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by on March 23, 2023
Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful way to nourish your baby, but it's not always easy. Many new mothers struggle with low milk supply, which can be stressful and discouraging. That's where lactation teas come in. These teas are marketed as a supplement for increasing breast milk supply, but do they really work? In this article, we'll explore what lactation tea is, the herbs used, its safety, how to use it, and other ways to increase your milk supply. What is Lactation Tea? Lactation ...
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by on March 23, 2023
Becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful experiences in a woman's life, but it can also come with some challenges. One of the most significant issues that new moms face is weight gain during and after pregnancy. Gaining weight during pregnancy is a natural process, but losing it can be tough. Many women struggle to shed off the extra pounds even months after delivery. In this article, we will provide some useful tips and tricks for new moms to lose weight after pregnancy. Set Realistic ...
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by on March 23, 2023
Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience, but it can also be overwhelming for new moms, especially when their babies are colicky. Colic is a common condition that affects many babies, causing them to cry uncontrollably for hours on end. Colic is not only distressing for the baby but can also be frustrating and exhausting for the parents. While colic can have various causes, research suggests that breastfeeding mothers' diets may play a significant role in causing or alleviating colic symptoms. In...
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by on March 17, 2023
Teething in infants can cause quite a distress to both the infant and the parents. The process is normal and therefore there is no need to worry. Early signs will help you figure out what can be done to help soothe your infant while differentiating from other issues that your baby may be facing as it is common to confuse the symptoms.   When should you expect your infant to start teething? ...
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by on March 17, 2023
Colic is a common condition in infants characterized by excessive crying and fussiness. It affects around 20% of all babies and can be a source of frustration for parents. The good news is that there are several pediatrician-recommended tactics that can help ease colic symptoms. Dealing with Colic in Newborns: Tips for Parents What is the main cause of colic? ...
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by on March 14, 2023
Breastfeeding is a unique and beautiful journey that every new mother experiences. It is an intimate bond that connects a mother with her newborn. However, breastfeeding can also be challenging, especially during the first few days. Newborns require frequent feeding, and mothers may face difficulties such as engorgement, sore nipples, and low milk supply. In this article, we will share the top 14 breastfeeding tips for the first 14 days, along with a natural and organic solution to enhance breas...
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by on March 14, 2023
As a new parent, there's nothing more stressful than dealing with a crying baby. It's important to find natural solutions to support their health and well-being. That's why we're excited to introduce Secrets of Tea, a company that's dedicated to providing safe and effective products for babies and kids. In this guide, we'll discuss everything you need to know about soothing your baby's cries and finding natural solutions for colic and sleepless nights. Understanding Colic ...
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by on March 14, 2023
As a parent, you want the best for your baby or child, and that includes their health. One way to do that is by incorporating tea and supplements into their routine. Tea has been used for centuries to promote health and wellness, and there are a variety of teas available that are specifically formulated for babies and kids. Here are some of the most popular brands and how they can help support your child's health. ...
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