Xyrah Kim
by on September 24, 2022  in Family & Home / Let's Talk Baby /
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Clearly, Lina Medina received good medical care at the time and place where she lived, especially given the type of time and place in which she lived, and she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The child was delivered through Cesarean section because the mother's prematurely widened hips would have made it difficult for her to pass a full-sized baby through the birth canal. After the infant was released from the hospital, Lina Medina's family went home to their village of Ticrapo, where he was named Gerardo after the doctor who examined Medina in the first place.

The Medina family was allowed to visit a specialist in child education at Columbia University named Paul Koask two years after the child was born. Koask discovered that the youngest woman to have given birth had "above normal intelligence," and that her baby was "perfectly normal."  "She considers the child to be a baby brother, and so do the rest of the family," he stated.

Lina Medina is the youngest woman to give birth. She was 5 years old : r/WTF

During the course of writing a book about the Medina case, an obstetrician named Jose Sandoval wrote that Medina frequently preferred to play with her dolls rather than her child. In regards to Gerardo Medina himself, he grew up believing that Medina was his older sister, and when he was about 10, he realized the truth about her. Despite the fact that Gerardo Medina was in good health for most of his life, he tragically ended up dying relatively young, at age 40 in 1979, after a long and painful battle with bone disease.

There is no information about the well-being of Lina Medina today, and it is unknown whether she is still alive or not. Following her shocking pregnancy, Lina Medina went on to live a quiet life in Peru. In her early adulthood, Lina found work as a secretary for the doctor who attended the birth, which she used to pay her way through school. During this time, Lina also managed to put Gerardo through school in the meantime.

How 5-Year-Old Lina Medina Became the Youngest Mother in History –  HistoryVille

A few years after her first son was born, Medina married a man named Ral Jurado in the early 1970s and gave birth to a second son when she was in her 30s. Media Medina and Ral Jurado were still married in 2002 and lived in the neighborhood in Lima. In light of Lina Medina's lifelong attitude toward publicity and the prying eyes of curious outsiders, it might be a good thing for her if her life remains secret. If she was still alive, she would be in her late 80s today. She was the youngest person in history to give birth.

Read the first part of this interesting article: Lina Medina: The Youngest Mother Ever Recorded In History

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