Anjelica Lewis
by on November 25, 2022  in Family & Home / Let's Talk Baby / How To /
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The baby is placed in your arms as soon as possible after birth. Often, the baby is placed skin-to-skin on your chest while you are lying down. Some babies will be able to breastfeed right away. In the first hour or two following birth, most babies are alert and wide awake. A baby's reaction to skin-to-skin contact becomes an early language that contributes to his/her development and well-being, so it's beneficial both for you and your baby. When you keep eye contact with your baby, it facilitates meaningful communication at close range. Babies can follow moving objects with their eyes.

If you feel you haven't yet bonded with your child, it's normal to take a few days, a few weeks, or even several months for you to feel that special connection. There may never be a 'wham bam' moment, but instead a slow but steady growth of love. It's important not to feel under pressure to bond or to feel a failure as a parent if you haven't bonded. Here are some ways on how to bond with your newborn:


Bonding and attachment: newborns | Raising Children Network


Touch and cuddle your newborn regularly

There are several ways in which bonding can help improve your baby's mental and physical development. For instance, repeated human contact, such as holding, cuddling, talking, singing and gazing into each other's eyes, stimulates the growth of your baby's brain as a result of these hormones.

Respond to the crying of your child

The first thing you should do in response to your child's cries is to meet her most pressing needs first. For example, if she is hungry and cold and her diaper is wet, then you should change her diaper and then you can feed her. Consider if a piece of clothing or something else is making her uncomfortable if there is a shrieking or panicked quality to her cry.

Ensure that your newborn feels safe

Ensure your newborn feels physically safe by providing good head and neck support while you are holding them. You can also wrap your baby in a soft cloth to replicate the feeling of being in the womb. Make sure to talk to your newborn as often as you can in a soothing, reassuring tone.

Sing songs

Getting to sing to your baby reinforces their bond with you and your voice. Singing makes you the first and most important voice in your baby's life, and also teaches him that you love him! 

Look into your newborn's eyes when you talk to them

According to research, eye contact is a very important step toward newborn brain development because it syncs your brain waves with your child's, therefore improving communication later in the child's life as an adult. Eye contact actually syncs your brain waves with your baby's.


What Not To Do With A Newborn: 17 Things You Should Avoid

Having the ability to soothe an infant or provide physical comfort when needed is another way to establish trust between you and your baby. Babies recognize their caregivers through sight, smell, and sound, and when any of these can provide a level of comfort to them, it is significant evidence of the establishment of a bond between you both.


Read also:

10 Newborn Tips and Tricks For New Moms

How To Handle Visitors After Having A Baby

How to Deal With Sleep Deprivation As A New Mom

5 Tips To Childproof Your Home To Keep The Baby Safe

How To Be A Great Dad To Your Son

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Anjelica Lewis
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Donna Groves
i love this article.. direct to the point
November 28, 2022
Sara Coleman
this is 100% accurate
November 30, 2022
Neven Dravinski
great article read for new parents
December 8, 2022
Timmy Corbin
always attend to your newborn and don't leave them alone
December 17, 2022

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