Rotate Sides

Nursing a baby does cause some change in breast shape and size. To keep yours in good shape, unless you have twins, be sure to swap baby to the other side about half way through feeding so that you will develop evenly. Although your breasts are likely to eventually go back to an even size, it can be a bit of a bother to have one that is larger than the other for a while after your baby is weaned.

Wean your Baby Gradually

Unless you have a situation that dictates that you must wean your baby abruptly, it is best to do it gradually. If you know that you will have to return to work at the end of six weeks, begin using a breast pump and a bottle for daytime meals so your baby will become used to it. If possible, introduce your care giver early on as well to help prevent separation anxiety.

One grandmother who was baby-sitting her first grandson discovered that the baby had an internal timer that went off when he felt his parents should return. Grandma was fine until it was time for Mama to arrive. After that, the little fellow would begin fussing, then the fussing would turn into a full-fledged roar.

Introducing Solids

There are a lot of different theories about when to introduce solid foods, and when to start weaning your infant from breast or bottle. Each child is a little bit different, but there are certain signs that can help let you know when it is time. These include:

  • Eruption of those first teeth. You can keep nursing after that, but you and your wee one will probably need to come to an understanding about what those new chompers are for – biting mama is strictly off the menu. Interest in what other people are eating. Some babies will enjoy having a taste of whatever is available long before they are ready to seriously depend on solid food. Just keep in mind that tasting can sometimes cause tummy upsets. Ability to pick up and hold food. While feeding your baby with a spoon and making all those fun airplane noises can be a bonding time, when your baby can feed himself you might have a chance to eat a meal or two in peace.

Above all, enjoy your time with your baby. They are only little for a short time. Be sure to make time to share with Dad. While it is possible to raise a healthy, well-balanced child on your own, fathers play an important role in social development. Life gets to be very busy but spending a little time together as a family each day can be pleasant for everyone.

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