Damian Japcey
by on July 2, 2022  in Family & Home / How To /
2 Rating 120 views 1 Likes 1 Comments

Over 10% of children have eczema. Flare-ups are from skin contact with soap, shampoo, pollen or other irritating substances. About 30% of babies with severe eczema also have food allergies. The most common is cow's milk. Eczema can show up as crusty, flaky patches on your baby's skin, often during their first few months. It's common and treatable. Many infants outgrow it. For some children, eczema starts to go away by age 4. However, some children may continue to have dry, sensitive skin as they grow up.

Keep your child's skin moisturized. This can help keep eczema flare-ups and the itch at bay. Thick ointments, like petroleum jelly, contain more oil. That makes them the most effective at locking in moisture. Non-steroid eczema medicines (tacrolimus ointment, pimecrolimus cream, crisaborole ointment) also help heal irritated eczema rashes using different active ingredients than steroids. They can be helpful on mild eczema and on delicate areas of skin, like the eyelids, armpits and groin.

Due to its qualities that offer protection against infections, breast milk can help ease your baby's eczema. Drip some breast milk on a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area. Depending on the severity of the eczema, it might go away on its own over time or require upkeep and additional doctor supervision.

Wet wrapping to treat moderate to severe eczema is generally well tolerated. However, there are a few potential risks and side effects to consider. Covering the skin increases the potency of topical treatments, which may make them more effective. It's not clear-cut how frequently you should wash your little one if they have eczema. Some doctors advise daily baths for small children with eczema to help eliminate germs on the skin. Other doctors worry that frequent bathing will dry out a baby's skin and recommend limiting bathing to a few times a week.

In babies, eczema flare-ups can first appear between birth and three months. With the right treatment, those flare-ups will eventually disappear, but the potential for future flare-ups will always remain. For children, then, prevention is the key to keeping these uncomfortable dry, itchy patches at bay. Pediatric dermatologists can prescribe stronger topical steroid treatments and recommend additional therapies if needed, and can prescribe antibiotics if the inflamed, itchy skin leads to an infection.

Try some of these best natural remedies for eczema:

  1. Aloe vera gel
  2. Apple cider vinegar
  3. Bleach in the bath
  4. Colloidal oatmeal
  5. Baths
  6. Coconut oil
  7. Honey
  8. Tea tree oil.

Natural remedies cannot cure eczema, but they can help manage the symptoms and prevent flares.

Yellow crust indicates that there may be a bacterial infection. This needs to be checked out immediately by a doctor because if it goes untreated, it will get worse. Your doctor will be able to determine if antibiotics should be prescribed to stop the infection.

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Damian Japcey
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Alberta LaRouche
thank you for the tips !
July 21, 2022

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