Dave Enriques
by on July 21, 2022  in Family & Home / Let's Talk Baby /
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Babies toss and turn frequently during pregnancy. You probably won't feel their movement until the middle of the second trimester.  After around 18 weeks, babies like to sleep in the womb while their mother is awake, since movement can rock them to sleep. They can feel pain at 22 weeks, and at 26 weeks they can move in response to a hand being rubbed on the mother's belly. Babies begin to move to a vertical lie, which means either head down or buttock down. A few more will wait to go vertical until 28 weeks and fewer at 30 weeks. They'll eventually settle into a position for delivery ideally head down, facing your back by week 36. Before that time, you shouldn't worry too much about your baby's position. Watch our video: From Pregnancy to Birth

At about 30 weeks about 25% of babies are not in a “cephalic” (head down) position. It is normal for the baby to turn head down even by about 34 weeks. So don't worry! It is a concern if the baby is not head down at 36 weeks and beyond. Typically, your baby will drop down in the uterus and move into position for birth in the third trimester. This happens in the last few weeks of your pregnancy (often between weeks 32 and 36). Your healthcare provider will check the position of the baby by touching your abdomen during your regular appointments.

Many women experience some pain or discomfort when their baby moves. If it only happens when your baby's moving, it's unlikely to be a sign that anything is wrong. If the pain doesn't go away when your baby stops moving, if it's severe, or if you have any other symptoms, call your GP or midwife straight away. What nobody tells you is how it will feel as it expands, and how that feeling can change over time. 

Your doctor can check your baby's position by feeling your abdomen for identifiable body parts such as the head and the rump. He or she may also perform a vaginal exam to feel for your baby's head just above your pubic bone. When the baby is head down, you'll probably be feeling kicking higher up in the belly, and discomfort or pressure in the pelvis rather than the upper belly.

The best way to find out is to speak with the doctor or midwife. At each appointment during the second and third trimesters, the doctor or midwife should feel the person's abdomen to check the position of the fetus. Depending on your stage of pregnancy, your body type, and even the time of day, sometimes your belly will feel soft and other times it will feel tight and hard. The reality is, there's no normal to compare yourself with.

Most babies turn during labour to the anterior position. Only 5-8 babies out of every 100 will stay in the posterior position.

Read An Instant Connection With Your Newborn: A Strong Feeling Of Affection

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Dave Enriques
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Tim Root
my sister is expecting a baby, hoping everything will be good and that she'll deliver the baby naturally and normally
July 21, 2022

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