Niko Bleight
by on March 23, 2023  in Family & Home / Let's Talk Baby /
6 Rating 83 views 13 Likes 3 Comments

Newborns typically spend a majority of their time sleeping, but they will wake up every few hours for feeding. It's important to note that newborns aren't capable of sleeping through the night due to their small stomachs, which require frequent feeding. On average, newborns feed every 2-4 hours, and they will have around 8-12 feedings within a 24-hour period. 

During the initial weeks after bringing your baby home, there are a few essential items that you will need to ensure your baby's well-being. These include a secure sleeping space, a car seat, diapers, as well as essential items for feeding, transportation, and maintaining good health.


Why do babies cry?

How long should I let my baby cry it out? What to know


Newborns primarily communicate their needs and emotions through crying. Hunger, exhaustion, discomfort, illness, and pain are some common reasons for a baby's crying. Other times, a change of environment or a need for comfort may cause them to cry. It's important to note that infants cry and fuss for an average of almost three hours per day. If your baby appears healthy, and you have attempted all soothing methods, it's acceptable to allow them to cry for a brief period. It's advisable to place them in a secure location, such as a crib, for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Some babies require crying before they can sleep, and they may fall asleep quicker if you permit them to cry on their own.


What are the typical issues that newborns may experience?

Newborns may experience common health concerns, such as colds, coughs, fevers, and vomiting. Additionally, skin issues such as diaper rash and cradle cap are also prevalent among babies. While these problems are usually not severe, it's crucial to understand how to aid your sick infant and recognize the red flags for more critical issues.


What are the daily tasks that parents should perform for their babies?

To give your children a better start in life, consider engaging in activities such as reading to them, allowing them to play on the computer, assisting with their homework, providing words of encouragement, and having daily conversations with them.  Several studies have demonstrated that positive touch, particularly slow caresses and gentle stroking, can create a sense of safety and comfort in infants. This is achieved by reducing their cortisol levels, a stress hormone, and promoting the production of oxytocin, a hormone that generates positive feelings, calms the infant, and enhances bonding.


How your life changes after having a baby?

Parenthood cultivates patience not only in everyday scenarios but also in the long term. Before having children, we were accustomed to impulsively buying anything we wanted. However, now we're discovering the satisfaction of planning, saving, and budgeting for significant life events like college funds and retirement plans.


Should I Limit How Much I Talk About My Baby? Yes and No, Say the Experts


Providing love and affection is crucial for fostering healthy brain development in children. The way parents respond to their children can significantly impact their self-esteem, confidence, and ability to manage stress.


Read also:

What To Expect From A Two-Year-Old Baby

The 5 Best Daily Habits For Raising A Happy Baby

How To Take Care Of A Newborn Baby

Why Good Manners Should Be Taught At An Early Age

5 Simple Ways To Bond With Your Newborn

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Alesha Whelock
having a baby is such a rollercoaster feeling
March 23, 2023
Kylie Dale
i love babies 1f642.png
March 24, 2023
Nara Oh
babies make your life colorful
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