Angel Young
by on July 20, 2022  in Baby Shopping / Baby Products / Let's Talk Baby /
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Safety will be the first thing you think of when thinking about what you use on your sleeping baby. Baby sleeping bags are a good option as they prevent your baby's head from being covered, but they must be manufactured to the highest standard. Infant sleeping bags can help reduce the risk of sudden death and also prevent arms and legs from getting trapped in the cot rails. You should not use a baby sleeping bag with a blanket. Baby sleeping bags are designed to be used alone and without any additional cover, so your baby does not overheat. 

Babies can use a sleeping bag up to the age of 3 or when they transition to a bed. Make sure your baby's sleepwear is fitted around the neck hole, has child-safe mechanisms (such as zips and press studs) and does not restrict their movement. Unlike a loose blanket, a sleep sack/sleep bag is like a “crib blanket” and will keep your child's temperature regulated while keeping their sleep space safe. The AAP's recommendation is that nothing is in the crib with your baby, just a tight fitted sheet until they're 12+ months.

Sleep sacks for babies aren't just adorable. They're safe, too. Studies show that infant sleep sacks are as safe. Those sleeping bags that don't have shoulder straps or have a neck opening that is too big for the child's head, can cause an overheating or suffocation risk to your little one if their head was to slip inside. Many parents find their babies sleep better in a sleeping bag.

Remember that sleep sacks that cover your baby's arms can make it dangerously difficult for them to extricate themselves from whatever position they get themselves into in their crib. Avoid using sleep sacks with sleeves until your pediatrician confirms they have reached a sufficient level of dexterity. The AAP recommends the use of approved sleep sacks instead of blankets to reduce the risk of SIDS. A weighted blanket could be especially risky to a baby or toddler, as the excess weight could cause the baby to get trapped underneath the blanket and be unable to move.

Weighted sleep sacks are good for baby because they help them feel secure and “held” - like a hug - which can also help calm a fussy baby. Keep in mind, weighted sleep sacks are considered safe as long as the weight of the sleep sack is no more than 10% of your baby's body weight.

Remember, a safe sleep space is one with no loose blankets, duvets, pillows, sheets, toys, or cot bumpers. Find out our amazing deals on baby's sleeping bag on our store. Check it out here: Ebaby's Marketplace

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Angel Young
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Danny Whyte
i'm thinking of buying a sleeping bag for my baby. thanks for this blog!
July 21, 2022

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